
abstract external class TerrainData(source)

Terrain data for a single tile. This type describes an interface and is not intended to be instantiated directly.

See also



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An array of credits for this tile.

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abstract var waterMask: Any

The water mask included in this terrain data, if any. A water mask is a rectangular Uint8Array or image where a value of 255 indicates water and a value of 0 indicates land. Values in between 0 and 255 are allowed as well to smoothly blend between land and water.


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abstract fun interpolateHeight(rectangle: Rectangle, longitude: Double, latitude: Double): Double

Computes the terrain height at a specified longitude and latitude.

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abstract fun isChildAvailable(thisX: Double, thisY: Double, childX: Double, childY: Double): Boolean

Determines if a given child tile is available, based on the TerrainData.childTileMask. The given child tile coordinates are assumed to be one of the four children of this tile. If non-child tile coordinates are given, the availability of the southeast child tile is returned.

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suspend fun upsample(tilingScheme: TilingScheme, thisX: Double, thisY: Double, thisLevel: Int, descendantX: Double, descendantY: Double, descendantLevel: Int): TerrainData?

Upsamples this terrain data for use by a descendant tile.

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abstract fun upsampleAsync(tilingScheme: TilingScheme, thisX: Double, thisY: Double, thisLevel: Int, descendantX: Double, descendantY: Double, descendantLevel: Int): Promise<TerrainData>?
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Gets a value indicating whether or not this terrain data was created by upsampling lower resolution terrain data. If this value is false, the data was obtained from some other source, such as by downloading it from a remote server. This method should return true for instances returned from a call to TerrainData.upsample.