
external class I3SNode(source)

This class implements an I3S Node. In CesiumJS each I3SNode creates a Cesium3DTile.

Do not construct this directly, instead access tiles through I3SLayer.

See also


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sealed interface AttributeFilter

A filter given by an attribute name and values. The 3D feature object should be hidden if its value for the attribute name is not specified in the collection of values.


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Gets the children nodes.

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val data: Any

Gets the I3S data for this object.

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Gets the collection of features.

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Gets the collection of fields.

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Gets the collection of geometries.

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Gets the parent layer.

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Gets the parent node.

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Gets the resource for the node.

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Gets the Cesium3DTile for this node.


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fun getFieldsForFeature(featureIndex: Int): Any

Returns the fields for a given feature

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Returns the fields for a given picked position

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suspend fun loadField(name: String)

Loads the node field.

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suspend fun loadFields()

Loads the node fields.

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