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constructor(opts: WritableOptions = definedExternally)


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object Companion


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open val _construct: (callback: (JsError?) -> Unit) -> Unit?
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open val _writev: (chunks: Array<WritableWritevChunksItem>, callback: (JsError?) -> Unit) -> Unit?
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open val closed: Boolean

Is true after 'close' has been emitted.

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open var destroyed: Boolean

Is true after writable.destroy() has been called.

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open val errored: JsError?

Returns error if the stream has been destroyed with an error.

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Is true if it is safe to call writable.write(), which means the stream has not been destroyed, errored, or ended.

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open override var writable: Boolean
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Number of times writable.uncork() needs to be called in order to fully uncork the stream.

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Is true after writable.end() has been called. This property does not indicate whether the data has been flushed, for this use writable.writableFinished instead.

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Is set to true immediately before the 'finish' event is emitted.

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Return the value of highWaterMark passed when creating this Writable.

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This property contains the number of bytes (or objects) in the queue ready to be written. The value provides introspection data regarding the status of the highWaterMark.

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Is true if the stream's buffer has been full and stream will emit 'drain'.

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Getter for the property objectMode of a given Writable stream.


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open fun _destroy(error: JsError?, callback: (JsError?) -> Unit)
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open fun _final(callback: (JsError?) -> Unit)
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open fun _write(chunk: Any?, encoding: BufferEncoding, callback: (JsError?) -> Unit)
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open fun addListener(event: Symbol, listener: Function<Unit>)
open fun addListener(event: String, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun addListener(event: WritableEvent.DRAIN, listener: () -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: WritableEvent.ERROR, listener: (JsError) -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: WritableEvent.FINISH, listener: () -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: WritableEvent.PIPE, listener: (src: Readable) -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: WritableEvent.UNPIPE, listener: (src: Readable) -> Unit)

fun addListener(event: WritableEvent.CLOSE, listener: () -> Unit)

Event emitter The defined events on documents including:

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open fun <T : ReadableStream> compose(stream: T, options: StreamComposeOptions = definedExternally): T
open fun <T : ReadableStream> compose(stream: AsyncIterable<T>, options: StreamComposeOptions = definedExternally): T
open fun <T : ReadableStream> compose(stream: JsIterable<T>, options: StreamComposeOptions = definedExternally): T
open fun <T : ReadableStream> compose(stream: ComposeFnParam, options: StreamComposeOptions = definedExternally): T
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open fun cork()

The writable.cork() method forces all written data to be buffered in memory. The buffered data will be flushed when either the {@link uncork} or {@link end} methods are called.

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open fun destroy()

Destroy the stream. Optionally emit an 'error' event, and emit a 'close' event (unless emitClose is set to false). After this call, the writable stream has ended and subsequent calls to write() or end() will result in an ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED error. This is a destructive and immediate way to destroy a stream. Previous calls to write() may not have drained, and may trigger an ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED error. Use end() instead of destroy if data should flush before close, or wait for the 'drain' event before destroying the stream.

open fun destroy(error: JsError)
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open fun emit(event: Symbol, vararg args: Any?): Boolean
open fun emit(event: String, vararg args: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun end(cb: () -> Unit)

Calling the writable.end() method signals that no more data will be written to the Writable. The optional chunk and encoding arguments allow one final additional chunk of data to be written immediately before closing the stream.

open override fun end(data: Uint8Array, cb: () -> Unit)
open fun end(chunk: Any?, cb: () -> Unit = definedExternally)
open override fun end(data: String, cb: () -> Unit)
open fun end(chunk: Any?, encoding: BufferEncoding, cb: () -> Unit = definedExternally)
open override fun end(str: String, encoding: BufferEncoding, cb: () -> Unit)
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Returns an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered listeners. The values in the array are strings or Symbols.

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Returns the current max listener value for the EventEmitter which is either set by emitter.setMaxListeners(n) or defaults to {@link defaultMaxListeners}.

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open fun on(event: Symbol, listener: Function<Unit>)
open fun on(event: String, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun on(event: WritableEvent.CLOSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun on(event: WritableEvent.DRAIN, listener: () -> Unit)
fun on(event: WritableEvent.ERROR, listener: (JsError) -> Unit)
fun on(event: WritableEvent.FINISH, listener: () -> Unit)
fun on(event: WritableEvent.PIPE, listener: (src: Readable) -> Unit)
fun on(event: WritableEvent.UNPIPE, listener: (src: Readable) -> Unit)
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open fun once(event: Symbol, listener: Function<Unit>)
open fun once(event: String, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun once(event: WritableEvent.CLOSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun once(event: WritableEvent.DRAIN, listener: () -> Unit)
fun once(event: WritableEvent.ERROR, listener: (JsError) -> Unit)
fun once(event: WritableEvent.FINISH, listener: () -> Unit)
fun once(event: WritableEvent.PIPE, listener: (src: Readable) -> Unit)
fun once(event: WritableEvent.UNPIPE, listener: (src: Readable) -> Unit)
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fun <T : WritableStream> pipe(destination: T, options: StreamPipeOptions = definedExternally): T
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open fun prependListener(event: Symbol, listener: Function<Unit>)
open fun prependListener(event: String, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun prependListener(event: WritableEvent.CLOSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependListener(event: WritableEvent.DRAIN, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependListener(event: WritableEvent.ERROR, listener: (JsError) -> Unit)
fun prependListener(event: WritableEvent.FINISH, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependListener(event: WritableEvent.PIPE, listener: (src: Readable) -> Unit)
fun prependListener(event: WritableEvent.UNPIPE, listener: (src: Readable) -> Unit)
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open fun prependOnceListener(event: Symbol, listener: Function<Unit>)
open fun prependOnceListener(event: String, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun prependOnceListener(event: WritableEvent.CLOSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependOnceListener(event: WritableEvent.DRAIN, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependOnceListener(event: WritableEvent.FINISH, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependOnceListener(event: WritableEvent.PIPE, listener: (src: Readable) -> Unit)
fun prependOnceListener(event: WritableEvent.UNPIPE, listener: (src: Readable) -> Unit)
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open fun removeListener(event: Symbol, listener: Function<Unit>)
open fun removeListener(event: String, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun removeListener(event: WritableEvent.CLOSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: WritableEvent.DRAIN, listener: () -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: WritableEvent.ERROR, listener: (JsError) -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: WritableEvent.FINISH, listener: () -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: WritableEvent.PIPE, listener: (src: Readable) -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: WritableEvent.UNPIPE, listener: (src: Readable) -> Unit)
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The writable.setDefaultEncoding() method sets the default encoding for a Writable stream.

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By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are added for a particular event. This is a useful default that helps finding memory leaks. The emitter.setMaxListeners() method allows the limit to be modified for this specific EventEmitter instance. The value can be set to Infinity (or 0) to indicate an unlimited number of listeners.

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open fun uncork()

The writable.uncork() method flushes all data buffered since {@link cork} was called.

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open override fun write(buffer: Uint8Array, cb: (JsError?) -> Unit): Boolean
open override fun write(buffer: String, cb: (JsError?) -> Unit): Boolean
open fun write(chunk: Any?, encoding: BufferEncoding, callback: (JsError?) -> Unit = definedExternally): Boolean
open override fun write(str: String, encoding: BufferEncoding, cb: (JsError?) -> Unit): Boolean

open fun write(chunk: Any?, callback: (JsError?) -> Unit = definedExternally): Boolean

The writable.write() method writes some data to the stream, and calls the supplied callback once the data has been fully handled. If an error occurs, the callback will be called with the error as its first argument. The callback is called asynchronously and before 'error' is emitted.