
Gets or sets the "slice" of the cloud that is rendered on the billboard, i.e. the specific cross-section of the cloud chosen for the billboard's appearance. Given a value between 0 and 1, the slice specifies how deeply into the cloud to intersect based on its maximum size in the z-direction.

Due to the nature in which this slice is calculated, values below 0.2 may result in cross-sections that are too small, and the edge of the ellipsoid will be visible. Similarly, values above 0.7 will cause the cloud to appear smaller. Values outside the range [0.1, 0.9] should be avoided entirely because they do not produce desirable results.

If slice is set to a negative number, the cloud will not render a cross-section. Instead, it will render the outside of the ellipsoid that is visible. For clouds with small values of maximumSize.z, this can produce good-looking results, but for larger clouds, this can result in a cloud that is undesirably warped to the ellipsoid volume.

See also