
sealed interface ConstructorOptions(source)


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The ClippingPlaneCollection used to selectively disable rendering the point cloud.

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abstract var clock: Clock

A Clock instance that is used when determining the value for the time dimension.

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A TimeIntervalCollection with its data property being an object containing a uri to a 3D Tiles Point Cloud tile and an optional transform.

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abstract var maximumMemoryUsage: Int?

The maximum amount of memory in MB that can be used by the point cloud. Default value - 256

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abstract var modelMatrix: Matrix4?

A 4x4 transformation matrix that transforms the point cloud. Default value - Matrix4.IDENTITY

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abstract var shading: Any?

Options for constructing a PointCloudShading object to control point attenuation and eye dome lighting.

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abstract var shadows: ShadowMode?

Determines whether the point cloud casts or receives shadows from light sources. Default value - ShadowMode.ENABLED

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abstract var show: Boolean?

Determines if the point cloud will be shown. Default value - true

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abstract var style: Cesium3DTileStyle?

The style, defined using the 3D Tiles Styling language, applied to each point in the point cloud.