Reports an error in an ImageryProvider or TerrainProvider by raising an event if it has any listeners, or by logging the error to the console if the event has no listeners. This method also tracks the number of times the operation has been retried.
The error instance that was passed to the event listeners and that should be passed to this function the next time it is called for the same error in order to track retry counts.
The error instance returned by this function the last time it was called for this error, or undefined if this is the first time this error has occurred.
The imagery or terrain provider that encountered the error.
The event to raise to inform listeners of the error.
The message describing the error.
The X coordinate of the tile that experienced the error, or undefined if the error is not specific to a particular tile.
The Y coordinate of the tile that experienced the error, or undefined if the error is not specific to a particular tile.
The level-of-detail of the tile that experienced the error, or undefined if the error is not specific to a particular tile.
The error or exception that occurred, if any.