
external class ModelFeature(source)

A feature of a Model.

Provides access to a feature's properties stored in the model's feature table.

Modifications to a ModelFeature object have the lifetime of the model.

Do not construct this directly. Access it through picking using Scene.pick.

// On mouse over, display all the properties for a feature in the console log.
handler.setInputAction(function(movement) {
const feature = scene.pick(movement.endPosition);
if (feature instanceof ModelFeature) {
}, ScreenSpaceEventType.MOUSE_MOVE);

See also


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sealed interface ConstructorOptions


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Gets or sets the highlight color multiplied with the feature's color. When this is white, the feature's color is not changed. This is set for all features when a style's color is evaluated.

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Get the feature ID associated with this feature. For 3D Tiles 1.0, the batch ID is returned. For EXT_mesh_features, this is the feature ID from the selected feature ID set.

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Gets or sets if the feature will be shown. This is set for all features when a style's show is evaluated.


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fun getProperty(name: String): Any

Returns a copy of the value of the feature's property with the given name.

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fun getPropertyIds(results: ReadonlyArray<String>? = definedExternally): ReadonlyArray<String>

Returns an array of property IDs for the feature.

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Returns a copy of the feature's property with the given name, examining all the metadata from the EXT_structural_metadata and legacy EXT_feature_metadata glTF extensions. Metadata is checked against name from most specific to most general and the first match is returned. Metadata is checked in this order:

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Returns whether the feature contains this property.

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fun setProperty(name: String, value: Any): Boolean

Sets the value of the feature's property with the given name.