
Provides playback of time-dynamic point cloud data.

Point cloud frames are prefetched in intervals determined by the average frame load time and the current clock speed. If intermediate frames cannot be loaded in time to meet playback speed, they will be skipped. If frames are sufficiently small or the clock is sufficiently slow then no frames will be skipped.

See also


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sealed interface ConstructorOptions


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The bounding sphere of the frame being rendered. Returns undefined if no frame is being rendered.

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The ClippingPlaneCollection used to selectively disable rendering the point cloud.

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The event fired to indicate that a new frame was rendered.

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The event fired to indicate that a frame failed to load. A frame may fail to load if the request for its uri fails or processing fails due to invalid content.

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The maximum amount of GPU memory (in MB) that may be used to cache point cloud frames.

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A 4x4 transformation matrix that transforms the point cloud.

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Options for controlling point size based on geometric error and eye dome lighting.

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Determines whether the point cloud casts or receives shadows from light sources.

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Determines if the point cloud will be shown.

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The style, defined using the 3D Tiles Styling language, applied to each point in the point cloud.

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The total amount of GPU memory in bytes used by the point cloud.


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fun destroy()

Destroys the WebGL resources held by this object. Destroying an object allows for deterministic release of WebGL resources, instead of relying on the garbage collector to destroy this object.

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Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.

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Marks the point cloud's TimeDynamicPointCloud.style as dirty, which forces all points to re-evaluate the style in the next frame.