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open override val packedLength: Int

The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.


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fun clone(box: OrientedBoundingBox, result: OrientedBoundingBox? = definedExternally): OrientedBoundingBox

Duplicates a OrientedBoundingBox instance.

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Computes the eight corners of an oriented bounding box. The corners are ordered by (-X, -Y, -Z), (-X, -Y, +Z), (-X, +Y, -Z), (-X, +Y, +Z), (+X, -Y, -Z), (+X, -Y, +Z), (+X, +Y, -Z), (+X, +Y, +Z).

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fun computePlaneDistances(box: OrientedBoundingBox, position: Cartesian3, direction: Cartesian3, result: Interval? = definedExternally): Interval

The distances calculated by the vector from the center of the bounding box to position projected onto direction.

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Computes a transformation matrix from an oriented bounding box.

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Computes the estimated distance squared from the closest point on a bounding box to a point.

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Compares the provided OrientedBoundingBox componentwise and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.

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fun fromPoints(positions: ReadonlyArray<Cartesian3>? = definedExternally, result: OrientedBoundingBox? = definedExternally): OrientedBoundingBox

Computes an instance of an OrientedBoundingBox of the given positions. This is an implementation of Stefan Gottschalk's Collision Queries using Oriented Bounding Boxes solution (PHD thesis). Reference:

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fun fromRectangle(rectangle: Rectangle, minimumHeight: Double? = definedExternally, maximumHeight: Double? = definedExternally, ellipsoid: Ellipsoid? = definedExternally, result: OrientedBoundingBox? = definedExternally): OrientedBoundingBox

Computes an OrientedBoundingBox that bounds a Rectangle on the surface of an Ellipsoid. There are no guarantees about the orientation of the bounding box.

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fun fromTransformation(transformation: Matrix4, result: OrientedBoundingBox? = definedExternally): OrientedBoundingBox

Computes an OrientedBoundingBox that bounds an affine transformation.

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Determines which side of a plane the oriented bounding box is located.

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Determines whether or not a bounding box is hidden from view by the occluder.

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open override fun pack(value: OrientedBoundingBox, array: ReadonlyArray<Double>, startingIndex: Int?): ReadonlyArray<Double>

Stores the provided instance into the provided array.

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open override fun unpack(array: ReadonlyArray<Double>, startingIndex: Int?, result: OrientedBoundingBox?): OrientedBoundingBox

Retrieves an instance from a packed array.