Package-level declarations


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sealed external interface ReceiveMessageOnPortResult
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sealed external interface ResourceLimits
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typealias Serializable = Any
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typealias TransferListItem = Any
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external class Worker : EventEmitter

The Worker class represents an independent JavaScript execution thread. Most Node.js APIs are available inside of it.

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sealed external interface WorkerEvent
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sealed external interface WorkerOptions
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sealed external interface WorkerPerformance


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external val isMainThread: Boolean
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external val parentPort: MessagePort?
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external val SHARE_ENV: Symbol
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external val threadId: Double
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external val workerData: Any?


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Within a worker thread, worker.getEnvironmentData() returns a clone of data passed to the spawning thread's worker.setEnvironmentData(). Every new Worker receives its own copy of the environment data automatically.

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external fun markAsUntransferable(value: Any)

Mark an object as not transferable. If object occurs in the transfer list of a port.postMessage() call, it is ignored.

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external fun moveMessagePortToContext(port: MessagePort, contextifiedSandbox: Context): MessagePort

Transfer a MessagePort to a different vm Context. The original port object is rendered unusable, and the returned MessagePort instance takes its place.

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Receive a single message from a given MessagePort. If no message is available,undefined is returned, otherwise an object with a single message property that contains the message payload, corresponding to the oldest message in the MessagePort's queue.

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external fun setEnvironmentData(key: Serializable, value: Serializable)

The worker.setEnvironmentData() API sets the content of worker.getEnvironmentData() in the current thread and all new Worker instances spawned from the current context.