
sealed external interface LanguageService(source)


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abstract val toLineColumnOffset: (fileName: String, position: Double) -> LineAndCharacter?


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abstract fun cleanupSemanticCache()

This is used as a part of restarting the language service.

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abstract fun commentSelection(fileName: String, textRange: TextRange): ReadonlyArray<TextChange>
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abstract fun dispose()
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abstract fun findReferences(fileName: String, position: Double): ReadonlyArray<ReferencedSymbol>?
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abstract fun findRenameLocations(fileName: String, position: Double, findInStrings: Boolean, findInComments: Boolean, providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename: Boolean = definedExternally): ReadonlyArray<RenameLocation>?
abstract fun findRenameLocations(fileName: String, position: Double, findInStrings: Boolean, findInComments: Boolean, preferences: UserPreferences): ReadonlyArray<RenameLocation>?
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abstract fun getApplicableRefactors(fileName: String, positionOrRange: Double, preferences: UserPreferences?, triggerReason: RefactorTriggerReason = definedExternally, kind: String = definedExternally, includeInteractiveActions: Boolean = definedExternally): ReadonlyArray<ApplicableRefactorInfo>
abstract fun getApplicableRefactors(fileName: String, positionOrRange: TextRange, preferences: UserPreferences?, triggerReason: RefactorTriggerReason = definedExternally, kind: String = definedExternally, includeInteractiveActions: Boolean = definedExternally): ReadonlyArray<ApplicableRefactorInfo>
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abstract fun getBraceMatchingAtPosition(fileName: String, position: Double): ReadonlyArray<TextSpan>
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abstract fun getBreakpointStatementAtPosition(fileName: String, position: Double): TextSpan?
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abstract fun getCodeFixesAtPosition(fileName: String, start: Double, end: Double, errorCodes: ReadonlyArray<Double>, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, preferences: UserPreferences): ReadonlyArray<CodeFixAction>
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abstract fun getCombinedCodeFix(scope: CombinedCodeFixScope, fixId: Any, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, preferences: UserPreferences): CombinedCodeActions
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Gets global diagnostics related to the program configuration and compiler options.

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abstract fun getCompletionEntryDetails(fileName: String, position: Double, entryName: String, formatOptions: FormatCodeOptions?, source: String?, preferences: UserPreferences?, data: CompletionEntryData?): CompletionEntryDetails?
abstract fun getCompletionEntryDetails(fileName: String, position: Double, entryName: String, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings?, source: String?, preferences: UserPreferences?, data: CompletionEntryData?): CompletionEntryDetails?

Gets the extended details for a completion entry retrieved from getCompletionsAtPosition.

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abstract fun getCompletionEntrySymbol(fileName: String, position: Double, name: String, source: String?): Symbol?
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abstract fun getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName: String, position: Double, options: GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions?, formattingSettings: FormatCodeSettings = definedExternally): WithMetadata<CompletionInfo>?

Gets completion entries at a particular position in a file.

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abstract fun getDefinitionAtPosition(fileName: String, position: Double): ReadonlyArray<DefinitionInfo>?
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abstract fun getDocCommentTemplateAtPosition(fileName: String, position: Double, options: DocCommentTemplateOptions = definedExternally, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings = definedExternally): TextInsertion?
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abstract fun getDocumentHighlights(fileName: String, position: Double, filesToSearch: ReadonlyArray<String>): ReadonlyArray<DocumentHighlights>?
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abstract fun getEditsForFileRename(oldFilePath: String, newFilePath: String, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, preferences: UserPreferences?): ReadonlyArray<FileTextChanges>
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abstract fun getEditsForRefactor(fileName: String, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, positionOrRange: Double, refactorName: String, actionName: String, preferences: UserPreferences?, interactiveRefactorArguments: InteractiveRefactorArguments = definedExternally): RefactorEditInfo?
abstract fun getEditsForRefactor(fileName: String, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, positionOrRange: TextRange, refactorName: String, actionName: String, preferences: UserPreferences?, interactiveRefactorArguments: InteractiveRefactorArguments = definedExternally): RefactorEditInfo?
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abstract fun getEmitOutput(fileName: String, emitOnlyDtsFiles: Boolean = definedExternally, forceDtsEmit: Boolean = definedExternally): EmitOutput
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abstract fun getEncodedSemanticClassifications(fileName: String, span: TextSpan, format: SemanticClassificationFormat = definedExternally): Classifications

Gets semantic highlights information for a particular file. Has two formats, an older version used by VS and a format used by VS Code.

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Encoded as triples of start, length, ClassificationType.

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abstract fun getIndentationAtPosition(fileName: String, position: Double, options: EditorOptions): Double
abstract fun getIndentationAtPosition(fileName: String, position: Double, options: EditorSettings): Double
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abstract fun getJsxClosingTagAtPosition(fileName: String, position: Double): JsxClosingTagInfo?

This will return a defined result if the position is after the > of the opening tag, or somewhere in the text, of a JSXElement with no closing tag. Editors should call this after > is typed.

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abstract fun getLinkedEditingRangeAtPosition(fileName: String, position: Double): LinkedEditingInfo?
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abstract fun getMoveToRefactoringFileSuggestions(fileName: String, positionOrRange: Double, preferences: UserPreferences?, triggerReason: RefactorTriggerReason = definedExternally, kind: String = definedExternally): LanguageServiceGetMoveToRefactoringFileSuggestionsResult
abstract fun getMoveToRefactoringFileSuggestions(fileName: String, positionOrRange: TextRange, preferences: UserPreferences?, triggerReason: RefactorTriggerReason = definedExternally, kind: String = definedExternally): LanguageServiceGetMoveToRefactoringFileSuggestionsResult
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abstract fun getNameOrDottedNameSpan(fileName: String, startPos: Double, endPos: Double): TextSpan?
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abstract fun getNavigateToItems(searchValue: String, maxResultCount: Double = definedExternally, fileName: String = definedExternally, excludeDtsFiles: Boolean = definedExternally, excludeLibFiles: Boolean = definedExternally): ReadonlyArray<NavigateToItem>
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abstract fun getNavigationTree(fileName: String): NavigationTree
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abstract fun getProgram(): Program?
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abstract fun getQuickInfoAtPosition(fileName: String, position: Double): QuickInfo?

Gets semantic information about the identifier at a particular position in a file. Quick info is what you typically see when you hover in an editor.

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abstract fun getReferencesAtPosition(fileName: String, position: Double): ReadonlyArray<ReferenceEntry>?
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abstract fun getRenameInfo(fileName: String, position: Double, options: RenameInfoOptions = definedExternally): RenameInfo
abstract fun getRenameInfo(fileName: String, position: Double, preferences: UserPreferences): RenameInfo
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Gets warnings or errors indicating type system issues in a given file. Requesting semantic diagnostics may start up the type system and run deferred work, so the first call may take longer than subsequent calls.

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abstract fun getSignatureHelpItems(fileName: String, position: Double, options: SignatureHelpItemsOptions?): SignatureHelpItems?
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abstract fun getSmartSelectionRange(fileName: String, position: Double): SelectionRange
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abstract fun getSpanOfEnclosingComment(fileName: String, position: Double, onlyMultiLine: Boolean): TextSpan?
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Gets suggestion diagnostics for a specific file. These diagnostics tend to proactively suggest refactors, as opposed to diagnostics that indicate potentially incorrect runtime behavior.

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abstract fun getSupportedCodeFixes(fileName: String = definedExternally): ReadonlyArray<String>
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Gets errors indicating invalid syntax in a file.

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abstract fun isValidBraceCompletionAtPosition(fileName: String, position: Double, openingBrace: Double): Boolean
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abstract fun prepareCallHierarchy(fileName: String, position: Double): Any?
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abstract fun provideInlayHints(fileName: String, span: TextSpan, preferences: UserPreferences?): ReadonlyArray<InlayHint>
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abstract fun toggleLineComment(fileName: String, textRange: TextRange): ReadonlyArray<TextChange>
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abstract fun toggleMultilineComment(fileName: String, textRange: TextRange): ReadonlyArray<TextChange>
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abstract fun uncommentSelection(fileName: String, textRange: TextRange): ReadonlyArray<TextChange>