
external interface SortingColumnDef<TData : RowData>(source)



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abstract var enableMultiSort: Boolean?

Enables/Disables multi-sorting for this column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var enableSorting: Boolean?

Enables/Disables sorting for this column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var invertSorting: Boolean?

Inverts the order of the sorting for this column. This is useful for values that have an inverted best/worst scale where lower numbers are better, eg. a ranking (1st, 2nd, 3rd) or golf-like scoring API Docs Guide

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abstract var sortDescFirst: Boolean?

Set to true for sorting toggles on this column to start in the descending direction. API Docs Guide

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The sorting function to use with this column.

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abstract var sortUndefined: Comparable<*>?

The priority of undefined values when sorting this column.