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abstract var _declarationBrand: Any?
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abstract var _localsContainerBrand: Any?
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abstract val end: Double
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abstract var fileName: String
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abstract val flags: NodeFlags
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abstract var hasNoDefaultLib: Boolean

lib.d.ts should have a reference comment like

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When module is Node16 or NodeNext, this field controls whether the source file in question is an ESNext-output-format file, or a CommonJS-output-format module. This is derived by the module resolver as it looks up the file, since it is derived from either the file extension of the module, or the containing package.json context, and affects both checking and emit.

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abstract override val kind: SyntaxKind.SourceFile
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abstract var moduleName: String?
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abstract val parent: Node
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abstract val pos: Double
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abstract var text: String


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abstract fun <T> forEachChild(cbNode: (node: Node) -> T?, cbNodeArray: (nodes: NodeArray<Node>) -> T? = definedExternally): T?
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abstract fun getChildAt(index: Double, sourceFile: SourceFile = definedExternally): Node
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abstract fun getChildCount(sourceFile: SourceFile = definedExternally): Double
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abstract fun getChildren(sourceFile: SourceFile = definedExternally): ReadonlyArray<Node>
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abstract fun getEnd(): Double
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abstract fun getFirstToken(sourceFile: SourceFile = definedExternally): Node?
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abstract fun getFullStart(): Double
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abstract fun getFullText(sourceFile: SourceFile = definedExternally): String
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abstract fun getFullWidth(): Double
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abstract fun getLastToken(sourceFile: SourceFile = definedExternally): Node?
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abstract fun getLeadingTriviaWidth(sourceFile: SourceFile = definedExternally): Double
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abstract fun getLineEndOfPosition(pos: Double): Double
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abstract fun getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(line: Double, character: Double): Double
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abstract fun getSourceFile(): SourceFile
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abstract fun getStart(sourceFile: SourceFile = definedExternally, includeJsDocComment: Boolean = definedExternally): Double
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abstract fun getText(sourceFile: SourceFile = definedExternally): String
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abstract fun getWidth(sourceFile: SourceFileLike = definedExternally): Double
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abstract fun update(newText: String, textChangeRange: TextChangeRange): SourceFile