
external class PointCloudShading(source)

Options for performing point attenuation based on geometric error when rendering point clouds using 3D Tiles.

See also


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object Companion


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Perform point attenuation based on geometric error.

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Determines whether back-facing points are hidden. This option works only if data has normals included.

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Average base resolution for the dataset in meters. Used in place of geometric error when geometric error is 0. If undefined, an approximation will be computed for each tile that has geometric error of 0.

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Use eye dome lighting when drawing with point attenuation Requires support for EXT_frag_depth, OES_texture_float, and WEBGL_draw_buffers extensions in WebGL 1.0, otherwise eye dome lighting is ignored.

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Thickness of contours from eye dome lighting

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Eye dome lighting strength (apparent contrast)

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Scale to be applied to the geometric error before computing attenuation.

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Maximum point attenuation in pixels. If undefined, the Cesium3DTileset's maximumScreenSpaceError will be used.

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Determines whether a point cloud that contains normals is shaded by the scene's light source.