Package-level declarations


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typealias __String = Any

This represents a string whose leading underscore have been escaped by adding extra leading underscores. The shape of this brand is rather unique compared to others we've used. Instead of just an intersection of a string and an object, it is that union-ed with an intersection of void and an object. This makes it wholly incompatible with a normal string (which is good, it cannot be misused on assignment or on usage), while still being comparable with a normal string via === (also good) and castable from a string.

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sealed external interface AccessExpression : Node
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sealed external interface AmdDependency
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sealed external interface ApplicableRefactorInfo

A set of one or more available refactoring actions, grouped under a parent refactoring.

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sealed external interface ApplyCodeActionCommandResult
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sealed external interface ArrayBindingElement : Node
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sealed external interface ArrayBindingPatternParent : Node
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sealed external interface ArrayTypeNode : TypeNode, TypeReferenceNodeField
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sealed external interface AsExpression : Expression, AssertionExpression
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sealed external interface AssertClause : ImportAttributes
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sealed external interface AssertEntry : ImportAttribute
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sealed external interface AssertionExpression : Node, HasType
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sealed external interface AssignmentPattern : Node
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sealed external interface AwaitExpression : UnaryExpression
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sealed external interface BaseType
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sealed external interface BigIntLiteral : LiteralExpression, LiteralToken
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sealed external interface BigIntLiteralType : LiteralType
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sealed external interface BinaryOperator : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface BindingName : Node, DeclarationName
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sealed external interface BindingOrAssignmentElement : Node
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sealed external interface BindingOrAssignmentElementRestIndicator : Node
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sealed external interface BindingOrAssignmentElementTarget : Node
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sealed external interface Block : Statement, LocalsContainer, HasJSDoc, BlockLike
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sealed external interface BlockLike : Node
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sealed external interface BreakOrContinueStatement : Node
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sealed external interface BufferEncoding
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sealed external interface BuilderProgram

Builder to manage the program state changes

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sealed external interface BuilderProgramHost
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sealed external interface BuildOptions
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sealed external interface Bundle : Node
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sealed external interface BundlePrependsItem : Node
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sealed external interface CallHierarchyIncomingCall
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sealed external interface CallHierarchyItem
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sealed external interface CallHierarchyOutgoingCall
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sealed external interface CallLikeExpression : Node
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sealed external interface CancellationToken
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sealed external interface CaseBlock : Node, LocalsContainer
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sealed external interface CaseOrDefaultClause : Node, BlockLike
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sealed external interface CheckJsDirective : TextRange
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sealed external interface ClassificationInfo
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sealed external interface ClassificationResult
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sealed external interface Classifications
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sealed external interface ClassificationType
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sealed external interface ClassificationTypeNames
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sealed external interface ClassifiedSpan
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sealed external interface ClassifiedSpan2020
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sealed external interface Classifier
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sealed external interface ClassLikeDeclarationBaseKind : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface ClassMemberModifier : Node
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sealed external interface ClassStaticBlockDeclarationParent : Node
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sealed external interface CodeAction
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sealed external interface CodeFixAction : CodeAction
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sealed external interface CombinedCodeActions
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sealed external interface CombinedCodeFixScope
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sealed external interface CommaListExpression : Expression

A list of comma-separated expressions. This node is only created by transformations.

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sealed external interface CommentKind : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface CommentRange : TextRange
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sealed external interface CompilerHost : ModuleResolutionHost
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sealed external interface CompilerOptions
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sealed external interface CompletionEntry
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sealed external interface CompletionEntryData
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sealed external interface CompletionEntryDataAutoImport
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sealed external interface CompletionEntryDetails
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sealed external interface CompletionEntryLabelDetails
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sealed external interface CompletionInfo
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sealed external interface CompletionInfoFlags
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sealed external interface CompletionTriggerKind
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sealed external interface ComputedPropertyName : Node, PropertyName
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sealed external interface ConciseBody : Node
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sealed external interface ConditionalExpression : Expression
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sealed external interface ConditionalRoot
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sealed external interface ConditionalType : InstantiableType
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sealed external interface ConditionalTypeNode : TypeNode, LocalsContainer
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sealed external interface ConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter

Reports config file diagnostics

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sealed external interface ConvertCompilerOptionsFromJsonResult
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sealed external interface ConvertTypeAcquisitionFromJsonResult
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sealed external interface CoreTransformationContext
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typealias CreateProgram<T> = (rootNames: ReadonlyArray<String>?, options: CompilerOptions?, host: CompilerHost?, oldProgram: T?, configFileParsingDiagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>?, projectReferences: ReadonlyArray<ProjectReference>?) -> T

Create the program with rootNames and options, if they are undefined, oldProgram and new configFile diagnostics create new program

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sealed external interface CreateProgramOptions
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sealed external interface CreateSourceFileOptions
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sealed external interface CreateUnparsedSourceFileType
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sealed external interface CustomTransformer
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sealed external interface CustomTransformers
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sealed external interface DebuggerStatement : Statement, FlowContainer, HasJSDoc
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sealed external interface Declaration : Node
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sealed external interface DeclarationName : Node
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sealed external interface DeclarationStatement : NamedDeclaration, Statement
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sealed external interface DeclarationStatementName : Node, DeclarationName
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sealed external interface DeclarationWithTypeParameters : Node
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sealed external interface Decorator : Node, ModifierLike, CallLikeExpression
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sealed external interface DefaultClause : Node, CaseOrDefaultClause
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sealed external interface DeferredTypeReference : TypeReference
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sealed external interface DefinitionInfo : DocumentSpan
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sealed external interface DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan
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sealed external interface DeleteExpression : UnaryExpression
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sealed external interface DestructuringAssignment : Node
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sealed external interface DestructuringPattern : Node
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sealed external interface Diagnostic : DiagnosticRelatedInformation
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sealed external interface DiagnosticCategory
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sealed external interface DiagnosticMessage
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sealed external interface DiagnosticMessageChain

A linked list of formatted diagnostic messages to be used as part of a multiline message. It is built from the bottom up, leaving the head to be the "main" diagnostic. While it seems that DiagnosticMessageChain is structurally similar to DiagnosticMessage, the difference is that messages are all preformatted in DMC.

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sealed external interface DiagnosticRelatedInformation
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typealias DiagnosticReporter = (diagnostic: Diagnostic) -> Unit
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sealed external interface DiagnosticWithLocation : Diagnostic
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typealias DirectoryWatcherCallback = (fileName: String) -> Unit
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sealed external interface DocCommentTemplateOptions
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sealed external interface DocumentHighlights
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sealed external interface DocumentRegistry

The document registry represents a store of SourceFile objects that can be shared between multiple LanguageService instances. A LanguageService instance holds on the SourceFile (AST) of files in the context. SourceFile objects account for most of the memory usage by the language service. Sharing the same DocumentRegistry instance between different instances of LanguageService allow for more efficient memory utilization since all projects will share at least the library file (lib.d.ts).

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sealed external interface DocumentSpan
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sealed external interface EditorOptions
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sealed external interface EditorSettings
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sealed external interface ElementFlags
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The builder that can handle the changes in program and iterate through changed file to emit the files The semantic diagnostics are cached per file and managed by clearing for the changed/affected files

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sealed external interface EmitFlags
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sealed external interface EmitHelper
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sealed external interface EmitHelperBase
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sealed external interface EmitHint
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sealed external interface EmitOutput
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sealed external interface EmitResult
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sealed external interface EmptyStatement : Statement, HasJSDoc
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sealed external interface EndOfLineState
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sealed external interface EntityNameOrEntityNameExpression : Node
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sealed external interface EnumType : FreshableType
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typealias ErrorCallback = (message: DiagnosticMessage, length: Double, arg0: Any?) -> Unit
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sealed external interface EvolvingArrayType : ObjectType
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sealed external interface ExitStatus

Return code used by getEmitOutput function to indicate status of the function

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This is either an export = or an export default declaration. Unless isExportEquals is set, this node was parsed as an export default.

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sealed external interface ExportDeclarationParent : Node
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typealias ExportMapInfoKey = Any
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sealed external interface ExpressionStatement : Statement, FlowContainer, HasJSDoc
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sealed external interface ExtendedConfigCacheEntry
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sealed external interface Extension
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sealed external interface ExternalModuleReference : Node, ModuleReference
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sealed external interface FalseLiteral : PrimaryExpression, BooleanLiteral
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sealed external interface FileExtensionInfo
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sealed external interface FileReference : TextRange
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sealed external interface FileTextChanges
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sealed external interface FileWatcher
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typealias FileWatcherCallback = (fileName: String, eventKind: FileWatcherEventKind, modifiedTime: Date?) -> Unit
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sealed external interface FileWatcherEventKind
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sealed external interface FlowArrayMutation : FlowNodeBase, FlowNode
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sealed external interface FlowArrayMutationNode : Node
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sealed external interface FlowAssignment : FlowNodeBase, FlowNode
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sealed external interface FlowAssignmentNode : Node
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sealed external interface FlowCall : FlowNodeBase, FlowNode
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sealed external interface FlowCondition : FlowNodeBase, FlowNode
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sealed external interface FlowContainer : Node
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sealed external interface FlowFlags
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sealed external interface FlowLabel : FlowNodeBase, FlowNode
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sealed external interface FlowNode
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sealed external interface FlowNodeBase
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sealed external interface FlowReduceLabel : FlowNodeBase, FlowNode
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sealed external interface FlowStart : FlowNodeBase, FlowNode
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sealed external interface FlowStartNode : Node
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sealed external interface FlowSwitchClause : FlowNodeBase, FlowNode
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sealed external interface FlowType
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sealed external interface ForInitializer : Node
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sealed external interface ForInOrOfStatement : Node
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sealed external interface FormatCodeOptions : EditorOptions
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sealed external interface FormatCodeSettings : EditorSettings
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sealed external interface FormatDiagnosticsHost
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sealed external interface FreshableType : Type
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sealed external interface FunctionBody : Block, ConciseBody
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sealed external interface FunctionLikeDeclaration : Node
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Several node kinds share function-like features such as a signature, a name, and a body. These nodes should extend FunctionLikeDeclarationBase. Examples:

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sealed external interface FunctionOrConstructorTypeNode : Node
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sealed external interface GeneratedIdentifierFlags
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sealed external interface GenericType : InterfaceType, TypeReference
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sealed external interface GetAccessorDeclarationParent : Node
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sealed external interface GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost
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sealed external interface GetJSDocCommentsAndTagsResultItem : Node
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sealed external interface GetModeForUsageLocationFile
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sealed external interface HasDecorators : Node
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sealed external interface HasExpressionInitializer : Node, HasInitializer
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sealed external interface HasInitializer : Node
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sealed external interface HasJSDoc : Node
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sealed external interface HasModifiers : Node
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sealed external interface HasType : Node
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sealed external interface HasTypeArguments : Node
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sealed external interface HeritageClause : Node
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sealed external interface HeritageClauseParent : Node
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sealed external interface HeritageClauseToken : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface HighlightSpan
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sealed external interface HighlightSpanKind
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sealed external interface HostCancellationToken
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sealed external interface IfStatement : Statement, FlowContainer, HasJSDoc
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sealed external interface ImplementationLocation : DocumentSpan
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sealed external interface ImportAttribute : Node
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sealed external interface ImportAttributeName : Node
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sealed external interface ImportAttributes : Node
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sealed external interface ImportAttributesParent : Node
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sealed external interface ImportAttributesToken : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface ImportCall : CallExpression
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sealed external interface ImportDeclarationParent : Node
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sealed external interface ImportEqualsDeclarationParent : Node
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sealed external interface ImportExpression : PrimaryExpression
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sealed external interface ImportsNotUsedAsValues
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sealed external interface ImportTypeAssertionContainer : Node
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sealed external interface ImportTypeNode : NodeWithTypeArguments
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sealed external interface IncompleteCompletionsCache
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sealed external interface IncompleteType : FlowType
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sealed external interface IncrementalProgramOptions<T : BuilderProgram>
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Deprecated, please use UpdateExpression

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sealed external interface IndentStyle
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sealed external interface IndexedAccessType : InstantiableType, TypeVariable
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sealed external interface IndexedAccessTypeNode : TypeNode
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sealed external interface IndexInfo
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sealed external interface IndexKind
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sealed external interface IndexType : InstantiableType
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sealed external interface IndexTypeType
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sealed external interface InferencePriority
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sealed external interface InlayHint
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sealed external interface InlayHintDisplayPart
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sealed external interface InlayHintKind
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sealed external interface InlayHintsContext
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sealed external interface InstallPackageAction
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sealed external interface InstallPackageOptions
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sealed external interface InstantiableType : Type, IndexTypeType
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sealed external interface InteractiveRefactorArguments
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sealed external interface InterfaceType : ObjectType

Class and interface types (ObjectFlags.Class and ObjectFlags.Interface).

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sealed external interface InternalSymbolName
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typealias InvalidatedProject<T> = Any
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sealed external interface InvalidatedProjectBase
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sealed external interface InvalidatedProjectKind
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sealed external interface IsCallOrNewExpressionResultPredicate : Node
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sealed external interface IsClassOrTypeElementResultPredicate : Node
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sealed external interface IScriptSnapshot

Represents an immutable snapshot of a script at a specified time.Once acquired, the snapshot is observably immutable. i.e. the same calls with the same parameters will return the same values.

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sealed external interface IsIterationStatementResultPredicate : Node
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sealed external interface IsJSDocLinkLikeResultPredicate : Node
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sealed external interface IsLiteralTypeLiteralResultPredicate : Node
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sealed external interface IsOptionalChainResultPredicate : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocAllType : JSDocType
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sealed external interface JSDocAugmentsTag : JSDocTag

Note that @extends is a synonym of @augments. Both tags are represented by this interface.

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sealed external interface JSDocAuthorTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocCallbackTagFullName : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocClassTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocComment : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocContainer : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocDeprecatedTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocEnumTag : JSDocTag, Declaration, LocalsContainer
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sealed external interface JSDocImplementsTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocLinkCodeName : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocLinkDisplayPart : SymbolDisplayPart
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sealed external interface JSDocLinkName : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocLinkPlainName : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocMemberNameLeft : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocNamepathType : JSDocType
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sealed external interface JSDocNameReference : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocNameReferenceName : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocNamespaceBody : Node, ModuleBody
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sealed external interface JSDocOverloadTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocOverrideTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocParsingMode
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sealed external interface JSDocPrivateTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocPropertyLikeTag : JSDocTag, Declaration
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sealed external interface JSDocProtectedTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocPublicTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocReadonlyTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocReturnTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocSatisfiesTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocSeeTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocSyntaxKind : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface JSDocTag : Node, GetJSDocCommentsAndTagsResultItem
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sealed external interface JSDocTagInfo
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sealed external interface JSDocTagParent : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocText : Node, JSDocComment
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sealed external interface JSDocThisTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocThrowsTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocType : TypeNode
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sealed external interface JSDocTypedefTagFullName : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocTypedefTagTypeExpression : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocTypeReferencingNode : Node
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sealed external interface JSDocTypeTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocUnknownTag : JSDocTag
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sealed external interface JSDocUnknownType : JSDocType
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sealed external interface JsonObjectExpression : Node, Expression
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sealed external interface JsonSourceFile : SourceFile
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external object JsTyping
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sealed external interface JsxAttributeLike : Node, JsxExpressionParent
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sealed external interface JsxAttributeName : Node, DeclarationName
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sealed external interface JsxAttributes : PrimaryExpression, Declaration
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sealed external interface JsxAttributeValue : Node
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sealed external interface JsxChild : Node
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sealed external interface JsxClosingElement : Node
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sealed external interface JsxClosingFragment : Expression
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sealed external interface JsxClosingTagInfo
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sealed external interface JsxEmit
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sealed external interface JsxExpressionParent : Node
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sealed external interface JsxFlags
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sealed external interface JsxOpeningFragment : Expression
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sealed external interface JsxOpeningLikeElement : Node, CallLikeExpression
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sealed external interface JsxTagNameExpression : Node
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sealed external interface JsxText : LiteralLikeNode, LiteralToken, JsxChild
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sealed external interface JsxTextParent : Node
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sealed external interface JsxTokenSyntaxKind : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface KeywordToken<TKind : KeywordSyntaxKind> : Token<TKind>
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sealed external interface LanguageService
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sealed external interface LanguageServiceMode
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sealed external interface LanguageVariant
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sealed external interface LeftHandSideExpression : UpdateExpression
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sealed external interface LineAndCharacter
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sealed external interface LinkedEditingInfo
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sealed external interface ListFormat
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sealed external interface LiteralLikeNode : Node
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sealed external interface LiteralSyntaxKind : SyntaxKind, TokenSyntaxKind
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sealed external interface LiteralToken : Node
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sealed external interface LiteralType : FreshableType
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sealed external interface LiteralTypeNode : TypeNode
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sealed external interface LiteralTypeNodeLiteral : Node
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sealed external interface LocalsContainer : Node
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sealed external interface MapLike<T>

Type of objects whose values are all of the same type. The in and for-in operators can not be safely used, since Object.prototype may be modified by outside code.

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sealed external interface MappedTypeNodeQuestionToken : Node
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sealed external interface MappedTypeNodeReadonlyToken : Node
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sealed external interface MemberExpression : LeftHandSideExpression
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sealed external interface MemberName : Node, DeclarationName
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sealed external interface MetaProperty : PrimaryExpression, FlowContainer
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sealed external interface MetaPropertyKeywordToken : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface MethodDeclarationParent : Node
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sealed external interface MethodSignatureParent : Node
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Used by services to specify the minimum host area required to set up source files under any compilation settings

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sealed external interface ModeAwareCache<T>
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sealed external interface Modifier : Node, ModifierLike
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sealed external interface ModifierFlags
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sealed external interface ModifierLike : Node
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sealed external interface ModifierSyntaxKind : SyntaxKind, KeywordSyntaxKind
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sealed external interface ModifierToken<TKind : ModifierSyntaxKind> : KeywordToken<TKind>
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sealed external interface ModuleDeclarationBody : Node
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sealed external interface ModuleDeclarationParent : Node
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sealed external interface ModuleDetectionKind
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sealed external interface ModuleKind
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sealed external interface ModuleName : Node, DeclarationStatementName
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sealed external interface ModuleReference : Node
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sealed external interface ModuleResolutionHost
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sealed external interface ModuleResolutionKind
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sealed external interface NamedDeclaration : Declaration
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sealed external interface NamedExportBindings : Node
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sealed external interface NamedImportBindings : Node
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sealed external interface NamedImportsOrExports : Node
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sealed external interface NamespaceBody : Node, ModuleBody
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sealed external interface NavigateToItem
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sealed external interface NavigateToItemMatchKind
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sealed external interface NavigationBarItem

Navigation bar interface designed for visual studio's dual-column layout. This does not form a proper tree. The navbar is returned as a list of top-level items, each of which has a list of child items. Child items always have an empty array for their childItems.

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sealed external interface NavigationTree

Node in a tree of nested declarations in a file. The top node is always a script or module node.

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sealed external interface NewLineKind
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sealed external interface Node : ReadonlyTextRange
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sealed external interface NodeArray<out T : Node> : ReadonlyArrayAdapter<T> , ReadonlyTextRange
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sealed external interface NodeBuilderFlags
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sealed external interface NodeFactory
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sealed external interface NodeFactoryCreateBundlePrependsItem : Node
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sealed external interface NodeFactoryCreateLiteralTypeNodeLiteral
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sealed external interface NodeFactoryUpdateBundlePrependsItem : Node
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sealed external interface NodeFactoryUpdateLiteralTypeNodeLiteral
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sealed external interface NodeFlags
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sealed external interface NodesVisitor

A function that walks a node array using the given visitor, returning an array whose contents satisfy the test.

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sealed external interface NodeVisitor

A function that walks a node using the given visitor, lifting node arrays into single nodes, returning an node which satisfies the test.

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sealed external interface NodeWithTypeArguments : TypeNode
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sealed external interface NonNullExpression : LeftHandSideExpression
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Stored map from non-relative module name to a table: directory -> result of module lookup in this directory We support only non-relative module names because resolution of relative module names is usually more deterministic and thus less expensive.

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sealed external interface NonRelativeNameResolutionCache<T>
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sealed external interface NotEmittedStatement : Statement
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sealed external interface NumberLiteralType : LiteralType
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sealed external interface ObjectBindingPatternParent : Node
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sealed external interface ObjectFlags
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sealed external interface ObjectLiteralElement : NamedDeclaration
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Unlike ObjectLiteralElement, excludes JSXAttribute and JSXSpreadAttribute.

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This interface is a base interface for ObjectLiteralExpression and JSXAttributes to extend from. JSXAttributes is similar to ObjectLiteralExpression in that it contains array of properties; however, JSXAttributes' properties can only be JSXAttribute or JSXSpreadAttribute. ObjectLiteralExpression, on the other hand, can only have properties of type ObjectLiteralElement (e.g. PropertyAssignment, ShorthandPropertyAssignment etc.)

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sealed external interface ObjectType : Type, BaseType, StructuredType
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sealed external interface ObjectTypeDeclaration : Node
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sealed external interface OptionalChain : Node
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sealed external interface OptionalTypeNode : TypeNode
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sealed external interface OrganizeImportsArgs : CombinedCodeFixScope
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sealed external interface OrganizeImportsMode
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sealed external interface OuterExpressionKinds
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sealed external interface OutliningSpan
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sealed external interface OutliningSpanKind
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sealed external interface OutputFile
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sealed external interface OutputFileType
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sealed external interface PackageId

Unique identifier with a package name and version. If changing this, remember to change packageIdIsEqual.

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sealed external interface PackageJsonInfoCache
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sealed external interface ParameterPropertyModifier : Node
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sealed external interface ParenthesizedTypeNode : TypeNode, HasType
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Interface extending ParseConfigHost to support ParseConfigFile that reads config file and reports errors

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sealed external interface ParseConfigFileTextToJsonResult
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sealed external interface ParseConfigHost : ModuleResolutionHost
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sealed external interface ParsedCommandLine

Either a parsed command line or a parsed tsconfig.json

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sealed external interface ParsedTsconfig
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typealias Path = Any
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sealed external interface PerDirectoryResolutionCache<T>

Cached resolutions per containing directory. This assumes that any module id will have the same resolution for sibling files located in the same folder.

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sealed external interface PerformanceEvent
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sealed external interface PerformanceEventKind
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sealed external interface PerNonRelativeNameCache<T>
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sealed external interface PluginImport
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sealed external interface PollingWatchKind
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sealed external interface PostfixUnaryExpression : UpdateExpression
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sealed external interface PostfixUnaryOperator : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface PrefixUnaryOperator : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface PreProcessedFileInfo
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sealed external interface PrimaryExpression : MemberExpression
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sealed external interface Printer
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sealed external interface PrinterOptions
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sealed external interface PrintHandlers
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sealed external interface ProgramGetRelationCacheSizesResult
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sealed external interface ProgramHost<T : BuilderProgram>
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sealed external interface ProgramUpdateLevel
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sealed external interface ProjectReference
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Brand for a PropertyAccessExpression which, like a QualifiedName, consists of a sequence of identifiers separated by dots.

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sealed external interface PropertyName : Node, DeclarationName
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sealed external interface PropertyNameLiteral : Node
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sealed external interface PropertySignatureParent : Node
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sealed external interface PseudoBigInt

Represents a bigint literal value without requiring bigint support

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sealed external interface PseudoLiteralToken : Node, TemplateLiteralToken
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sealed external interface PunctuationSyntaxKind : SyntaxKind, TokenSyntaxKind
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sealed external interface PunctuationToken<TKind : PunctuationSyntaxKind> : Token<TKind>
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sealed external interface QuickInfo
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sealed external interface ReadBuildProgramHost
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sealed external interface ReadConfigFileResult
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sealed external interface ReadonlyArrayAdapter<out T>
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sealed external interface ReadonlyTextRange
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sealed external interface RefactorActionInfo

Represents a single refactoring action - for example, the "Extract Method..." refactor might offer several actions, each corresponding to a surround class or closure to extract into.

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sealed external interface RefactorEditInfo

A set of edits to make in response to a refactor action, plus an optional location where renaming should be invoked from

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sealed external interface RefactorTriggerReason
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sealed external interface ReferencedSymbol
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sealed external interface ReferencedSymbolEntry : ReferenceEntry
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sealed external interface ReferenceEntry : DocumentSpan
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sealed external interface RenameInfo
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sealed external interface RenameInfoFailure : RenameInfo
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sealed external interface RenameInfoOptions
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sealed external interface RenameInfoSuccess : RenameInfo
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sealed external interface RenameLocation : DocumentSpan
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typealias ReportEmitErrorSummary = (errorCount: Double, filesInError: ReadonlyArray<ReportFileInError?>) -> Unit
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sealed external interface ReportFileInError
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sealed external interface RequiredAffectedFileResult<T>
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sealed external interface RequiredAffectedFileResultAffected
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typealias ResolutionMode = Any?
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Branded string for keeping track of when we've turned an ambiguous path specified like "./blah" to an absolute path to an actual tsconfig file, e.g. "/root/blah/tsconfig.json"

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sealed external interface ResolvedModule

Represents the result of module resolution. Module resolution will pick up tsx/jsx/js files even if '--jsx' and '--allowJs' are turned off. The Program will then filter results based on these flags.

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sealed external interface ResolvedModuleFull : ResolvedModule

ResolvedModule with an explicitly provided extension property. Prefer this over ResolvedModule. If changing this, remember to change moduleResolutionIsEqualTo.

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sealed external interface ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations
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sealed external interface ResolvedProjectReference
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sealed external interface ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective
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sealed external interface RestTypeNode : TypeNode
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sealed external interface ReturnStatement : Statement, FlowContainer, HasJSDoc
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sealed external interface SatisfiesExpression : Expression
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sealed external interface Scanner
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sealed external interface ScopedEmitHelper : EmitHelperBase, EmitHelper
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sealed external interface ScriptElementKind
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sealed external interface ScriptElementKindModifier
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sealed external interface ScriptKind
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sealed external interface ScriptReferenceHost
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external object ScriptSnapshot
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sealed external interface ScriptTarget
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sealed external interface SelectionRange
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sealed external interface SemanticClassificationFormat
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The builder that caches the semantic diagnostics for the program and handles the changed files and affected files

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For when we encounter a semicolon in a class declaration. ES6 allows these as class elements.

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sealed external interface SemicolonPreference
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sealed external interface SetAccessorDeclarationParent : Node
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sealed external interface ShiftOperator : SyntaxKind, ShiftOperatorOrHigher
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sealed external interface Signature
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sealed external interface SignatureDeclarationField : Node
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Signals that the signature help request came from a user typing a character. Depending on the character and the syntactic context, the request may or may not be served a result.

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Signals that the user manually requested signature help. The language service will unconditionally attempt to provide a result.

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sealed external interface SignatureHelpItem

Represents a single signature to show in signature help. The id is used for subsequent calls into the language service to ask questions about the signature help item in the context of any documents that have been updated. i.e. after an edit has happened, while signature help is still active, the host can ask important questions like 'what parameter is the user currently contained within?'.

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sealed external interface SignatureHelpItems

Represents a set of signature help items, and the preferred item that should be selected.

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sealed external interface SignatureHelpItemsOptions
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sealed external interface SignatureHelpParameter
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Signals that this signature help request came from typing a character or moving the cursor. This should only occur if a signature help session was already active and the editor needs to see if it should adjust. The language service will unconditionally attempt to provide a result. triggerCharacter can be undefined for a retrigger caused by a cursor move.

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sealed external interface SignatureHelpTriggerReason
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sealed external interface SignatureKind
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sealed external interface SolutionBuilder<T : BuilderProgram>
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sealed external interface SolutionBuilderHostBase<T : BuilderProgram> : ProgramHost<T>
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sealed external interface SortedArray<T> : ReadonlyArrayAdapter<T>
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sealed external interface SortedReadonlyArray<T> : ReadonlyArrayAdapter<T>
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sealed external interface SourceFileLike

Subset of properties from SourceFile that are used in multiple utility functions

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sealed external interface SourceMapRange : TextRange
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sealed external interface SourceMapSource
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sealed external interface SourceMapSpan
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sealed external interface SpreadElementParent : Node
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sealed external interface Statement : Node, JSDocContainer
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sealed external interface StringLiteralType : LiteralType
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sealed external interface StringMappingType : InstantiableType
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sealed external interface StructuredType
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sealed external interface SubstitutionType : InstantiableType
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sealed external interface SuperCall : CallExpression
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sealed external interface SuperExpression : PrimaryExpression, FlowContainer
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sealed external interface SuperProperty : Node
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sealed external interface SwitchStatement : Statement, FlowContainer, HasJSDoc
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sealed external interface Symbol
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sealed external interface SymbolDisplayPart
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sealed external interface SymbolDisplayPartKind
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sealed external interface SymbolFlags
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sealed external interface SymbolFormatFlags
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SymbolTable based on ES6 Map interface.

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sealed external interface SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface SyntaxList : Node
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sealed external interface SynthesizedComment : CommentRange
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sealed external interface SyntheticExpression : Expression
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sealed external interface SyntheticExpressionTupleNameSource : Node
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sealed external interface System
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sealed external interface TemplateHeadParent : Node
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sealed external interface TemplateLiteral : Node
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sealed external interface TemplateLiteralLikeNode : LiteralLikeNode
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sealed external interface TemplateLiteralType : InstantiableType
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sealed external interface TemplateLiteralTypeSpanLiteral : Node
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sealed external interface TemplateMiddleParent : Node
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sealed external interface TemplateSpanLiteral : Node
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sealed external interface TemplateTailParent : Node
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sealed external interface TextChange
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sealed external interface TextChangeRange
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sealed external interface TextInsertion
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sealed external interface TextRange
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sealed external interface TextSpan
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sealed external interface ThrowStatement : Statement, FlowContainer, HasJSDoc
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sealed external interface TodoComment
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sealed external interface TodoCommentDescriptor
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sealed external interface Token<out TKind : SyntaxKind> : Node
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sealed external interface TokenClass
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sealed external interface TokenFlags
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sealed external interface TokenSyntaxKind : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface TransformationResult<T : Node>
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typealias Transformer<T> = (node: T) -> T

A function that transforms a node.

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A function that is used to initialize and return a Transformer callback, which in turn will be used to transform one or more nodes.

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sealed external interface TransientIdentifier : Identifier
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sealed external interface TranspileOptions
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sealed external interface TranspileOutput
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sealed external interface TriviaSyntaxKind : SyntaxKind, TokenSyntaxKind
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sealed external interface TrueLiteral : PrimaryExpression, BooleanLiteral
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sealed external interface TryStatement : Statement, FlowContainer, HasJSDoc
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sealed external interface TsConfigSourceFile : JsonSourceFile
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sealed external interface TupleType : GenericType
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sealed external interface TupleTypeNode : TypeNode, TypeReferenceNodeField
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sealed external interface TupleTypeNodeElementsItem : Node
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sealed external interface TupleTypeReference : TypeReference
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sealed external interface Type : FlowType
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sealed external interface TypeAcquisition
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sealed external interface TypeChecker
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sealed external interface TypeFlags
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sealed external interface TypeFormatFlags
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sealed external interface TypeOfExpression : UnaryExpression
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sealed external interface TypeOnlyAliasDeclaration
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sealed external interface TypeOnlyCompatibleAliasDeclaration : Node
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sealed external interface TypeOperatorNode : TypeNode, HasType
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sealed external interface TypeOperatorNodeOperator : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface TypeParameter : InstantiableType, TypeVariable
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sealed external interface TypeParameterDeclarationParent : Node
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sealed external interface TypePredicate
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sealed external interface TypePredicateBase
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sealed external interface TypePredicateKind
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sealed external interface TypePredicateNode : TypeNode, HasType
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sealed external interface TypePredicateNodeParameterName : Node
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sealed external interface TypePredicateNodeParent : Node
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sealed external interface TypeQueryNode : NodeWithTypeArguments
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sealed external interface TypeReference : ObjectType

Type references (ObjectFlags.Reference). When a class or interface has type parameters or a "this" type, references to the class or interface are made using type references. The typeArguments property specifies the types to substitute for the type parameters of the class or interface and optionally includes an extra element that specifies the type to substitute for "this" in the resulting instantiation. When no extra argument is present, the type reference itself is substituted for "this". The typeArguments property is undefined if the class or interface has no type parameters and the reference isn't specifying an explicit "this" argument.

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sealed external interface TypeReferenceNodeField : Node
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sealed external interface TypeReferenceType : Node
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sealed external interface TypeVariable : BaseType
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sealed external interface UnaryExpression : Expression
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sealed external interface UnionOrIntersectionType : Type, IndexTypeType
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sealed external interface UnionOrIntersectionTypeNode : Node
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sealed external interface UnionType : UnionOrIntersectionType, StructuredType
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sealed external interface UniqueESSymbolType : Type
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sealed external interface UnparsedNode : Node
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sealed external interface UnparsedPrologue : UnparsedSection, UnparsedNode
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sealed external interface UnparsedSection : Node
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sealed external interface UnparsedSourceText : Node, UnparsedNode
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sealed external interface UnparsedTextLikeKind : SyntaxKind
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sealed external interface UnscopedEmitHelper : EmitHelperBase, EmitHelper
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sealed external interface UpdateExpression : UnaryExpression
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sealed external interface UserPreferences
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sealed external interface UserPreferencesOrganizeImportsCollation
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sealed external interface UserPreferencesOrganizeImportsTypeOrder
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sealed external interface UserPreferencesQuotePreference
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sealed external interface ValidateLocaleAndSetLanguageSys
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sealed external interface VariableDeclarationListParent : Node
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sealed external interface VariableDeclarationParent : Node
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sealed external interface VariableLikeDeclaration : Node
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sealed external interface VisitEachChildNodesVisitor
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typealias Visitor<TIn, TOut> = (node: TIn) -> VisitResult<TOut>

A function that accepts and possibly transforms a node.

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typealias VisitResult<T> = Any
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sealed external interface VoidExpression : UnaryExpression
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sealed external interface WalkUpBindingElementsAndPatternsResult : Node
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sealed external interface Watch<T>
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sealed external interface WatchCompilerHost<T : BuilderProgram> : ProgramHost<T> , WatchHost
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Host to create watch with config file

Host to create watch with root files and options

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sealed external interface WatchDirectoryFlags
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sealed external interface WatchDirectoryKind
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sealed external interface WatchFileKind
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sealed external interface WatchHost

Host that has watch functionality used in --watch mode

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sealed external interface WatchOfConfigFile<T> : Watch<T>

Creates the watch what generates program using the config file

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sealed external interface WatchOfFilesAndCompilerOptions<T> : Watch<T>

Creates the watch that generates program using the root files and compiler options

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sealed external interface WatchOptions
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typealias WatchStatusReporter = (diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: String, options: CompilerOptions, errorCount: Double?) -> Unit
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sealed external interface WithMetadata<T>
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sealed external interface WithStatement : Statement, FlowContainer, HasJSDoc
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typealias WriteFileCallback = (fileName: String, text: String, writeByteOrderMark: Boolean, onError: (message: String) -> Unit?, sourceFiles: ReadonlyArray<SourceFile>?, data: WriteFileCallbackData?) -> Unit
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sealed external interface WriteFileCallbackData
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sealed external interface YieldExpression : Expression


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external val factory: NodeFactory
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external val servicesVersion: Any?

The version of the language service API

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external var sys: System
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external val version: String

The version of the TypeScript compiler release

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external val versionMajorMinor: Any?


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external fun <T : Node> addEmitHelper(node: T, helper: EmitHelper): T

Adds an EmitHelper to a node.

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external fun <T : Node> addEmitHelpers(node: T, helpers: ReadonlyArray<EmitHelper>?): T

Add EmitHelpers to a node.

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external fun <T : Node> addSyntheticLeadingComment(node: T, kind: SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia, text: String, hasTrailingNewLine: Boolean = definedExternally): T
external fun <T : Node> addSyntheticLeadingComment(node: T, kind: SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia, text: String, hasTrailingNewLine: Boolean = definedExternally): T
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external fun <T : Node> addSyntheticTrailingComment(node: T, kind: SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia, text: String, hasTrailingNewLine: Boolean = definedExternally): T
external fun <T : Node> addSyntheticTrailingComment(node: T, kind: SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia, text: String, hasTrailingNewLine: Boolean = definedExternally): T
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external fun bundlerModuleNameResolver(moduleName: String, containingFile: String, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, cache: ModuleResolutionCache = definedExternally, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference = definedExternally): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations
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inline fun canHaveDecorators(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun canHaveDecoratorsRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun canHaveModifiers(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun canHaveModifiersRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun classicNameResolver(moduleName: String, containingFile: String, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, cache: NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache = definedExternally, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference = definedExternally): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations

Called to merge all the changes that occurred across several versions of a script snapshot into a single change. i.e. if a user keeps making successive edits to a script we will have a text change from V1 to V2, V2 to V3, ..., Vn.

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external fun convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(jsonOptions: Any?, basePath: String, configFileName: String = definedExternally): ConvertCompilerOptionsFromJsonResult
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external fun convertToObject(sourceFile: JsonSourceFile, errors: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>): Any?

Convert the json syntax tree into the json value

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external fun convertTypeAcquisitionFromJson(jsonOptions: Any?, basePath: String, configFileName: String = definedExternally): ConvertTypeAcquisitionFromJsonResult
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external fun couldStartTrivia(text: String, pos: Double): Boolean
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external fun createAbstractBuilder(newProgram: Program, host: BuilderProgramHost, oldProgram: BuilderProgram = definedExternally, configFileParsingDiagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> = definedExternally): BuilderProgram

Creates a builder thats just abstraction over program and can be used with watch

external fun createAbstractBuilder(rootNames: ReadonlyArray<String>?, options: CompilerOptions?, host: CompilerHost = definedExternally, oldProgram: BuilderProgram = definedExternally, configFileParsingDiagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> = definedExternally, projectReferences: ReadonlyArray<ProjectReference> = definedExternally): BuilderProgram
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external fun createBuilderStatusReporter(system: System, pretty: Boolean = definedExternally): DiagnosticReporter

Create a function that reports watch status by writing to the system and handles the formating of the diagnostic

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The classifier is used for syntactic highlighting in editors via the TSServer

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external fun createCompilerHost(options: CompilerOptions, setParentNodes: Boolean = definedExternally): CompilerHost
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external fun createDocumentRegistry(useCaseSensitiveFileNames: Boolean = definedExternally, currentDirectory: String = definedExternally, jsDocParsingMode: JSDocParsingMode = definedExternally): DocumentRegistry
external fun createEmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram(newProgram: Program, host: BuilderProgramHost, oldProgram: EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram = definedExternally, configFileParsingDiagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> = definedExternally): EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram

Create the builder that can handle the changes in program and iterate through changed files to emit the those files and manage semantic diagnostics cache as well

external fun createEmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram(rootNames: ReadonlyArray<String>?, options: CompilerOptions?, host: CompilerHost = definedExternally, oldProgram: EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram = definedExternally, configFileParsingDiagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> = definedExternally, projectReferences: ReadonlyArray<ProjectReference> = definedExternally): EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram
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external fun createIncrementalCompilerHost(options: CompilerOptions, system: System = definedExternally): CompilerHost
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external fun createInputFiles(javascriptText: String, declarationText: String): InputFiles
external fun createInputFiles(readFileText: (path: String) -> String?, javascriptPath: String, javascriptMapPath: String?, declarationPath: String, declarationMapPath: String?, buildInfoPath: String?): InputFiles
external fun createInputFiles(javascriptText: String, declarationText: String, javascriptMapPath: String?, javascriptMapText: String?, declarationMapPath: String?, declarationMapText: String?): InputFiles
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external fun createLanguageService(host: LanguageServiceHost, documentRegistry: DocumentRegistry = definedExternally, syntaxOnlyOrLanguageServiceMode: Boolean = definedExternally): LanguageService
external fun createLanguageService(host: LanguageServiceHost, documentRegistry: DocumentRegistry = definedExternally, syntaxOnlyOrLanguageServiceMode: LanguageServiceMode = definedExternally): LanguageService
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external fun createLanguageServiceSourceFile(fileName: String, scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot, scriptTargetOrOptions: CreateSourceFileOptions, version: String, setNodeParents: Boolean, scriptKind: ScriptKind = definedExternally): SourceFile
external fun createLanguageServiceSourceFile(fileName: String, scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot, scriptTargetOrOptions: ScriptTarget, version: String, setNodeParents: Boolean, scriptKind: ScriptKind = definedExternally): SourceFile
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external fun createModuleResolutionCache(currentDirectory: String, getCanonicalFileName: (s: String) -> String, options: CompilerOptions = definedExternally, packageJsonInfoCache: PackageJsonInfoCache = definedExternally): ModuleResolutionCache
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external fun createPrinter(printerOptions: PrinterOptions = definedExternally, handlers: PrintHandlers = definedExternally): Printer
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external fun createProgram(createProgramOptions: CreateProgramOptions): Program
external fun createProgram(rootNames: ReadonlyArray<String>, options: CompilerOptions, host: CompilerHost = definedExternally, oldProgram: Program = definedExternally, configFileParsingDiagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> = definedExternally): Program

Create a new 'Program' instance. A Program is an immutable collection of 'SourceFile's and a 'CompilerOptions' that represent a compilation unit.

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external fun createScanner(languageVersion: ScriptTarget, skipTrivia: Boolean, languageVariant: LanguageVariant = definedExternally, textInitial: String = definedExternally, onError: ErrorCallback = definedExternally, start: Double = definedExternally, length: Double = definedExternally): Scanner
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external fun createSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram(newProgram: Program, host: BuilderProgramHost, oldProgram: SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram = definedExternally, configFileParsingDiagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> = definedExternally): SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram

Create the builder to manage semantic diagnostics and cache them

external fun createSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram(rootNames: ReadonlyArray<String>?, options: CompilerOptions?, host: CompilerHost = definedExternally, oldProgram: SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram = definedExternally, configFileParsingDiagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> = definedExternally, projectReferences: ReadonlyArray<ProjectReference> = definedExternally): SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram
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external fun <T : BuilderProgram> createSolutionBuilderHost(system: System = definedExternally, createProgram: CreateProgram<T> = definedExternally, reportDiagnostic: DiagnosticReporter = definedExternally, reportSolutionBuilderStatus: DiagnosticReporter = definedExternally, reportErrorSummary: ReportEmitErrorSummary = definedExternally): SolutionBuilderHost<T>
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external fun <T : BuilderProgram> createSolutionBuilderWithWatch(host: SolutionBuilderWithWatchHost<T>, rootNames: ReadonlyArray<String>, defaultOptions: BuildOptions, baseWatchOptions: WatchOptions = definedExternally): SolutionBuilder<T>
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external fun <T : BuilderProgram> createSolutionBuilderWithWatchHost(system: System = definedExternally, createProgram: CreateProgram<T> = definedExternally, reportDiagnostic: DiagnosticReporter = definedExternally, reportSolutionBuilderStatus: DiagnosticReporter = definedExternally, reportWatchStatus: WatchStatusReporter = definedExternally): SolutionBuilderWithWatchHost<T>
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external fun createSourceFile(fileName: String, sourceText: String, languageVersionOrOptions: CreateSourceFileOptions, setParentNodes: Boolean = definedExternally, scriptKind: ScriptKind = definedExternally): SourceFile
external fun createSourceFile(fileName: String, sourceText: String, languageVersionOrOptions: ScriptTarget, setParentNodes: Boolean = definedExternally, scriptKind: ScriptKind = definedExternally): SourceFile
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external fun createSourceMapSource(fileName: String, text: String, skipTrivia: (pos: Double) -> Double = definedExternally): SourceMapSource

Create an external source map source file reference

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external fun createTextChangeRange(span: TextSpan, newLength: Double): TextChangeRange
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external fun createTextSpan(start: Double, length: Double): TextSpan
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external fun createTextSpanFromBounds(start: Double, end: Double): TextSpan
external fun createTypeReferenceDirectiveResolutionCache(currentDirectory: String, getCanonicalFileName: (s: String) -> String, options: CompilerOptions = definedExternally, packageJsonInfoCache: PackageJsonInfoCache = definedExternally): TypeReferenceDirectiveResolutionCache
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external fun createUnparsedSourceFile(text: String, mapPath: String?, map: String?): UnparsedSource
external fun createUnparsedSourceFile(inputFile: InputFiles, type: CreateUnparsedSourceFileType, stripInternal: Boolean = definedExternally): UnparsedSource
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external fun <T : BuilderProgram> createWatchCompilerHost(rootFiles: ReadonlyArray<String>, options: CompilerOptions, system: System, createProgram: CreateProgram<T> = definedExternally, reportDiagnostic: DiagnosticReporter = definedExternally, reportWatchStatus: WatchStatusReporter = definedExternally, projectReferences: ReadonlyArray<ProjectReference> = definedExternally, watchOptions: WatchOptions = definedExternally): WatchCompilerHostOfFilesAndCompilerOptions<T>

external fun <T : BuilderProgram> createWatchCompilerHost(configFileName: String, optionsToExtend: CompilerOptions?, system: System, createProgram: CreateProgram<T> = definedExternally, reportDiagnostic: DiagnosticReporter = definedExternally, reportWatchStatus: WatchStatusReporter = definedExternally, watchOptionsToExtend: WatchOptions = definedExternally, extraFileExtensions: ReadonlyArray<FileExtensionInfo> = definedExternally): WatchCompilerHostOfConfigFile<T>

Create the watch compiler host for either configFile or fileNames and its options

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Creates the watch from the host for config file

Creates the watch from the host for root files and compiler options

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external fun decodedTextSpanIntersectsWith(start1: Double, length1: Double, start2: Double, length2: Double): Boolean
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external fun disposeEmitNodes(sourceFile: SourceFile?)

Clears any EmitNode entries from parse-tree nodes.

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external fun escapeLeadingUnderscores(identifier: String): __String

Add an extra underscore to identifiers that start with two underscores to avoid issues with magic names like 'proto'

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external fun findAncestor(node: Node?, callback: (element: Node) -> Any): Node?

external fun <T : Node> findAncestor(node: Node?, callback: (element: Node) -> Boolean): T?

Iterates through the parent chain of a node and performs the callback on each parent until the callback returns a truthy value, then returns that value. If no such value is found, it applies the callback until the parent pointer is undefined or the callback returns "quit" At that point findAncestor returns undefined.

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external fun findConfigFile(searchPath: String, fileExists: (fileName: String) -> Boolean, configName: String = definedExternally): String?
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external fun flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diag: String?, newLine: String, indent: Double = definedExternally): String
external fun flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diag: DiagnosticMessageChain?, newLine: String, indent: Double = definedExternally): String
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external fun <T> forEachChild(node: Node, cbNode: (node: Node) -> T?, cbNodes: (nodes: NodeArray<Node>) -> T? = definedExternally): T?

Invokes a callback for each child of the given node. The 'cbNode' callback is invoked for all child nodes stored in properties. If a 'cbNodes' callback is specified, it is invoked for embedded arrays; otherwise, embedded arrays are flattened and the 'cbNode' callback is invoked for each element. If a callback returns a truthy value, iteration stops and that value is returned. Otherwise, undefined is returned.

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external fun <U> forEachLeadingCommentRange(text: String, pos: Double, cb: (pos: Double, end: Double, kind: CommentKind, hasTrailingNewLine: Boolean) -> U): U?
external fun <T, U> forEachLeadingCommentRange(text: String, pos: Double, cb: (pos: Double, end: Double, kind: CommentKind, hasTrailingNewLine: Boolean, state: T) -> U, state: T): U?
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external fun <U> forEachTrailingCommentRange(text: String, pos: Double, cb: (pos: Double, end: Double, kind: CommentKind, hasTrailingNewLine: Boolean) -> U): U?
external fun <T, U> forEachTrailingCommentRange(text: String, pos: Double, cb: (pos: Double, end: Double, kind: CommentKind, hasTrailingNewLine: Boolean, state: T) -> U, state: T): U?
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external fun formatDiagnostic(diagnostic: Diagnostic, host: FormatDiagnosticsHost): String
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external fun <T : JSDocTag> getAllJSDocTags(node: Node, predicate: (tag: JSDocTag) -> Boolean): ReadonlyArray<T>

Gets all JSDoc tags that match a specified predicate

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Gets all JSDoc tags of a specified kind

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Given a set of options, returns the set of type directive names that should be included for this program automatically. This list could either come from the config file, or from enumerating the types root + initial secondary types lookup location. More type directives might appear in the program later as a result of loading actual source files; this list is only the set of defaults that are implicitly included.

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external fun getCombinedNodeFlags(node: Node): NodeFlags
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external fun getCommentRange(node: Node): TextRange

Gets a custom text range to use when emitting comments.

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external fun getConstantValue(node: AccessExpression): Any?

Gets the constant value to emit for an expression representing an enum.

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external fun getDefaultFormatCodeSettings(newLineCharacter: String = definedExternally): FormatCodeSettings
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Get the path of the default library files (lib.d.ts) as distributed with the typescript node package. The functionality is not supported if the ts module is consumed outside of a node module.

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Gets the effective type parameters. If the node was parsed in a JavaScript file, gets the type parameters from the @template tag from JSDoc.

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Gets the EmitHelpers of a node.

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external fun getImpliedNodeFormatForFile(fileName: String, packageJsonInfoCache: PackageJsonInfoCache?, host: ModuleResolutionHost, options: CompilerOptions): ResolutionMode

A function for determining if a given file is esm or cjs format, assuming modern node module resolution rules, as configured by the options parameter.

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Gets the JSDoc augments tag for the node if present

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external fun getJSDocClassTag(node: Node): JSDocClassTag?

Gets the JSDoc class tag for the node if present

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This function checks multiple locations for JSDoc comments that apply to a host node. At each location, the whole comment may apply to the node, or only a specific tag in the comment. In the first case, location adds the entire {@link JSDoc} object. In the second case, it adds the applicable {@link JSDocTag}.

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Gets the JSDoc deprecated tag for the node if present

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external fun getJSDocEnumTag(node: Node): JSDocEnumTag?

Gets the JSDoc enum tag for the node if present

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Gets the JSDoc implements tags for the node if present

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Gets the JSDoc parameter tags for the node if present.

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Gets the JSDoc private tag for the node if present

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Gets the JSDoc protected tag for the node if present

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external fun getJSDocPublicTag(node: Node): JSDocPublicTag?

Gets the JSDoc public tag for the node if present

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Gets the JSDoc protected tag for the node if present

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external fun getJSDocReturnTag(node: Node): JSDocReturnTag?

Gets the JSDoc return tag for the node if present

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external fun getJSDocReturnType(node: Node): TypeNode?

Gets the return type node for the node if provided via JSDoc return tag or type tag.

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external fun getJSDocTags(node: Node): ReadonlyArray<JSDocTag>

Get all JSDoc tags related to a node, including those on parent nodes.

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Gets the JSDoc template tag for the node if present

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external fun getJSDocThisTag(node: Node): JSDocThisTag?

Gets the JSDoc this tag for the node if present

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external fun getJSDocType(node: Node): TypeNode?

Gets the type node for the node if provided via JSDoc.

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Gets the JSDoc type parameter tags for the node if present.

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external fun getJSDocTypeTag(node: Node): JSDocTypeTag?

Gets the JSDoc type tag for the node if present and valid

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external fun getModeForFileReference(ref: String, containingFileMode: ResolutionMode): ResolutionMode
external fun getModeForFileReference(ref: FileReference, containingFileMode: ResolutionMode): ResolutionMode

Calculates the resulting resolution mode for some reference in some file - this is generally the explicitly provided resolution mode in the reference, unless one is not present, in which case it is the mode of the containing file.

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external fun getModeForResolutionAtIndex(file: SourceFile, index: Double, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions): ResolutionMode

Use program.getModeForResolutionAtIndex, which retrieves the correct compilerOptions, instead of this function whenever possible. Calculates the final resolution mode for an import at some index within a file's imports list. This is the resolution mode explicitly provided via import attributes, if present, or the syntax the usage would have if emitted to JavaScript. In --module node16 or nodenext, this may depend on the file's impliedNodeFormat. In --module preserve, it depends only on the input syntax of the reference. In other module modes, when overriding import attributes are not provided, this function returns undefined, as the result would have no impact on module resolution, emit, or type checking.

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Use program.getModeForUsageLocation, which retrieves the correct compilerOptions, instead of this function whenever possible. Calculates the final resolution mode for a given module reference node. This is the resolution mode explicitly provided via import attributes, if present, or the syntax the usage would have if emitted to JavaScript. In --module node16 or nodenext, this may depend on the file's impliedNodeFormat. In --module preserve, it depends only on the input syntax of the reference. In other module modes, when overriding import attributes are not provided, this function returns undefined, as the result would have no impact on module resolution, emit, or type checking.

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external fun getNameOfDeclaration(declaration: Declaration?): DeclarationName?
external fun getNameOfDeclaration(declaration: Expression?): DeclarationName?
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external fun getNameOfJSDocTypedef(declaration: JSDocTypedefTag): Any?
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external fun getOriginalNode(node: Node): Node
external fun getOriginalNode(node: Node?): Node?
external fun <T : Node> getOriginalNode(node: Node, nodeTest: (node: Node) -> Boolean): T
external fun <T : Node> getOriginalNode(node: Node?, nodeTest: (node: Node) -> Boolean): T?
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external fun getOutputFileNames(commandLine: ParsedCommandLine, inputFileName: String, ignoreCase: Boolean): ReadonlyArray<String>
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external fun getParsedCommandLineOfConfigFile(configFileName: String, optionsToExtend: CompilerOptions?, host: ParseConfigFileHost, extendedConfigCache: ReadonlyMap<String, ExtendedConfigCacheEntry> = definedExternally, watchOptionsToExtend: WatchOptions = definedExternally, extraFileExtensions: ReadonlyArray<FileExtensionInfo> = definedExternally): ParsedCommandLine?

Reads the config file, reports errors if any and exits if the config file cannot be found

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external fun getParseTreeNode(node: Node?): Node?
external fun <T : Node> getParseTreeNode(node: T?, nodeTest: (node: Node) -> Boolean = definedExternally): T?

Gets the original parse tree node for a node.

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external fun getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(sourceFile: SourceFileLike, line: Double, character: Double): Double
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external fun getPreEmitDiagnostics(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile = definedExternally, cancellationToken: CancellationToken = definedExternally): ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>
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external fun getShebang(text: String): String?

Optionally, get the shebang

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Gets a custom text range to use when emitting source maps.

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external fun getTextOfJSDocComment(): String?
external fun getTextOfJSDocComment(comment: String = definedExternally): String?
external fun getTextOfJSDocComment(comment: NodeArray<JSDocComment> = definedExternally): String?

Gets the text of a jsdoc comment, flattening links to their text.

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Gets the TextRange to use for source maps for a token of a node.

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Return true if the node has JSDoc parameter tags.

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True if has initializer node attached to it.

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If the text of an Identifier matches a keyword (including contextual and TypeScript-specific keywords), returns the SyntaxKind for the matching keyword.

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external fun idText(identifierOrPrivateName: Identifier): String
external fun idText(identifierOrPrivateName: PrivateIdentifier): String
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inline fun isAccessor(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isAccessorRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isArrayTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isArrayTypeNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isArrowFunction(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isArrowFunctionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isAsExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isAsExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isAssertClause(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isAssertClauseRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isAssertEntry(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isAssertEntryRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isAssertsKeyword(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isAssertsKeywordRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isAsteriskToken(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isAsteriskTokenRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isAwaitExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isAwaitExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isAwaitKeyword(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isAwaitKeywordRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isBigIntLiteral(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isBigIntLiteralRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isBinaryExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isBinaryExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isBindingElement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isBindingElementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isBindingName(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isBindingNameRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isBlock(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isBlockRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isBreakStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isBreakStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isBundle(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isBundleRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isCallChain(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isCallChainRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isCallExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isCallExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isCallLikeExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isCallLikeExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isCaseBlock(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isCaseBlockRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isCaseClause(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isCaseClauseRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isCatchClause(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isCatchClauseRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isClassDeclaration(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isClassDeclarationRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isClassElement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isClassElementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isClassExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isClassExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isClassLike(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isClassLikeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isClassOrTypeElement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isClassOrTypeElementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isColonToken(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isColonTokenRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isConciseBody(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isConciseBodyRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isConstTypeReference(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isContinueStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isContinueStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isDebuggerStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isDebuggerStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isDecorator(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isDecoratorRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isDefaultClause(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isDefaultClauseRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isDeleteExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isDeleteExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isDoStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isDoStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isDotDotDotToken(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isDotDotDotTokenRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isElementAccessChain(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isElementAccessChainRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isEmptyStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isEmptyStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isEntityName(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isEntityNameRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isEnumDeclaration(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isEnumDeclarationRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isEnumMember(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isEnumMemberRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isExclamationToken(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isExclamationTokenRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isExportAssignment(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isExportAssignmentRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isExportDeclaration(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isExportDeclarationRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isExportSpecifier(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isExportSpecifierRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean

Determines whether a node is an expression based only on its kind.

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external fun isExternalModule(file: SourceFile): Boolean
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external fun isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName: String): Boolean
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inline fun isForInitializer(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isForInitializerRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isForInStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isForInStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isForOfStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isForOfStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isForStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isForStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isFunctionExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isFunctionExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isFunctionLike(node: Node?): Boolean
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external fun isFunctionLikeRaw(node: Node?): Boolean
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inline fun isFunctionTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isFunctionTypeNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isGetAccessor(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isGetAccessorRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isHeritageClause(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isHeritageClauseRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isIdentifier(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isIdentifierPart(ch: Double, languageVersion: ScriptTarget?, identifierVariant: LanguageVariant = definedExternally): Boolean
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external fun isIdentifierRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isIdentifierStart(ch: Double, languageVersion: ScriptTarget?): Boolean
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inline fun isIfStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isIfStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isImportAttribute(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isImportAttributeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isImportAttributes(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isImportAttributesRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isImportClause(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isImportClauseRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isImportDeclaration(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isImportDeclarationRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isImportSpecifier(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isImportSpecifierRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isImportTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isImportTypeNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isInferTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isInferTypeNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isInternalDeclaration(node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile = definedExternally): Boolean
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inline fun isIterationStatement(node: Node, lookInLabeledStatements: Boolean): Boolean
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external fun isIterationStatementRaw(node: Node, lookInLabeledStatements: Boolean): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDoc(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocAllType(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocAllTypeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocAugmentsTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocAugmentsTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocAuthorTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocAuthorTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocCallbackTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocCallbackTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocClassTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocClassTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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True if node is of a kind that may contain comment text.

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inline fun isJSDocDeprecatedTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocDeprecatedTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocEnumTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocEnumTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocFunctionType(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocFunctionTypeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocImplementsTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocImplementsTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocLink(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocLinkCode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocLinkCodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocLinkLike(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocLinkLikeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocLinkPlain(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocLinkPlainRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocLinkRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocMemberName(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocMemberNameRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocNamepathType(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocNamepathTypeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocNameReference(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocNameReferenceRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocNullableType(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocNullableTypeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocOptionalType(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocOptionalTypeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocOverloadTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocOverloadTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocOverrideTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocOverrideTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocParameterTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocParameterTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocPrivateTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocPrivateTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocPropertyTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocPropertyTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocProtectedTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocProtectedTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocPublicTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocPublicTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocReadonlyTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocReadonlyTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocReturnTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocReturnTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocSatisfiesTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocSatisfiesTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocSeeTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocSeeTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocSignature(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocSignatureRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocTemplateTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocTemplateTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocThisTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocThisTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocThrowsTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocThrowsTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocTypedefTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocTypedefTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocTypeLiteral(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocTypeLiteralRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocTypeTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocTypeTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocUnknownTag(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocUnknownTagRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocUnknownType(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocUnknownTypeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJSDocVariadicType(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJSDocVariadicTypeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxAttribute(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxAttributeLike(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxAttributeLikeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxAttributeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxAttributes(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxAttributesRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxChild(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxChildRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxClosingElement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxClosingElementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxClosingFragment(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxClosingFragmentRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxElement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxElementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxFragment(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxFragmentRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxNamespacedName(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxNamespacedNameRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxOpeningElement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxOpeningElementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxOpeningFragment(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxOpeningFragmentRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxSpreadAttribute(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxSpreadAttributeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isJsxText(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isJsxTextRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isLabeledStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isLabeledStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isLineBreak(ch: Double): Boolean
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inline fun isLiteralExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isLiteralExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isLiteralTypeLiteral(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isLiteralTypeLiteralRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isLiteralTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isLiteralTypeNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isMappedTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isMappedTypeNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isMemberName(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isMemberNameRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isMetaProperty(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isMetaPropertyRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isMethodDeclaration(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isMethodDeclarationRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isMethodSignature(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isMethodSignatureRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isMinusToken(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isMinusTokenRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isMissingDeclaration(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isMissingDeclarationRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isModifier(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isModifierLike(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isModifierLikeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isModifierRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isModuleBlock(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isModuleBlockRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isModuleBody(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isModuleBodyRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isModuleDeclaration(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isModuleDeclarationRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isModuleName(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isModuleNameRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isModuleReference(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isModuleReferenceRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isNamedExports(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isNamedExportsRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isNamedImports(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isNamedImportsRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isNamedTupleMember(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isNamedTupleMemberRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isNamespaceExport(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isNamespaceExportRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isNamespaceImport(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isNamespaceImportRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isNewExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isNewExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isNonNullChain(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isNonNullChainRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isNonNullExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isNonNullExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isNullishCoalesce(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isNumericLiteral(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isNumericLiteralRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isOmittedExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isOmittedExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isOptionalChain(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isOptionalChainRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isOptionalTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isOptionalTypeNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isParameter(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isParameterPropertyDeclaration(node: Node, parent: Node): Boolean
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external fun isParameterPropertyDeclarationRaw(node: Node, parent: Node): Boolean
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external fun isParameterRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isParseTreeNode(node: Node): Boolean

Gets a value indicating whether a node originated in the parse tree.

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external fun isPartOfTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isPlusToken(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isPlusTokenRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isPrivateIdentifier(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isPrivateIdentifierRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isPropertyAssignment(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isPropertyAssignmentRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isPropertyName(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isPropertyNameRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isPropertySignature(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isPropertySignatureRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isQualifiedName(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isQualifiedNameRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isQuestionDotToken(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isQuestionDotTokenRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isQuestionToken(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isQuestionTokenRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isRestTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isRestTypeNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isReturnStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isReturnStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isSetAccessor(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isSetAccessorRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isSourceFile(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isSourceFileRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isSpreadAssignment(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isSpreadAssignmentRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isSpreadElement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isSpreadElementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isStringLiteral(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isStringLiteralRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isSwitchStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isSwitchStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTemplateExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTemplateExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTemplateHead(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTemplateHeadRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTemplateLiteral(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTemplateLiteralRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTemplateMiddle(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTemplateMiddleRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTemplateSpan(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTemplateSpanRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTemplateTail(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTemplateTailRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isThisTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isThisTypeNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isThrowStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isThrowStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isToken(n: Node): Boolean

True if node is of some token syntax kind. For example, this is true for an IfKeyword but not for an IfStatement. Literals are considered tokens, except TemplateLiteral, but does include TemplateHead/Middle/Tail.

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external fun isTokenKind(kind: SyntaxKind): Boolean

True if kind is of some token syntax kind. For example, this is true for an IfKeyword but not for an IfStatement. Literals are considered tokens, except TemplateLiteral, but does include TemplateHead/Middle/Tail.

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inline fun isTryStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTryStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTupleTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTupleTypeNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTypeElement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTypeElementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTypeLiteralNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTypeLiteralNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTypeNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean

Node test that determines whether a node is a valid type node. This differs from the isPartOfTypeNode function which determines whether a node is part of a TypeNode.

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inline fun isTypeOfExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTypeOfExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTypeOperatorNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTypeOperatorNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTypePredicateNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTypePredicateNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTypeQueryNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTypeQueryNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isTypeReferenceNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isTypeReferenceNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isUnionTypeNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isUnionTypeNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isUnparsedNode(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isUnparsedNodeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isUnparsedPrepend(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isUnparsedPrependRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isUnparsedSource(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isUnparsedSourceRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isUnparsedTextLike(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isUnparsedTextLikeRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isVariableStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isVariableStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isVoidExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isVoidExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isWhileStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isWhileStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isWhiteSpaceLike(ch: Double): Boolean
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Does not include line breaks. For that, see isWhiteSpaceLike.

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inline fun isWithStatement(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isWithStatementRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline fun isYieldExpression(node: Node): Boolean
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external fun isYieldExpressionRaw(node: Node): Boolean
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inline operator fun <T> ReadonlyArrayAdapter<T>.iterator(): Iterator<T>
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external fun moveEmitHelpers(source: Node, target: Node, predicate: (helper: EmitHelper) -> Boolean)

Moves matching emit helpers from a source node to a target node.

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external fun <T : Node> moveSyntheticComments(node: T, original: Node): T
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external fun nodeModuleNameResolver(moduleName: String, containingFile: String, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, cache: ModuleResolutionCache = definedExternally, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference = definedExternally): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations
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external fun parseCommandLine(commandLine: ReadonlyArray<String>, readFile: (path: String) -> String? = definedExternally): ParsedCommandLine
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Parse the text of the tsconfig.json file

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external fun parseIsolatedEntityName(text: String, languageVersion: ScriptTarget): EntityName?
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external fun parseJsonConfigFileContent(json: Any?, host: ParseConfigHost, basePath: String, existingOptions: CompilerOptions = definedExternally, configFileName: String = definedExternally, resolutionStack: ReadonlyArray<Path> = definedExternally, extraFileExtensions: ReadonlyArray<FileExtensionInfo> = definedExternally, extendedConfigCache: ReadonlyMap<String, ExtendedConfigCacheEntry> = definedExternally, existingWatchOptions: WatchOptions = definedExternally): ParsedCommandLine

Parse the contents of a config file (tsconfig.json).

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external fun parseJsonSourceFileConfigFileContent(sourceFile: TsConfigSourceFile, host: ParseConfigHost, basePath: String, existingOptions: CompilerOptions = definedExternally, configFileName: String = definedExternally, resolutionStack: ReadonlyArray<Path> = definedExternally, extraFileExtensions: ReadonlyArray<FileExtensionInfo> = definedExternally, extendedConfigCache: ReadonlyMap<String, ExtendedConfigCacheEntry> = definedExternally, existingWatchOptions: WatchOptions = definedExternally): ParsedCommandLine

Parse the contents of a config file (tsconfig.json).

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external fun parseJsonText(fileName: String, sourceText: String): JsonSourceFile

Parse json text into SyntaxTree and return node and parse errors if any

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external fun preProcessFile(sourceText: String, readImportFiles: Boolean = definedExternally, detectJavaScriptImports: Boolean = definedExternally): PreProcessedFileInfo
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external fun readConfigFile(fileName: String, readFile: (path: String) -> String?): ReadConfigFileResult

Read tsconfig.json file

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external fun readJsonConfigFile(fileName: String, readFile: (path: String) -> String?): TsConfigSourceFile

Read tsconfig.json file

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external fun <T, U> reduceEachLeadingCommentRange(text: String, pos: Double, cb: (pos: Double, end: Double, kind: CommentKind, hasTrailingNewLine: Boolean, state: T) -> U, state: T, initial: U): U?
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external fun <T, U> reduceEachTrailingCommentRange(text: String, pos: Double, cb: (pos: Double, end: Double, kind: CommentKind, hasTrailingNewLine: Boolean, state: T) -> U, state: T, initial: U): U?
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external fun removeEmitHelper(node: Node, helper: EmitHelper): Boolean

Removes an EmitHelper from a node.

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external fun resolveModuleName(moduleName: String, containingFile: String, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, cache: ModuleResolutionCache = definedExternally, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference = definedExternally, resolutionMode: ResolutionMode = definedExternally): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations
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external fun resolveModuleNameFromCache(moduleName: String, containingFile: String, cache: ModuleResolutionCache, mode: ResolutionMode = definedExternally): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations?
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Returns the target config filename of a project reference. Note: The file might not exist.

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external fun resolveTripleslashReference(moduleName: String, containingFile: String): String
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external fun resolveTypeReferenceDirective(typeReferenceDirectiveName: String, containingFile: String?, options: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference = definedExternally, cache: TypeReferenceDirectiveResolutionCache = definedExternally, resolutionMode: ResolutionMode = definedExternally): ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations
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external fun <T : Node> setCommentRange(node: T, range: TextRange): T

Sets a custom text range to use when emitting comments.

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Sets the constant value to emit for an expression.

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external fun <T : Node> setEmitFlags(node: T, emitFlags: EmitFlags): T

Sets flags that control emit behavior of a node.

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external fun <T : Node> setOriginalNode(node: T, original: Node?): T
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external fun <T : Node> setSourceMapRange(node: T, range: SourceMapRange?): T

Sets a custom text range to use when emitting source maps.

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external fun <T : Node> setSyntheticLeadingComments(node: T, comments: ReadonlyArray<SynthesizedComment>?): T
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external fun <T : Node> setSyntheticTrailingComments(node: T, comments: ReadonlyArray<SynthesizedComment>?): T
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external fun <T : TextRange> setTextRange(range: T, location: TextRange?): T
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external fun <T : Node> setTokenSourceMapRange(node: T, token: SyntaxKind, range: SourceMapRange?): T

Sets the TextRange to use for source maps for a token of a node.

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external fun symbolName(symbol: Symbol): String
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external fun textSpanContainsPosition(span: TextSpan, position: Double): Boolean
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external fun textSpanContainsTextSpan(span: TextSpan, other: TextSpan): Boolean
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external fun textSpanEnd(span: TextSpan): Double
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external fun textSpanIntersection(span1: TextSpan, span2: TextSpan): TextSpan?
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external fun textSpanIntersectsWith(span: TextSpan, start: Double, length: Double): Boolean
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external fun textSpanIntersectsWithPosition(span: TextSpan, position: Double): Boolean
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external fun textSpanIsEmpty(span: TextSpan): Boolean
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external fun textSpanOverlap(span1: TextSpan, span2: TextSpan): TextSpan?
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external fun textSpanOverlapsWith(span: TextSpan, other: TextSpan): Boolean
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external fun tokenToString(t: SyntaxKind): String?
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external fun <T : Node> transform(source: T, transformers: ReadonlyArray<TransformerFactory<T>>, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions = definedExternally): TransformationResult<T>
external fun <T : Node> transform(source: ReadonlyArray<T>, transformers: ReadonlyArray<TransformerFactory<T>>, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions = definedExternally): TransformationResult<T>

Transform one or more nodes using the supplied transformers.

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external fun transpile(input: String, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions = definedExternally, fileName: String = definedExternally, diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> = definedExternally, moduleName: String = definedExternally): String
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external fun transpileModule(input: String, transpileOptions: TranspileOptions): TranspileOutput
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external fun unescapeLeadingUnderscores(identifier: __String): String

Remove extra underscore from escaped identifier text content.

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external fun updateLanguageServiceSourceFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot, version: String, textChangeRange: TextChangeRange?, aggressiveChecks: Boolean = definedExternally): SourceFile
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external fun updateSourceFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, newText: String, textChangeRange: TextChangeRange, aggressiveChecks: Boolean = definedExternally): SourceFile
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external fun validateLocaleAndSetLanguage(locale: String, sys: ValidateLocaleAndSetLanguageSys, errors: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> = definedExternally)

Checks to see if the locale is in the appropriate format, and if it is, attempts to set the appropriate language.

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external fun visitCommaListElements(elements: NodeArray<Expression>, visitor: Visitor<*, *>, discardVisitor: Visitor<*, *> = definedExternally): NodeArray<Expression>

Visits the elements of a {@link CommaListExpression}.

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external fun <T : Node> visitEachChild(node: T, visitor: Visitor<*, *>, context: TransformationContext?): T
external fun <T : Node> visitEachChild(node: T?, visitor: Visitor<*, *>, context: TransformationContext?, nodesVisitor: VisitEachChildNodesVisitor = definedExternally, tokenVisitor: Visitor<*, *> = definedExternally): T?

Visits each child of a Node using the supplied visitor, possibly returning a new Node of the same kind in its place.

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external fun visitFunctionBody(node: ConciseBody, visitor: Visitor<*, *>, context: TransformationContext): ConciseBody

Resumes a suspended lexical environment and visits a concise body, ending the lexical environment and merging hoisted declarations upon completion.

external fun visitFunctionBody(node: FunctionBody, visitor: Visitor<*, *>, context: TransformationContext): FunctionBody
external fun visitFunctionBody(node: FunctionBody?, visitor: Visitor<*, *>, context: TransformationContext): FunctionBody?

Resumes a suspended lexical environment and visits a function body, ending the lexical environment and merging hoisted declarations upon completion.

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external fun visitIterationBody(body: Statement, visitor: Visitor<*, *>, context: TransformationContext): Statement

Visits an iteration body, adding any block-scoped variables required by the transformation.

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external fun visitLexicalEnvironment(statements: NodeArray<Statement>, visitor: Visitor<*, *>, context: TransformationContext, start: Double = definedExternally, ensureUseStrict: Boolean = definedExternally, nodesVisitor: NodesVisitor = definedExternally): NodeArray<Statement>

Starts a new lexical environment and visits a statement list, ending the lexical environment and merging hoisted declarations upon completion.

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external fun <TIn : Node?, TVisited : Node?, TOut : Node> visitNode(node: TIn, visitor: Visitor<TIn & Any, TVisited>, test: (node: Node) -> Boolean, lift: (ReadonlyArray<Node>) -> Node = definedExternally): Any
external fun <TIn : Node?, TVisited : Node?> visitNode(node: TIn, visitor: Visitor<TIn & Any, TVisited>, test: (node: Node) -> Boolean = definedExternally, lift: (ReadonlyArray<Node>) -> Node = definedExternally): Any

Visits a Node using the supplied visitor, possibly returning a new Node in its place.

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external fun <TIn : Node, TInArray : NodeArray<TIn>?> visitNodes(nodes: TInArray, visitor: Visitor<TIn, Node?>, test: (node: Node) -> Boolean = definedExternally, start: Double = definedExternally, count: Double = definedExternally): Any

Visits a NodeArray using the supplied visitor, possibly returning a new NodeArray in its place.

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external fun visitParameterList(nodes: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>, visitor: Visitor<*, *>, context: TransformationContext, nodesVisitor: NodesVisitor = definedExternally): NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>

Starts a new lexical environment and visits a parameter list, suspending the lexical environment upon completion.

external fun visitParameterList(nodes: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>?, visitor: Visitor<*, *>, context: TransformationContext, nodesVisitor: NodesVisitor = definedExternally): NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>?