
open external class ListFormat(locales: UnicodeBCP47LocaleIdentifier = definedExternally, options: ListFormatOptions = definedExternally)(source)


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constructor(locales: Locale, options: ListFormatOptions = definedExternally)
constructor(locales: ReadonlyArray<UnicodeBCP47LocaleIdentifier>, options: ListFormatOptions = definedExternally)
constructor(locales: ReadonlyArray<Locale>, options: ListFormatOptions = definedExternally)
constructor(locales: UnicodeBCP47LocaleIdentifier = definedExternally, options: ListFormatOptions = definedExternally)


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object Companion


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Returns a string with a language-specific representation of the list.

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Returns an Array of objects representing the different components that can be used to format a list of values in a locale-aware fashion.

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Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and style formatting options computed during the construction of the current Intl.ListFormat object.