
sealed interface AddAllOptions(source)


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If defined, computes the local animation time for all of the animations.

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abstract var delay: Double?

The delay, in seconds, from startTime to start playing. This will only affect the animation if options.loop is ModelAnimationLoop.NONE. Default value - 0.0

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abstract var loop: ModelAnimationLoop?

Determines if and how the animations are looped. Default value - ModelAnimationLoop.NONE

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abstract var multiplier: Double?

Values greater than 1.0 increase the speed that the animations play relative to the scene clock speed; values less than 1.0 decrease the speed. Default value - 1.0

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abstract var removeOnStop: Boolean?

When true, the animations are removed after they stop playing. This will only affect the animation if options.loop is ModelAnimationLoop.NONE. Default value - false

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abstract var reverse: Boolean?

When true, the animations are played in reverse. Default value - false

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abstract var startTime: JulianDate?

The scene time to start playing the animations. When this is undefined, the animations starts at the next frame.

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abstract var stopTime: JulianDate?

The scene time to stop playing the animations. When this is undefined, the animations are played for its full duration.