
external class I3SLayer(source)

This class implements an I3S layer. In CesiumJS each I3SLayer creates a Cesium3DTileset.

Do not construct this directly, instead access layers through I3SDataProvider.

See also


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val data: Any

Gets the I3S data for this object.

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When true, when the loaded I3S version is 1.6 or older

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The major version number of the loaded I3S dataset

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The minor version number of the loaded I3S dataset

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Gets the resource for the layer.

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Gets the root node of this layer.

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Gets the Cesium3DTileset for this layer.

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The version string of the loaded I3S dataset


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suspend fun filterByAttributes(filters: ReadonlyArray<I3SNode.AttributeFilter>? = definedExternally)

Filters the drawn elements of a layer to specific attribute names and values

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