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The function to execute if the flight is cancelled.

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The function to execute when the flight is complete.

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abstract var duration: Double?

The duration of the flight in seconds. If omitted, Cesium attempts to calculate an ideal duration based on the distance to be traveled by the flight.

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Controls how the time is interpolated over the duration of the flight.

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abstract var endTransform: Matrix4?

Transform matrix representing the reference frame the camera will be in when the flight is completed.

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abstract var flyOverLongitude: Double?

There are always two ways between 2 points on globe. This option force camera to choose fight direction to fly over that longitude.

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Fly over the lon specifyed via flyOverLongitude only if that way is not longer than short way times flyOverLongitudeWeight.

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abstract var maximumHeight: Double?

The maximum height at the peak of the flight.

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abstract var offset: HeadingPitchRange?

The offset from the target in the local east-north-up reference frame centered at the target.

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abstract var pitchAdjustHeight: Double?

If camera flyes higher than that value, adjust pitch duiring the flight to look down, and keep Earth in viewport.