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Creates an empty NativeImage instance.

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Creates a new NativeImage instance from buffer that contains the raw bitmap pixel data returned by toBitmap(). The specific format is platform-dependent.

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fun createFromBuffer(buffer: Buffer, options: CreateFromBufferOptions = definedExternally): NativeImage

Creates a new NativeImage instance from buffer. Tries to decode as PNG or JPEG first.

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Creates a new NativeImage instance from dataUrl, a base 64 encoded Data URL string.

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fun createFromNamedImage(imageName: String, hslShift: ReadonlyArray<Double> = definedExternally): NativeImage

Creates a new NativeImage instance from the NSImage that maps to the given image name. See Apple's NSImageName documentation for a list of possible values.

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Creates a new NativeImage instance from a file located at path. This method returns an empty image if the path does not exist, cannot be read, or is not a valid image.

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fulfilled with the file's thumbnail preview image, which is a NativeImage.