
sealed interface ConstructorOptions(source)

Initialization options for the BingMapsImageryProvider constructor

See also


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abstract var culture: String?

The culture to use when requesting Bing Maps imagery. Not all cultures are supported. See [] for information on the supported cultures. Default value - ''

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abstract var ellipsoid: Ellipsoid?

The ellipsoid. If not specified, the default ellipsoid is used. Default value - Ellipsoid.default

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abstract var key: String?

The Bing Maps key for your application, which can be created at

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abstract var mapLayer: String?

Additional display layer options as defined on

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abstract var mapStyle: BingMapsStyle?

The type of Bing Maps imagery to load. Default value - BingMapsStyle.AERIAL

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The policy that determines if a tile is invalid and should be discarded. By default, a DiscardEmptyTileImagePolicy will be used, with the expectation that the Bing Maps server will send a zero-length response for missing tiles. To ensure that no tiles are discarded, construct and pass a NeverTileDiscardPolicy for this parameter.

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abstract var tileProtocol: String?

The protocol to use when loading tiles, e.g. 'http' or 'https'. By default, tiles are loaded using the same protocol as the page.