
Visualizes a vertex attribute by displaying it as a color for debugging.

Components for well-known unit-length vectors, i.e., normal, tangent, and bitangent, are scaled and biased from -1.0, 1.0 to (-1.0, 1.0).

const primitive = new Primitive({
geometryInstances : // ...
appearance : new DebugAppearance({
attributeName : 'normal'

See also


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sealed interface ConstructorOptions


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The name of the attribute being visualized.

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When true, the geometry is expected to be closed.

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The GLSL source code for the fragment shader. The full fragment shader source is built procedurally taking into account the DebugAppearance.material. Use DebugAppearance.getFragmentShaderSource to get the full source.

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The GLSL datatype of the attribute being visualized.

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This property is part of the Appearance interface, but is not used by DebugAppearance since a fully custom fragment shader is used.

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The WebGL fixed-function state to use when rendering the geometry.

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When true, the geometry is expected to appear translucent.

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The GLSL source code for the vertex shader.


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Returns the full GLSL fragment shader source, which for DebugAppearance is just DebugAppearance.fragmentShaderSource.

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Creates a render state. This is not the final render state instance; instead, it can contain a subset of render state properties identical to the render state created in the context.

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Determines if the geometry is translucent based on DebugAppearance.translucent.