Package-level declarations


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sealed external interface AsymmetricKeyDetails
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sealed external interface BasePrivateKeyEncodingOptions<T : KeyFormat>
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typealias BinaryLike = Any
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sealed external interface BinaryToTextEncoding
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external class Certificate

SPKAC is a Certificate Signing Request mechanism originally implemented by Netscape and was specified formally as part of HTML5's keygen element.

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sealed external interface CharacterEncoding
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sealed external interface CheckPrimeOptions
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open external class Cipher : Transform

Instances of the Cipher class are used to encrypt data. The class can be used in one of two ways:

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sealed external interface CipherCCM : Cipher
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sealed external interface CipherCCMOptions : TransformOptions
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sealed external interface CipherCCMSetAADOptions
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sealed external interface CipherCCMTypes
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sealed external interface CipherGCM : Cipher
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sealed external interface CipherGCMOptions : TransformOptions
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sealed external interface CipherGCMSetAADOptions
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sealed external interface CipherGCMTypes
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sealed external interface CipherInfo
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sealed external interface CipherInfoOptions
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typealias CipherKey = Any
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sealed external interface CipherMode
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sealed external interface CipherOCB : Cipher
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sealed external interface CipherOCBOptions : TransformOptions
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sealed external interface CipherOCBSetAADOptions
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sealed external interface CipherOCBTypes
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open external class Decipher : Transform

Instances of the Decipher class are used to decrypt data. The class can be used in one of two ways:

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sealed external interface DecipherCCM : Decipher
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sealed external interface DecipherCCMSetAADOptions
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sealed external interface DecipherGCM : Decipher
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sealed external interface DecipherGCMSetAADOptions
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sealed external interface DecipherOCB : Decipher
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sealed external interface DecipherOCBSetAADOptions
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external class DiffieHellman

The DiffieHellman class is a utility for creating Diffie-Hellman key exchanges.

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sealed external class DiffieHellmanGroup
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sealed external interface DiffieHellmanOptions
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sealed external interface DSAEncoding
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sealed external interface DSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions
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sealed external interface DSAKeyPairOptions<PubF : KeyFormat, PrivF : KeyFormat>
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external class ECDH

The ECDH class is a utility for creating Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchanges.

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sealed external interface ECDHConvertKeyFormat
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sealed external interface ECDHConvertKeyOutputEncoding
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sealed external interface ECDHKeyFormat
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sealed external interface ECKeyPairKeyObjectOptions
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sealed external interface ECKeyPairKeyObjectOptionsParamEncoding
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sealed external interface ECKeyPairOptionsPrivateKeyEncodingType
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sealed external interface ECKeyPairOptionsPublicKeyEncoding<PubF : KeyFormat>
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sealed external interface ECKeyPairOptionsPublicKeyEncodingType
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sealed external interface ED25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions
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sealed external interface ED25519KeyPairOptions<PubF : KeyFormat, PrivF : KeyFormat>
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sealed external interface ED448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions
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sealed external interface ED448KeyPairOptions<PubF : KeyFormat, PrivF : KeyFormat>
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typealias Encoding = Any
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sealed external interface GenerateKeyOptions
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sealed external interface GenerateKeySyncOptions
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sealed external interface GenerateKeySyncType
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sealed external interface GenerateKeyType
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sealed external interface GeneratePrimeOptions
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external class Hash : Transform

The Hash class is a utility for creating hash digests of data. It can be used in one of two ways:

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sealed external interface HashOptions : TransformOptions
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external class Hmac : Transform

The Hmac class is a utility for creating cryptographic HMAC digests. It can be used in one of two ways:

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sealed external interface JsonWebKey
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sealed external interface JsonWebKeyInput
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sealed external interface JwkKeyExportOptions
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sealed external interface KeyExportOptions<T : KeyFormat>
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sealed external interface KeyExportOptionsType
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sealed external interface KeyFormat
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typealias KeyLike = Any
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external class KeyObject

Node.js uses a KeyObject class to represent a symmetric or asymmetric key, and each kind of key exposes different functions. The {@link createSecretKey}, {@link createPublicKey} and {@link createPrivateKey} methods are used to create KeyObjectinstances. KeyObject objects are not to be created directly using the newkeyword.

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sealed external interface KeyObjectType
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sealed external interface KeyPairKeyObjectResult
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sealed external interface KeyPairSyncResult<T1 : Any, T2 : Any>
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sealed external interface KeyType
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typealias LargeNumberLike = Any
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sealed external interface LegacyCharacterEncoding
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sealed external interface PrivateKeyInput
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sealed external interface PrivateKeyInputType
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sealed external interface PublicKeyInput
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sealed external interface PublicKeyInputType
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sealed external interface RandomUUIDOptions
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sealed external interface RSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions
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sealed external interface RSAKeyPairOptions<PubF : KeyFormat, PrivF : KeyFormat>
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sealed external interface RSAKeyPairOptionsPrivateKeyEncodingType
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sealed external interface RSAKeyPairOptionsPublicKeyEncodingType
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sealed external interface RsaPrivateKey
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sealed external interface RSAPSSKeyPairKeyObjectOptions
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sealed external interface RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<PubF : KeyFormat, PrivF : KeyFormat>
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sealed external interface RsaPublicKey
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sealed external interface ScryptOptions
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sealed external interface SecureHeapUsage
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external class Sign : Writable

The Sign class is a utility for generating signatures. It can be used in one of two ways:

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sealed external interface SigningOptions
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sealed external interface SignKeyObjectInput : SigningOptions
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typealias UUID = String
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external class Verify : Writable

The Verify class is a utility for verifying signatures. It can be used in one of two ways:

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sealed external interface VerifyKeyObjectInput : SigningOptions
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sealed external interface X25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions
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sealed external interface X25519KeyPairOptions<PubF : KeyFormat, PrivF : KeyFormat>
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sealed external interface X448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions
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sealed external interface X448KeyPairOptions<PubF : KeyFormat, PrivF : KeyFormat>
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external class X509Certificate

Encapsulates an X509 certificate and provides read-only access to its information.

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sealed external interface X509CheckOptions
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sealed external interface X509CheckOptionsSubject


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external val fips: Boolean
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external val subtle: SubtleCrypto

A convenient alias for crypto.webcrypto.subtle.

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external val webcrypto: Crypto

An implementation of the Web Crypto API standard.


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external fun checkPrime(value: LargeNumberLike, callback: (JsError?, result: Boolean) -> Unit)

Checks the primality of the candidate.

external fun checkPrime(value: LargeNumberLike, options: CheckPrimeOptions, callback: (JsError?, result: Boolean) -> Unit)
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external fun checkPrimeSync(candidate: LargeNumberLike, options: CheckPrimeOptions = definedExternally): Boolean

Checks the primality of the candidate.

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external fun createCipheriv(algorithm: String, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike?, options: TransformOptions = definedExternally): Cipher
external fun createCipheriv(algorithm: CipherGCMTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options: CipherGCMOptions = definedExternally): CipherGCM
external fun createCipheriv(algorithm: CipherOCBTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options: CipherOCBOptions): CipherOCB

external fun createCipheriv(algorithm: CipherCCMTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options: CipherCCMOptions): CipherCCM

Creates and returns a Cipher object, with the given algorithm, key and initialization vector (iv).

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external fun createDecipheriv(algorithm: String, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike?, options: TransformOptions = definedExternally): Decipher
external fun createDecipheriv(algorithm: CipherGCMTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options: CipherGCMOptions = definedExternally): DecipherGCM
external fun createDecipheriv(algorithm: CipherOCBTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options: CipherOCBOptions): DecipherOCB

external fun createDecipheriv(algorithm: CipherCCMTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options: CipherCCMOptions): DecipherCCM

Creates and returns a Decipher object that uses the given algorithm, key and initialization vector (iv).

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external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: ArrayBuffer, generator: ArrayBuffer = definedExternally): DiffieHellman
external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: ArrayBuffer, generator: ArrayBufferView = definedExternally): DiffieHellman
external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: ArrayBuffer, generator: Double = definedExternally): DiffieHellman
external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: ArrayBufferView, generator: ArrayBuffer = definedExternally): DiffieHellman
external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: ArrayBufferView, generator: ArrayBufferView = definedExternally): DiffieHellman
external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: ArrayBufferView, generator: Double = definedExternally): DiffieHellman
external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: String, primeEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): DiffieHellman
external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: ArrayBuffer, generator: String, generatorEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): DiffieHellman
external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: ArrayBufferView, generator: String, generatorEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): DiffieHellman
external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: String, primeEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, generator: ArrayBuffer = definedExternally): DiffieHellman
external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: String, primeEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, generator: ArrayBufferView = definedExternally): DiffieHellman
external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: String, primeEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, generator: Double = definedExternally): DiffieHellman
external fun createDiffieHellman(prime: String, primeEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, generator: String, generatorEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): DiffieHellman

external fun createDiffieHellman(primeLength: Number, generator: Number = definedExternally): DiffieHellman

Creates a DiffieHellman key exchange object using the supplied prime and an optional specific generator.

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An alias for {@link getDiffieHellman}

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external fun createECDH(curveName: String): ECDH

Creates an Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange object using a predefined curve specified by the curveName string. Use {@link getCurves} to obtain a list of available curve names. On recent OpenSSL releases, openssl ecparam -list_curves will also display the name and description of each available elliptic curve.

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external fun createHash(algorithm: String, options: HashOptions = definedExternally): Hash

Creates and returns a Hash object that can be used to generate hash digests using the given algorithm. Optional options argument controls stream behavior. For XOF hash functions such as 'shake256', the outputLength option can be used to specify the desired output length in bytes.

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external fun createHmac(algorithm: String, key: BinaryLike, options: TransformOptions = definedExternally): Hmac
external fun createHmac(algorithm: String, key: KeyObject, options: TransformOptions = definedExternally): Hmac

Creates and returns an Hmac object that uses the given algorithm and key. Optional options argument controls stream behavior.

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external fun createPrivateKey(key: String): KeyObject
external fun createPrivateKey(key: Buffer): KeyObject

Creates and returns a new key object containing a private key. If key is a string or Buffer, format is assumed to be 'pem'; otherwise, key must be an object with the properties described above.

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external fun createPublicKey(key: String): KeyObject
external fun createPublicKey(key: Buffer): KeyObject
external fun createPublicKey(key: KeyObject): KeyObject

Creates and returns a new key object containing a public key. If key is a string or Buffer, format is assumed to be 'pem'; if key is a KeyObject with type 'private', the public key is derived from the given private key; otherwise, key must be an object with the properties described above.

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Creates and returns a new key object containing a secret key for symmetric encryption or Hmac.

external fun createSecretKey(key: String, encoding: BufferEncoding): KeyObject
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external fun createSign(algorithm: String, options: WritableOptions = definedExternally): Sign

Creates and returns a Sign object that uses the given algorithm. Use {@link getHashes} to obtain the names of the available digest algorithms. Optional options argument controls the stream.Writable behavior.

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external fun createVerify(algorithm: String, options: WritableOptions = definedExternally): Verify

Creates and returns a Verify object that uses the given algorithm. Use {@link getHashes} to obtain an array of names of the available signing algorithms. Optional options argument controls the stream.Writable behavior.

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external fun diffieHellman(options: DiffieHellmanOptions): Buffer

Computes the Diffie-Hellman secret based on a privateKey and a publicKey. Both keys must have the same asymmetricKeyType, which must be one of 'dh' (for Diffie-Hellman), 'ec' (for ECDH), 'x448', or 'x25519' (for ECDH-ES).

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external fun generateKey(type: GenerateKeyType, options: GenerateKeyOptions, callback: (JsError?, key: KeyObject) -> Unit)

Asynchronously generates a new random secret key of the given length. The type will determine which validations will be performed on the length.

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external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.dsa, options: DSAKeyPairDerDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.dsa, options: DSAKeyPairDerPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.dsa, options: DSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.dsa, options: DSAKeyPairPemDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.dsa, options: DSAKeyPairPemPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type:, options: ECKeyPairDerDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type:, options: ECKeyPairDerPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type:, options: ECKeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type:, options: ECKeyPairPemDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type:, options: ECKeyPairPemPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.ed25519, options: ED25519KeyPairDerDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.ed25519, options: ED25519KeyPairDerPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.ed25519, options: ED25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions?, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.ed25519, options: ED25519KeyPairPemDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.ed25519, options: ED25519KeyPairPemPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.ed448, options: ED448KeyPairDerDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.ed448, options: ED448KeyPairDerPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.ed448, options: ED448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions?, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.ed448, options: ED448KeyPairPemDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.ed448, options: ED448KeyPairPemPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.rsa, options: RSAKeyPairDerDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.rsa, options: RSAKeyPairDerPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.rsa, options: RSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.rsa, options: RSAKeyPairPemDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.rsaPss, options: RSAPSSKeyPairDerDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.rsaPss, options: RSAPSSKeyPairDerPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.rsaPss, options: RSAPSSKeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.rsaPss, options: RSAPSSKeyPairPemDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.rsaPss, options: RSAPSSKeyPairPemPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.x25519, options: X25519KeyPairDerDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.x25519, options: X25519KeyPairDerPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.x25519, options: X25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions?, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.x25519, options: X25519KeyPairPemDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.x25519, options: X25519KeyPairPemPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.x448, options: X448KeyPairDerDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.x448, options: X448KeyPairDerPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: String) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.x448, options: X448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions?, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.x448, options: X448KeyPairPemDerOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.x448, options: X448KeyPairPemPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: String) -> Unit)

external fun generateKeyPair(type: KeyType.rsa, options: RSAKeyPairPemPemOptions, callback: (JsError?, publicKey: String, privateKey: String) -> Unit)

Generates a new asymmetric key pair of the given type. RSA, RSA-PSS, DSA, EC, Ed25519, Ed448, X25519, X448, and DH are currently supported.

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external fun generateKeyPairSync(type: KeyType.x448, options: X448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions = definedExternally): KeyPairKeyObjectResult

Generates a new asymmetric key pair of the given type. RSA, RSA-PSS, DSA, EC, Ed25519, Ed448, X25519, X448, and DH are currently supported.

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Synchronously generates a new random secret key of the given length. The type will determine which validations will be performed on the length.

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external fun generatePrime(size: Number, callback: (JsError?, prime: ArrayBuffer) -> Unit)

Generates a pseudorandom prime of size bits.

external fun generatePrime(size: Number, options: GeneratePrimeOptions, callback: (JsError?, prime: Any) -> Unit)
external fun generatePrime(size: Number, options: GeneratePrimeOptionsArrayBuffer, callback: (JsError?, prime: ArrayBuffer) -> Unit)
external fun generatePrime(size: Number, options: GeneratePrimeOptionsBigInt, callback: (JsError?, prime: BigInt) -> Unit)
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external fun generatePrimeSync(size: Number): ArrayBuffer

Generates a pseudorandom prime of size bits.

external fun generatePrimeSync(size: Number, options: GeneratePrimeOptions): Any
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external fun getCipherInfo(nameOrNid: Double, options: CipherInfoOptions = definedExternally): CipherInfo?
external fun getCipherInfo(nameOrNid: String, options: CipherInfoOptions = definedExternally): CipherInfo?

Returns information about a given cipher.

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external fun getCurves(): ReadonlyArray<String>
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external fun getDiffieHellman(groupName: String): DiffieHellmanGroup

Creates a predefined DiffieHellmanGroup key exchange object. The supported groups are listed in the documentation for DiffieHellmanGroup.

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external fun getFips(): Any
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external fun getHashes(): ReadonlyArray<String>
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external fun <T : BufferSource> getRandomValues(typedArray: T): T

A convenient alias for {@link webcrypto.getRandomValues}. This implementation is not compliant with the Web Crypto spec, to write web-compatible code use {@link webcrypto.getRandomValues} instead.

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external fun hash(algorithm: String, data: BinaryLike): Any
external fun hash(algorithm: String, data: BinaryLike, outputEncoding: String): Buffer

external fun hash(algorithm: String, data: BinaryLike, outputEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding = definedExternally): String

A utility for creating one-shot hash digests of data. It can be faster than the object-based crypto.createHash() when hashing a smaller amount of data (<= 5MB) that's readily available. If the data can be big or if it is streamed, it's still recommended to use crypto.createHash() instead. The algorithm is dependent on the available algorithms supported by the version of OpenSSL on the platform. Examples are 'sha256', 'sha512', etc. On recent releases of OpenSSL, openssl list -digest-algorithms will display the available digest algorithms.

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external fun hkdf(digest: String, irm: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, info: BinaryLike, keylen: Number, callback: (JsError?, derivedKey: ArrayBuffer) -> Unit)
external fun hkdf(digest: String, irm: KeyObject, salt: BinaryLike, info: BinaryLike, keylen: Number, callback: (JsError?, derivedKey: ArrayBuffer) -> Unit)

HKDF is a simple key derivation function defined in RFC 5869\. The given ikm, salt and info are used with the digest to derive a key of keylen bytes.

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external fun hkdfSync(digest: String, ikm: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, info: BinaryLike, keylen: Number): ArrayBuffer
external fun hkdfSync(digest: String, ikm: KeyObject, salt: BinaryLike, info: BinaryLike, keylen: Number): ArrayBuffer

Provides a synchronous HKDF key derivation function as defined in RFC 5869\. The given ikm, salt and info are used with the digest to derive a key of keylen bytes.

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external fun pbkdf2(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, iterations: Number, keylen: Number, digest: String, callback: (JsError?, derivedKey: Buffer) -> Unit)

Provides an asynchronous Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) implementation. A selected HMAC digest algorithm specified by digest is applied to derive a key of the requested byte length (keylen) from the password, salt and iterations.

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external fun pbkdf2Sync(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, iterations: Number, keylen: Number, digest: String): Buffer

Provides a synchronous Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) implementation. A selected HMAC digest algorithm specified by digest is applied to derive a key of the requested byte length (keylen) from the password, salt and iterations.

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external fun privateDecrypt(privateKey: KeyLike, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer
external fun privateDecrypt(privateKey: RsaPrivateKey, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer

Decrypts buffer with privateKey. buffer was previously encrypted using the corresponding public key, for example using {@link publicEncrypt}.

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external fun privateEncrypt(privateKey: KeyLike, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer
external fun privateEncrypt(privateKey: RsaPrivateKey, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer

Encrypts buffer with privateKey. The returned data can be decrypted using the corresponding public key, for example using {@link publicDecrypt}.

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external fun pseudoRandomBytes(size: Number): Buffer
external fun pseudoRandomBytes(size: Number, callback: (JsError?, buf: Buffer) -> Unit)
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external fun publicDecrypt(key: KeyLike, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer
external fun publicDecrypt(key: RsaPrivateKey, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer
external fun publicDecrypt(key: RsaPublicKey, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer

Decrypts buffer with key.buffer was previously encrypted using the corresponding private key, for example using {@link privateEncrypt}.

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external fun publicEncrypt(key: KeyLike, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer
external fun publicEncrypt(key: RsaPrivateKey, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer
external fun publicEncrypt(key: RsaPublicKey, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer

Encrypts the content of buffer with key and returns a new Buffer with encrypted content. The returned data can be decrypted using the corresponding private key, for example using {@link privateDecrypt}.

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external fun randomBytes(size: Number): Buffer

Generates cryptographically strong pseudorandom data. The size argument is a number indicating the number of bytes to generate.

external fun randomBytes(size: Number, callback: (JsError?, buf: Buffer) -> Unit)
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external fun <T : ArrayBufferView> randomFill(buffer: T, callback: (JsError?, buf: T) -> Unit)

This function is similar to {@link randomBytes} but requires the first argument to be a Buffer that will be filled. It also requires that a callback is passed in.

external fun <T : ArrayBufferView> randomFill(buffer: T, offset: Number, callback: (JsError?, buf: T) -> Unit)
external fun <T : ArrayBufferView> randomFill(buffer: T, offset: Number, size: Number, callback: (JsError?, buf: T) -> Unit)
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external fun <T : ArrayBufferView> randomFillSync(buffer: T, offset: Number = definedExternally, size: Number = definedExternally): T

Synchronous version of {@link randomFill}.

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external fun randomInt(max: Number): Double

Return a random integer n such that min <= n < max. This implementation avoids modulo bias.

external fun randomInt(max: Number, callback: (JsError?, value: Double) -> Unit)
external fun randomInt(min: Number, max: Number): Double
external fun randomInt(min: Number, max: Number, callback: (JsError?, value: Double) -> Unit)
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external fun randomUUID(options: RandomUUIDOptions = definedExternally): UUID

Generates a random RFC 4122 version 4 UUID. The UUID is generated using a cryptographic pseudorandom number generator.

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external fun scrypt(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, keylen: Number, callback: (JsError?, derivedKey: Buffer) -> Unit)

Provides an asynchronous scrypt implementation. Scrypt is a password-based key derivation function that is designed to be expensive computationally and memory-wise in order to make brute-force attacks unrewarding.

external fun scrypt(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, keylen: Number, options: ScryptOptions, callback: (JsError?, derivedKey: Buffer) -> Unit)
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external fun scryptSync(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, keylen: Number, options: ScryptOptions = definedExternally): Buffer

Provides a synchronous scrypt implementation. Scrypt is a password-based key derivation function that is designed to be expensive computationally and memory-wise in order to make brute-force attacks unrewarding.

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external fun setEngine(engine: String, flags: Number = definedExternally)

Load and set the engine for some or all OpenSSL functions (selected by flags).

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external fun setFips(bool: Boolean)

Enables the FIPS compliant crypto provider in a FIPS-enabled Node.js build. Throws an error if FIPS mode is not available.

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external fun sign(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike): Buffer
external fun sign(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignJsonWebKeyInput): Buffer
external fun sign(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignKeyObjectInput): Buffer
external fun sign(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignPrivateKeyInput): Buffer

Calculates and returns the signature for data using the given private key and algorithm. If algorithm is null or undefined, then the algorithm is dependent upon the key type (especially Ed25519 and Ed448).

external fun sign(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike, callback: (JsError?, data: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun sign(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignJsonWebKeyInput, callback: (JsError?, data: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun sign(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignKeyObjectInput, callback: (JsError?, data: Buffer) -> Unit)
external fun sign(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignPrivateKeyInput, callback: (JsError?, data: Buffer) -> Unit)
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This function compares the underlying bytes that represent the given ArrayBuffer, TypedArray, or DataView instances using a constant-time algorithm.

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external fun verify(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean
external fun verify(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyJsonWebKeyInput, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean
external fun verify(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyKeyObjectInput, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean
external fun verify(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyPublicKeyInput, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean

Verifies the given signature for data using the given key and algorithm. If algorithm is null or undefined, then the algorithm is dependent upon the key type (especially Ed25519 and Ed448).

external fun verify(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: (JsError?, result: Boolean) -> Unit)
external fun verify(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyJsonWebKeyInput, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: (JsError?, result: Boolean) -> Unit)
external fun verify(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyKeyObjectInput, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: (JsError?, result: Boolean) -> Unit)
external fun verify(algorithm: String?, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyPublicKeyInput, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: (JsError?, result: Boolean) -> Unit)