
abstract external class TilingScheme(source)

A tiling scheme for geometry or imagery on the surface of an ellipsoid. At level-of-detail zero, the coarsest, least-detailed level, the number of tiles is configurable. At level of detail one, each of the level zero tiles has four children, two in each direction. At level of detail two, each of the level one tiles has four children, two in each direction. This continues for as many levels as are present in the geometry or imagery source.

See also



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abstract var ellipsoid: Ellipsoid

Gets the ellipsoid that is tiled by the tiling scheme.

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Gets the map projection used by the tiling scheme.

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abstract var rectangle: Rectangle

Gets the rectangle, in radians, covered by this tiling scheme.


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abstract fun getNumberOfXTilesAtLevel(level: Int): Int

Gets the total number of tiles in the X direction at a specified level-of-detail.

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abstract fun getNumberOfYTilesAtLevel(level: Int): Int

Gets the total number of tiles in the Y direction at a specified level-of-detail.

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abstract fun positionToTileXY(position: Cartographic, level: Int, result: Cartesian2? = definedExternally): Cartesian2

Calculates the tile x, y coordinates of the tile containing a given cartographic position.

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abstract fun rectangleToNativeRectangle(rectangle: Rectangle, result: Rectangle? = definedExternally): Rectangle

Transforms a rectangle specified in geodetic radians to the native coordinate system of this tiling scheme.

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abstract fun tileXYToNativeRectangle(x: Double, y: Double, level: Int, result: Any? = definedExternally): Rectangle

Converts tile x, y coordinates and level to a rectangle expressed in the native coordinates of the tiling scheme.

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abstract fun tileXYToRectangle(x: Double, y: Double, level: Int, result: Any? = definedExternally): Rectangle

Converts tile x, y coordinates and level to a cartographic rectangle in radians.