
external class PerspectiveFrustum(source)

The viewing frustum is defined by 6 planes. Each plane is represented by a Cartesian4 object, where the x, y, and z components define the unit vector normal to the plane, and the w component is the distance of the plane from the origin/camera position.

const frustum = new PerspectiveFrustum({
fov : Math.PI_OVER_THREE,
aspectRatio : canvas.clientWidth / canvas.clientHeight
near : 1.0,
far : 1000.0

See also


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The aspect ratio of the frustum's width to it's height.

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var far: Double

The distance of the far plane.

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var fov: Double

The angle of the field of view (FOV), in radians. This angle will be used as the horizontal FOV if the width is greater than the height, otherwise it will be the vertical FOV.

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Gets the angle of the vertical field of view, in radians.

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The perspective projection matrix computed from the view frustum with an infinite far plane.

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The distance of the near plane.

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Gets the perspective projection matrix computed from the view frustum.

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Offsets the frustum in the x direction.

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Offsets the frustum in the y direction.


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fun clone(result: PerspectiveFrustum? = definedExternally): PerspectiveFrustum

Returns a duplicate of a PerspectiveFrustum instance.

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Creates a culling volume for this frustum.

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fun equalsEpsilon(other: PerspectiveFrustum, relativeEpsilon: Double, absoluteEpsilon: Double? = definedExternally): Boolean

Compares the provided PerspectiveFrustum componentwise and returns true if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test, false otherwise.

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fun getPixelDimensions(drawingBufferWidth: Double, drawingBufferHeight: Double, distance: Double, pixelRatio: Double, result: Cartesian2): Cartesian2

Returns the pixel's width and height in meters.