
Stored map from non-relative module name to a table: directory -> result of module lookup in this directory We support only non-relative module names because resolution of relative module names is usually more deterministic and thus less expensive.



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abstract fun clear()
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abstract fun getFromNonRelativeNameCache(nonRelativeName: String, mode: ResolutionMode, directoryName: String, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference?): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations?
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abstract fun getOrCreateCacheForModuleName(nonRelativeModuleName: String, mode: ResolutionMode, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference = definedExternally): PerModuleNameCache
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abstract fun update(options: CompilerOptions)

Updates with the current compilerOptions the cache will operate with. This updates the redirects map as well if needed so module resolutions are cached if they can across the projects