
external class ImageryLayer(val imageryProvider: ImageryProvider = definedExternally, options: ImageryLayer.ConstructorOptions? = definedExternally)(source)

An imagery layer that displays tiled image data from a single imagery provider on a Globe.

// Add an OpenStreetMaps layer
const imageryLayer = new ImageryLayer(new OpenStreetMapImageryProvider({
url: ""
// Add Cesium ion's default world imagery layer
const imageryLayer = ImageryLayer.fromWorldImagery();
// Add a new transparent layer from Cesium ion
const imageryLayer = ImageryLayer.fromProviderAsync(IonImageryProvider.fromAssetId(3812));
imageryLayer.alpha = 0.5;



An object describing initialization options

See also


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constructor(imageryProvider: ImageryProvider = definedExternally, options: ImageryLayer.ConstructorOptions? = definedExternally)


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object Companion
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sealed interface ConstructorOptions

Initialization options for the ImageryLayer constructor.


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The alpha blending value of this layer, with 0.0 representing fully transparent and 1.0 representing fully opaque.

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The brightness of this layer. 1.0 uses the unmodified imagery color. Less than 1.0 makes the imagery darker while greater than 1.0 makes it brighter.

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Color value that should be set to transparent.

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Normalized (0-1) threshold for color-to-alpha.

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The contrast of this layer. 1.0 uses the unmodified imagery color. Less than 1.0 reduces the contrast while greater than 1.0 increases it.

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Rectangle cutout in this layer of imagery.

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The alpha blending value of this layer on the day side of the globe, with 0.0 representing fully transparent and 1.0 representing fully opaque. This only takes effect when Globe.enableLighting is true.

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The gamma correction to apply to this layer. 1.0 uses the unmodified imagery color.

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var hue: Double

The hue of this layer in radians. 0.0 uses the unmodified imagery color.

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The imagery provider to use.

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The alpha blending value of this layer on the night side of the globe, with 0.0 representing fully transparent and 1.0 representing fully opaque. This only takes effect when Globe.enableLighting is true.

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Returns true when the terrain provider has been successfully created. Otherwise, returns false.

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Gets an event that is raised when the imagery provider has been successfully created. Event listeners are passed the created instance of ImageryProvider.

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Gets the rectangle of this layer. If this rectangle is smaller than the rectangle of the ImageryProvider, only a portion of the imagery provider is shown.

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The saturation of this layer. 1.0 uses the unmodified imagery color. Less than 1.0 reduces the saturation while greater than 1.0 increases it.

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Determines if this layer is shown.

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The SplitDirection to apply to this layer.


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fun destroy()

Destroys the WebGL resources held by this object. Destroying an object allows for deterministic release of WebGL resources, instead of relying on the garbage collector to destroy this object.

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Computes the intersection of this layer's rectangle with the imagery provider's availability rectangle, producing the overall bounds of imagery that can be produced by this layer.

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Gets a value indicating whether this layer is the base layer in the ImageryLayerCollection. The base layer is the one that underlies all others. It is special in that it is treated as if it has global rectangle, even if it actually does not, by stretching the texels at the edges over the entire globe.

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Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.