
sealed external interface WatchHost(source)

Host that has watch functionality used in --watch mode



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abstract val clearTimeout: (timeoutId: Any?) -> Unit?

If provided, will be used to reset existing delayed compilation

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abstract val onWatchStatusChange: (diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: String, options: CompilerOptions, errorCount: Double?) -> Unit?

If provided, called with Diagnostic message that informs about change in watch status

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abstract val setTimeout: Function<Any?>?

If provided, will be used to set delayed compilation, so that multiple changes in short span are compiled together


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abstract fun watchDirectory(path: String, callback: DirectoryWatcherCallback, recursive: Boolean = definedExternally, options: WatchOptions = definedExternally): FileWatcher

Used to watch resolved module's failed lookup locations, config file specs, type roots where auto type reference directives are added

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abstract fun watchFile(path: String, callback: FileWatcherCallback, pollingInterval: Double = definedExternally, options: WatchOptions = definedExternally): FileWatcher

Used to watch changes in source files, missing files needed to update the program or config file