
suspend external fun sampleTerrainMostDetailed(terrainProvider: TerrainProvider, positions: ReadonlyArray<Cartographic>, rejectOnTileFail: Boolean? = definedExternally): ReadonlyArray<Cartographic>(source)

Initiates a sampleTerrain() request at the maximum available tile level for a terrain dataset.

// Query the terrain height of two Cartographic positions
const terrainProvider = await createWorldTerrainAsync();
const positions = [
Cartographic.fromDegrees(86.925145, 27.988257),
Cartographic.fromDegrees(87.0, 28.0)
const updatedPositions = await sampleTerrainMostDetailed(terrainProvider, positions);
// positions[0].height and positions[1].height have been updated.
// updatedPositions is just a reference to positions.

// To handle tile errors, pass true for the rejectOnTileFail parameter.
try {
const updatedPositions = await sampleTerrainMostDetailed(terrainProvider, positions, true);
} catch (error) {
// A tile request error occurred.


A promise that resolves to the provided list of positions when terrain the query has completed. This promise will reject if the terrain provider's availability property is undefined.



The terrain provider from which to query heights.


The positions to update with terrain heights.


If true, for a failed terrain tile request the promise will be rejected. If false, returned heights will be undefined. Default value - false

See also