An Accelerator
(optional) indicating the item's accelerator, if set.
A boolean
indicating if the accelerator should be registered with the system or just displayed.
A string
(optional) indicating the item's role, if set. Can be undo
, redo
, cut
, copy
, paste
, pasteAndMatchStyle
, delete
, selectAll
, reload
, forceReload
, toggleDevTools
, resetZoom
, zoomIn
, zoomOut
, toggleSpellChecker
, togglefullscreen
, window
, minimize
, close
, help
, about
, services
, hide
, hideOthers
, unhide
, quit
, startSpeaking
, stopSpeaking
, zoom
, front
, appMenu
, fileMenu
, editMenu
, viewMenu
, shareMenu
, recentDocuments
, toggleTabBar
, selectNextTab
, selectPreviousTab
, showAllTabs
, mergeAllWindows
, clearRecentDocuments
, moveTabToNewWindow
or windowMenu
A SharingItem
indicating the item to share when the role
is shareMenu
A string
indicating the type of the item. Can be normal
, separator
, submenu
, checkbox
or radio
An Accelerator | null
indicating the item's user-assigned accelerator for the menu item.