
external fun hash(algorithm: String, data: BinaryLike, outputEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding = definedExternally): String(source)

A utility for creating one-shot hash digests of data. It can be faster than the object-based crypto.createHash() when hashing a smaller amount of data (<= 5MB) that's readily available. If the data can be big or if it is streamed, it's still recommended to use crypto.createHash() instead. The algorithm is dependent on the available algorithms supported by the version of OpenSSL on the platform. Examples are 'sha256', 'sha512', etc. On recent releases of OpenSSL, openssl list -digest-algorithms will display the available digest algorithms.


const crypto = require('node:crypto');
const { Buffer } = require('node:buffer');

// Hashing a string and return the result as a hex-encoded string.
const string = 'Node.js';
// 10b3493287f831e81a438811a1ffba01f8cec4b7
console.log(crypto.hash('sha1', string));

// Encode a base64-encoded string into a Buffer, hash it and return
// the result as a buffer.
const base64 = 'Tm9kZS5qcw==';
// <Buffer 10 b3 49 32 87 f8 31 e8 1a 43 88 11 a1 ff ba 01 f8 ce c4 b7>
console.log(crypto.hash('sha1', Buffer.from(base64, 'base64'), 'buffer'));


v21.7.0, v20.12.0



When data is a string, it will be encoded as UTF-8 before being hashed. If a different input encoding is desired for a string input, user could encode the string into a TypedArray using either TextEncoder or Buffer.from() and passing the encoded TypedArray into this API instead.

outputEncoding='hex' Encoding used to encode the returned digest.

external fun hash(algorithm: String, data: BinaryLike, outputEncoding: String): Buffer(source)
external fun hash(algorithm: String, data: BinaryLike): Any(source)