
external interface SystemPreferences : EventEmitter(source)


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A string property that can be dark, light or unknown.


A boolean property which determines whether the app avoids using semitransparent backgrounds. This maps to NSWorkspace.accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceTransparency

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abstract fun addListener(event: SystemPreferencesEvent.ACCENT_COLOR_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>, newColor: String) -> Unit)
abstract fun addListener(event: SystemPreferencesEvent.COLOR_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>) -> Unit)
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A promise that resolves with true if consent was granted and false if it was denied. If an invalid mediaType is passed, the promise will be rejected. If an access request was denied and later is changed through the System Preferences pane, a restart of the app will be required for the new permissions to take effect. If access has already been requested and denied, it must be changed through the preference pane; an alert will not pop up and the promise will resolve with the existing access status.

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abstract fun canPromptTouchID(): Boolean

whether or not this device has the ability to use Touch ID.

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abstract fun getAccentColor(): String

The users current system wide accent color preference in RGBA hexadecimal form.

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Returns an object with system animation settings.

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The system color setting in RGBA hexadecimal form (#RRGGBBAA). See the Windows docs and the macOS docs for more details.

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Can be dark, light or unknown.

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Can be not-determined, granted, denied, restricted or unknown.

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The standard system color formatted as #RRGGBBAA.

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abstract fun getUserDefault(key: String, type: String): Any?

The value of key in NSUserDefaults.

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abstract fun isAeroGlassEnabled(): Boolean

true if DWM composition (Aero Glass) is enabled, and false otherwise.

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Whether the Swipe between pages setting is on.

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true if the current process is a trusted accessibility client and false if it is not.

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abstract fun off(event: SystemPreferencesEvent.ACCENT_COLOR_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>, newColor: String) -> Unit)
abstract fun off(event: SystemPreferencesEvent.COLOR_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>) -> Unit)
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abstract fun on(event: SystemPreferencesEvent.ACCENT_COLOR_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>, newColor: String) -> Unit)
abstract fun on(event: SystemPreferencesEvent.COLOR_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>) -> Unit)
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abstract fun once(event: SystemPreferencesEvent.ACCENT_COLOR_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>, newColor: String) -> Unit)
abstract fun once(event: SystemPreferencesEvent.COLOR_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>) -> Unit)
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abstract fun postLocalNotification(event: String, userInfo: ReadonlyRecord<String, Any?>)

Posts event as native notifications of macOS. The userInfo is an Object that contains the user information dictionary sent along with the notification.

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abstract fun postNotification(event: String, userInfo: ReadonlyRecord<String, Any?>, deliverImmediately: Boolean = definedExternally)

Posts event as native notifications of macOS. The userInfo is an Object that contains the user information dictionary sent along with the notification.

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abstract fun postWorkspaceNotification(event: String, userInfo: ReadonlyRecord<String, Any?>)

Posts event as native notifications of macOS. The userInfo is an Object that contains the user information dictionary sent along with the notification.

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abstract fun promptTouchID(reason: String): Promise<Void>

resolves if the user has successfully authenticated with Touch ID.

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abstract fun registerDefaults(defaults: ReadonlyRecord<String, Any>)

Add the specified defaults to your application's NSUserDefaults.

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abstract fun removeListener(event: SystemPreferencesEvent.ACCENT_COLOR_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>, newColor: String) -> Unit)
abstract fun removeListener(event: SystemPreferencesEvent.COLOR_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>) -> Unit)
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abstract fun removeUserDefault(key: String)

Removes the key in NSUserDefaults. This can be used to restore the default or global value of a key previously set with setUserDefault.

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abstract fun setUserDefault(key: String, type: String, value: Any?)

Set the value of key in NSUserDefaults.

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abstract fun subscribeLocalNotification(event: String?, callback: (event: String, userInfo: ReadonlyRecord<String, Any?>, object: String) -> Unit): Double

The ID of this subscription

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abstract fun subscribeNotification(event: String?, callback: (event: String, userInfo: ReadonlyRecord<String, Any?>, object: String) -> Unit): Double

The ID of this subscription

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abstract fun subscribeWorkspaceNotification(event: String?, callback: (event: String, userInfo: ReadonlyRecord<String, Any?>, object: String) -> Unit): Double

The ID of this subscription

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Same as unsubscribeNotification, but removes the subscriber from NSNotificationCenter.

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Removes the subscriber with id.

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Same as unsubscribeNotification, but removes the subscriber from NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace.notificationCenter.