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abstract var about: String?
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abstract var accessKey: String?
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abstract var action: Ref<PopoverActions>?

A ref for imperative actions. It currently only supports updatePosition() action.

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abstract override var anchorEl: (element: Element) -> Element?

An HTML element, or a function that returns one. It's used to set the position of the menu.

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This is the point on the anchor where the popover's anchorEl will attach to. This is not used when the anchorReference is 'anchorPosition'.

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This is the position that may be used to set the position of the popover. The coordinates are relative to the application's client area.

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This determines which anchor prop to refer to when setting the position of the popover.

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abstract var autoCapitalize: String?
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abstract var autoCorrect: String?
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abstract override var autoFocus: Boolean?

If true (Default) will focus the [role="menu"] if no focusable child is found. Disabled children are not focusable. If you set this prop to false focus will be placed on the parent modal container. This has severe accessibility implications and should only be considered if you manage focus otherwise.

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abstract var autoSave: String?
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A backdrop component. This prop enables custom backdrop rendering.

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Props applied to the /material-ui/api/backdrop/ element.

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abstract override var children: ReactNode?

Menu contents, normally MenuItems.

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abstract override var classes: MenuClasses?

Override or extend the styles applied to the component.

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abstract var className: ClassName?
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When set to true the Modal waits until a nested Transition is completed before closing.

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abstract var component: ElementType<*>?
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The components used for each slot inside.

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The extra props for the slot components. You can override the existing props or add new ones.

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abstract override var container: Element?

An HTML element, component instance, or function that returns either. The container will passed to the Modal component.

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abstract var content: String?
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abstract var contentEditable: Any?
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abstract var contextMenu: String?
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abstract var datatype: String?
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abstract var defaultChecked: Boolean?
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abstract var defaultValue: Any?
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abstract var dir: String?
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abstract var disableAutoFocus: Boolean?

If true, the modal will not automatically shift focus to itself when it opens, and replace it to the last focused element when it closes. This also works correctly with any modal children that have the disableAutoFocus prop.

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When opening the menu will not focus the active item but the [role="menu"] unless autoFocus is also set to false. Not using the default means not following WAI-ARIA authoring practices. Please be considerate about possible accessibility implications.

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If true, the modal will not prevent focus from leaving the modal while open.

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If true, hitting escape will not fire the onClose callback.

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abstract var disablePortal: Boolean?

The children will be under the DOM hierarchy of the parent component.

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If true, the modal will not restore focus to previously focused element once modal is hidden or unmounted.

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abstract var disableScrollLock: Boolean?

Disable the scroll lock behavior.

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abstract var draggable: Boolean?
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abstract var elevation: Number?

The elevation of the popover.

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abstract var hidden: Boolean?
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abstract var hideBackdrop: Boolean?

If true, the backdrop is not rendered.

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abstract var id: String?
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abstract var inlist: Any?
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abstract var inputMode: InputMode?
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abstract var is: String?
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abstract var itemID: String?
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abstract var itemProp: String?
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abstract var itemRef: String?
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abstract var itemScope: Boolean?
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abstract var itemType: String?
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abstract var keepMounted: Boolean?

Always keep the children in the DOM. This prop can be useful in SEO situation or when you want to maximize the responsiveness of the Modal.

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abstract var key: Key?
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abstract var lang: String?
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abstract var marginThreshold: Number?

Specifies how close to the edge of the window the popover can appear. If null, the popover will not be constrained by the window.

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Props applied to the /material-ui/api/menu-list/ element.

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abstract var nonce: String?
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Callback fired when the backdrop is clicked.

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abstract override var onClose: Any?

Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.

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abstract var onTransitionEnter: () -> Unit?

A function called when a transition enters.

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abstract var onTransitionExited: () -> Unit?

A function called when a transition has exited.

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abstract override var open: Boolean

If true, the component is shown.

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abstract var PaperProps: PaperProps?

Props applied to the /material-ui/api/paper/ element.

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classes prop applied to the /material-ui/api/popover/ element.

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abstract var prefix: String?
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abstract var property: String?
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abstract var radioGroup: String?
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abstract var ref: Ref<HTMLDivElement>?
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abstract var rel: String?
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abstract var resource: String?
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abstract var results: String?
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abstract var rev: String?
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abstract var role: AriaRole?
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abstract var security: String?
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abstract var slot: String?
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abstract override var slotProps: PopoverProps.SlotProps?

The extra props for the slot components. You can override the existing props or add new ones.

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abstract override var slots: PopoverProps.Slots?

The components used for each slot inside.

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abstract var spellCheck: Boolean?
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abstract var style: CSSProperties?
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abstract override var sx: SxProps<Theme>?

The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles.

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abstract var tabIndex: Int?
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abstract var title: String?
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This is the point on the popover which will attach to the anchor's origin.

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The component used for the transition. /material-ui/transitions/#transitioncomponent-prop to learn more about the requirements for this component.

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abstract override var transitionDuration: Any?

The length of the transition in ms, or 'auto'

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abstract override var TransitionProps: TransitionProps?

Props applied to the transition element. By default, the element is based on this Transition component.

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abstract var translate: Translate?
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abstract var typeof: String?
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abstract var unselectable: Unselectable?
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abstract var variant: MenuVariant?

The variant to use. Use menu to prevent selected items from impacting the initial focus.

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abstract var vocab: String?


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open inline fun <P : Props> child(type: ElementType<P>, props: P)
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open inline operator fun <P : Props> ElementType<P>.invoke()
open inline operator fun <T> ContextType<T>.invoke(noinline block: ProviderProps<T>.() -> Unit)
open inline operator fun <P : Props> ElementType<P>.invoke(noinline block: P.() -> Unit)
open inline operator fun <T> ContextType<T>.invoke(value: T, noinline block: ChildrenBuilder.() -> Unit)
open inline operator fun <T> Provider<T>.invoke(value: T, noinline block: ChildrenBuilder.() -> Unit)
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open inline operator fun Char.unaryPlus()
open inline operator fun String?.unaryPlus()
open inline operator fun ReactNode?.unaryPlus()
open inline operator fun Props?.unaryPlus()