
Provides detailed network timing data regarding the loading of an application's resources.

The constructor of this class is not exposed to users directly.


v18.2.0, v16.17.0


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The high resolution millisecond timestamp representing the time immediately after Node.js finishes establishing the connection to the server to retrieve the resource.

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The high resolution millisecond timestamp representing the time immediately before Node.js starts to establish the connection to the server to retrieve the resource.

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A number representing the size (in octets) received from the fetch (HTTP or cache), of the message body, after removing any applied content-codings.

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val detail: Any?

Additional detail specific to the entryType.

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The high resolution millisecond timestamp representing the time immediately after the Node.js finished the domain name lookup for the resource.

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The high resolution millisecond timestamp immediately before the Node.js starts the domain name lookup for the resource.

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open val duration: Double

The total number of milliseconds elapsed for this entry. This value will not be meaningful for all Performance Entry types.

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A number representing the size (in octets) received from the fetch (HTTP or cache), of the payload body, before removing any applied content-codings.

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The high resolution millisecond timestamp immediately before the Node.js starts to fetch the resource.

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The name of the performance entry.

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The high resolution millisecond timestamp that will be created immediately after receiving the last byte of the response of the last redirect.

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The high resolution millisecond timestamp that represents the start time of the fetch which initiates the redirect.

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The high resolution millisecond timestamp representing the time immediately before Node.js receives the first byte of the response from the server.

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The high resolution millisecond timestamp representing the time immediately after Node.js receives the last byte of the resource or immediately before the transport connection is closed, whichever comes first.

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The high resolution millisecond timestamp representing the time immediately before Node.js starts the handshake process to secure the current connection.

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The high resolution millisecond timestamp marking the starting time of the Performance Entry.

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A number representing the size (in octets) of the fetched resource. The size includes the response header fields plus the response payload body.

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The high resolution millisecond timestamp at immediately before dispatching the fetch request. If the resource is not intercepted by a worker the property will always return 0.


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open override fun toJSON(): Any?

Returns a object that is the JSON representation of the PerformanceResourceTiming object