
external class CumulusCloud(source)
A cloud is created and its initial properties are set by calling [CloudCollection.add]. and [CloudCollection.remove]. Do not call the constructor directly.
A cumulus cloud billboard positioned in the 3D scene, that is created and rendered using a [CloudCollection].

See also


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Gets or sets the brightness of the cloud. This can be used to give clouds a darker, grayer appearance.

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Sets the color of the cloud

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Gets or sets the maximum size of the cumulus cloud rendered on the billboard. This defines a maximum ellipsoid volume that the cloud can appear in. Rather than guaranteeing a specific size, this specifies a boundary for the cloud to appear in, and changing it can affect the shape of the cloud. Changing the z-value of maximumSize has the most dramatic effect on the cloud's appearance because it changes the depth of the cloud, and thus the positions at which the cloud-shaping texture is sampled.

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Gets or sets the Cartesian position of this cumulus cloud.

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Gets or sets the scale of the cumulus cloud billboard in meters. The scale property will affect the size of the billboard, but not the cloud's actual appearance.

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Determines if this cumulus cloud will be shown. Use this to hide or show a cloud, instead of removing it and re-adding it to the collection.

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Gets or sets the "slice" of the cloud that is rendered on the billboard, i.e. the specific cross-section of the cloud chosen for the billboard's appearance. Given a value between 0 and 1, the slice specifies how deeply into the cloud to intersect based on its maximum size in the z-direction.