Package-level declarations


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external class Animation(val container: Element, val viewModel: AnimationViewModel)

The Animation widget provides buttons for play, pause, and reverse, along with the current time and date, surrounded by a "shuttle ring" for controlling the speed of animation.

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external class AnimationViewModel(var clockViewModel: ClockViewModel)

The view model for the Animation widget.

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external class BaseLayerPicker(var container: Element, options: BaseLayerPicker.ConstructorOptions)

The BaseLayerPicker is a single button widget that displays a panel of available imagery and terrain providers. When imagery is selected, the corresponding imagery layer is created and inserted as the base layer of the imagery collection; removing the existing base. When terrain is selected, it replaces the current terrain provider. Each item in the available providers list contains a name, a representative icon, and a tooltip to display more information when hovered. The list is initially empty, and must be configured before use, as illustrated in the below example.

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external class Cesium3DTilesInspector(var container: Element, scene: Scene)

Inspector widget to aid in debugging 3D Tiles

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external class Cesium3DTilesInspectorViewModel(val scene: Scene, val performanceContainer: HTMLElement)

The view model for Cesium3DTilesInspector.

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external class CesiumInspector(var container: Element, scene: Scene)

Inspector widget to aid in debugging

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external class CesiumInspectorViewModel(var scene: Scene, var performanceContainer: Element)

The view model for CesiumInspector.

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external class ClockViewModel(var clock: Clock = definedExternally)

A view model which exposes a Clock for user interfaces.

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abstract external class Command

A Command is a function with an extra canExecute observable property to determine whether the command can be executed. When executed, a Command function will check the value of canExecute and throw if false.

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typealias ComputeScreenSpacePosition = (position: Cartesian3, result: Cartesian2) -> Cartesian2

A function that converts the world position of an object to a screen space position.

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typealias CreationFunction = () -> Any

A function which creates one or more providers.

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typealias DateFormatter = (date: JulianDate, viewModel: AnimationViewModel) -> String

A function that formats a date for display.

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typealias DestinationFoundFunction = (viewModel: GeocoderViewModel, destination: Any) -> Unit

A function that handles the result of a successful geocode.

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external class FullscreenButton(var container: Element, fullscreenElement: Element? = definedExternally)

A single button widget for toggling fullscreen mode.

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external class FullscreenButtonViewModel(var fullscreenElement: Element = definedExternally, container: Element? = definedExternally)

The view model for FullscreenButton.

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external class Geocoder(options: Geocoder.ConstructorOptions)

A widget for finding addresses and landmarks, and flying the camera to them. Geocoding is performed using Cesium ion.

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The view model for the Geocoder widget.

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external class HomeButton(var container: Element, scene: Scene, duration: Double? = definedExternally)

A single button widget for returning to the default camera view of the current scene.

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external class HomeButtonViewModel(var scene: Scene, duration: Double? = definedExternally)

The view model for HomeButton.

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external class I3sBslExplorerViewModel(i3sProvider: I3SDataProvider)

The view model for I3SBuildingSceneLayerExplorer.

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external class I3SBuildingSceneLayerExplorer(containerId: String, i3sProvider: I3SDataProvider)

I3S Building Scene Layer widget

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external class InfoBox(var container: Element)

A widget for displaying information or a description.

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external class InfoBoxViewModel

The view model for InfoBox.

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The NavigationHelpButton is a single button widget for displaying instructions for navigating the globe with the mouse.

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The view model for NavigationHelpButton.

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external class PerformanceWatchdog(options: PerformanceWatchdog.ConstructorOptions? = definedExternally)

Monitors performance of the application and displays a message if poor performance is detected.

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The view model for PerformanceWatchdog.

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external class ProjectionPicker(var container: Element, scene: Scene)

The ProjectionPicker is a single button widget for switching between perspective and orthographic projections.

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external class ProjectionPickerViewModel(var scene: Scene)

The view model for ProjectionPicker.

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A view model that represents each item in the BaseLayerPicker.

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external class SceneModePicker(var container: Element, scene: Scene, duration: Double? = definedExternally)

The SceneModePicker is a single button widget for switching between scene modes; shown to the left in its expanded state. Programatic switching of scene modes will be automatically reflected in the widget as long as the specified Scene is used to perform the change.

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external class SceneModePickerViewModel(var scene: Scene, var duration: Double = definedExternally)

The view model for SceneModePicker.

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external class SelectionIndicator(var container: Element, scene: Scene)

A widget for displaying an indicator on a selected object.

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external class SelectionIndicatorViewModel(var scene: Scene, var selectionIndicatorElement: Element, var container: Element)

The view model for SelectionIndicator.

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external object SvgPathBindingHandler

A Knockout binding handler that creates a DOM element for a single SVG path. This binding handler will be registered as cesiumSvgPath.

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typealias TimeFormatter = (date: JulianDate, viewModel: AnimationViewModel) -> String

A function that formats a time for display.

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external class Timeline(var container: Element, clock: Clock)

The Timeline is a widget for displaying and controlling the current scene time.

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external class ToggleButtonViewModel(var command: Command)

A view model which exposes the properties of a toggle button.

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external class Viewer(val container: Element, options: Viewer.ConstructorOptions? = definedExternally)

A base widget for building applications. It composites all of the standard Cesium widgets into one reusable package. The widget can always be extended by using mixins, which add functionality useful for a variety of applications.

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sealed external interface ViewerDragDropMixinOptions
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typealias ViewerMixin = (viewer: Viewer, options: Any) -> Unit

A function that augments a Viewer instance with additional functionality.

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sealed external interface ViewerPerformanceWatchdogMixinOptions
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external class VoxelInspector(var container: Element, scene: Scene)

Inspector widget to aid in debugging voxels

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external class VoxelInspectorViewModel(val scene: Scene)

The view model for VoxelInspector.

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external class VRButton(var container: Element, scene: Scene, vrElement: Element? = definedExternally)

A single button widget for toggling vr mode.

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external class VRButtonViewModel(scene: Scene, var vrElement: Element = definedExternally)

The view model for VRButton.


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external fun createCommand(func: Function<*>, canExecute: Boolean? = definedExternally)

Create a Command from a given function, for use with ViewModels.

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inline fun Viewer(container: Element, block: Viewer.ConstructorOptions.() -> Unit): Viewer
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A mixin which adds the Cesium3DTilesInspector widget to the Viewer widget. Rather than being called directly, this function is normally passed as a parameter to Viewer.extend, as shown in the example below.

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external fun viewerCesiumInspectorMixin(viewer: Viewer)

A mixin which adds the CesiumInspector widget to the Viewer widget. Rather than being called directly, this function is normally passed as a parameter to Viewer.extend, as shown in the example below.

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external fun viewerDragDropMixin(viewer: Viewer, options: ViewerDragDropMixinOptions? = definedExternally)

A mixin which adds default drag and drop support for CZML files to the Viewer widget. Rather than being called directly, this function is normally passed as a parameter to Viewer.extend, as shown in the example below.

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external fun viewerPerformanceWatchdogMixin(viewer: Viewer, options: ViewerPerformanceWatchdogMixinOptions? = definedExternally)

A mixin which adds the PerformanceWatchdog widget to the Viewer widget. Rather than being called directly, this function is normally passed as a parameter to Viewer.extend, as shown in the example below.

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external fun viewerVoxelInspectorMixin(viewer: Viewer)

A mixin which adds the VoxelInspector widget to the Viewer widget. Rather than being called directly, this function is normally passed as a parameter to Viewer.extend, as shown in the example below.