
external class Spherical(var clock: Double = definedExternally, var cone: Double = definedExternally, var magnitude: Double = definedExternally)(source)

A set of curvilinear 3-dimensional coordinates.

See also


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constructor(clock: Double = definedExternally, cone: Double = definedExternally, magnitude: Double = definedExternally)


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object Companion


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The angular coordinate lying in the xy-plane measured from the positive x-axis and toward the positive y-axis. Default value - 0.0

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The angular coordinate measured from the positive z-axis and toward the negative z-axis. Default value - 0.0

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The linear coordinate measured from the origin. Default value - 1.0


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fun clone(result: Spherical? = definedExternally): Spherical

Creates a duplicate of this Spherical.

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fun equalsEpsilon(other: Spherical, epsilon: Double): Boolean

Returns true if this spherical is within the provided epsilon of the provided spherical, false otherwise.