
sealed external interface NodesVisitor(source)

A function that walks a node array using the given visitor, returning an array whose contents satisfy the test.

  • If the input node array is undefined, the output is undefined.

  • If the visitor can return undefined, the node it visits in the array will be reused.

  • If the output node array is not undefined, then its contents will satisfy the test.

  • In order to obtain a return type that is more specific than NodeArray<Node>, a test function must be provided, and that function must be a type predicate.

For the canonical implementation of this type, @see {visitNodes}.


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abstract operator fun <TIn : Node, TInArray : NodeArray<TIn>?> invoke(nodes: TInArray, visitor: Visitor<TIn, Node?>, test: (node: Node) -> Boolean = definedExternally, start: Double = definedExternally, count: Double = definedExternally): Any