Package-level declarations


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sealed external interface ArrayOptions
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typealias ComposeFnParam = (source: Any?) -> Unit
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open external class Duplex

Duplex streams are streams that implement both the Readable and Writable interfaces.

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sealed external interface DuplexEvent
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sealed external interface DuplexFromWebDuplexStream
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sealed external interface DuplexOptions : ReadableOptions, WritableOptions
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sealed external interface DuplexToWebResult
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sealed external interface FinishedOptions : Abortable
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external class PassThrough : Transform

The stream.PassThrough class is a trivial implementation of a Transform stream that simply passes the input bytes across to the output. Its purpose is primarily for examples and testing, but there are some use cases where stream.PassThrough is useful as a building block for novel sorts of streams.

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sealed external interface Pipe
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typealias PipelineCallback<S> = Any
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typealias PipelineDestination<S, P> = Any
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sealed external interface PipelineOptions
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typealias PipelinePromise<S> = Promise<*>
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typealias PipelineSource<T> = Any
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typealias PipelineSourceFunction<T> = () -> Any
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typealias PipelineTransform<S, U> = Any
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open external class Readable : Stream, ReadableStream
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sealed external interface ReadableBaseIteratorOptions
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sealed external interface ReadableEvent
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sealed external interface ReadableOptions : StreamOptions<Stream>
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open external class Stream : EventEmitter
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sealed external interface StreamComposeOptions
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sealed external interface StreamOptions<T : Stream> : Abortable
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sealed external interface StreamPipeOptions
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open external class Transform : Duplex

Transform streams are Duplex streams where the output is in some way related to the input. Like all Duplex streams, Transform streams implement both the Readable and Writable interfaces.

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typealias TransformCallback = (error: JsError?, data: Any?) -> Unit
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external interface TransformOptions : DuplexOptions
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open external class Writable : Stream, WritableStream
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sealed external interface WritableEvent
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sealed external interface WritableOptions : StreamOptions<Stream>
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sealed external interface WritableOptionsWritevChunksItem
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sealed external interface WritableWritevChunksItem


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external val consumers: Any
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external val promises: Any


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external fun <T : Stream> addAbortSignal(signal: AbortSignal, stream: T): T

A stream to attach a signal to.

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external fun finished(stream: ReadWriteStream, callback: (err: ErrnoException?) -> Unit): () -> Unit
suspend fun finished(stream: ReadWriteStream, options: FinishedOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
external fun finished(stream: ReadableStream, callback: (err: ErrnoException?) -> Unit): () -> Unit
suspend fun finished(stream: ReadableStream, options: FinishedOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
external fun finished(stream: WritableStream, callback: (err: ErrnoException?) -> Unit): () -> Unit
suspend fun finished(stream: WritableStream, options: FinishedOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void

external fun finished(stream: ReadWriteStream, options: FinishedOptions, callback: (err: ErrnoException?) -> Unit): () -> Unit
external fun finished(stream: ReadableStream, options: FinishedOptions, callback: (err: ErrnoException?) -> Unit): () -> Unit
external fun finished(stream: WritableStream, options: FinishedOptions, callback: (err: ErrnoException?) -> Unit): () -> Unit

A readable and/or writable stream/webstream.

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external fun finishedAsync(stream: ReadWriteStream, options: FinishedOptions = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun finishedAsync(stream: ReadableStream, options: FinishedOptions = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun finishedAsync(stream: WritableStream, options: FinishedOptions = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
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external fun getDefaultHighWaterMark(objectMode: Boolean): Double

Returns the default highWaterMark used by streams. Defaults to 65536 (64 KiB), or 16 for objectMode.

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external fun isErrored(stream: ReadableStream): Boolean
external fun isErrored(stream: WritableStream): Boolean
external fun isErrored(stream: Readable): Boolean
external fun isErrored(stream: Writable): Boolean

Returns whether the stream has encountered an error.

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external fun isReadable(stream: ReadableStream): Boolean
external fun isReadable(stream: Readable): Boolean

Returns whether the stream is readable.

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external fun pipeline(streams: ReadonlyArray<Any>, callback: (err: ErrnoException?) -> Unit): WritableStream
suspend fun pipeline(streams: ReadonlyArray<Any>, options: PipelineOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<A, Any?>> pipeline(source: A, destination: B, options: PipelineOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Any?
suspend fun pipeline(stream1: ReadableStream, stream2: ReadWriteStream, vararg streams: Any): Void
suspend fun pipeline(stream1: ReadableStream, stream2: WritableStream, vararg streams: Any): Void
external fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, T1 : PipelineTransform<A, Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<T1, Any?>> pipeline(source: A, transform1: T1, destination: B, callback: PipelineCallback<B>): Any
suspend fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, T1 : PipelineTransform<A, Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<T1, Any?>> pipeline(source: A, transform1: T1, destination: B, options: PipelineOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Any?
external fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, T1 : PipelineTransform<A, Any?>, T2 : PipelineTransform<T1, Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<T2, Any?>> pipeline(source: A, transform1: T1, transform2: T2, destination: B, callback: PipelineCallback<B>): Any
suspend fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, T1 : PipelineTransform<A, Any?>, T2 : PipelineTransform<T1, Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<T2, Any?>> pipeline(source: A, transform1: T1, transform2: T2, destination: B, options: PipelineOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Any?
external fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, T1 : PipelineTransform<A, Any?>, T2 : PipelineTransform<T1, Any?>, T3 : PipelineTransform<T2, Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<T3, Any?>> pipeline(source: A, transform1: T1, transform2: T2, transform3: T3, destination: B, callback: PipelineCallback<B>): Any
suspend fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, T1 : PipelineTransform<A, Any?>, T2 : PipelineTransform<T1, Any?>, T3 : PipelineTransform<T2, Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<T3, Any?>> pipeline(source: A, transform1: T1, transform2: T2, transform3: T3, destination: B, options: PipelineOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Any?
external fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, T1 : PipelineTransform<A, Any?>, T2 : PipelineTransform<T1, Any?>, T3 : PipelineTransform<T2, Any?>, T4 : PipelineTransform<T3, Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<T4, Any?>> pipeline(source: A, transform1: T1, transform2: T2, transform3: T3, transform4: T4, destination: B, callback: PipelineCallback<B>): Any
suspend fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, T1 : PipelineTransform<A, Any?>, T2 : PipelineTransform<T1, Any?>, T3 : PipelineTransform<T2, Any?>, T4 : PipelineTransform<T3, Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<T4, Any?>> pipeline(source: A, transform1: T1, transform2: T2, transform3: T3, transform4: T4, destination: B, options: PipelineOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Any?

external fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<A, Any?>> pipeline(source: A, destination: B, callback: PipelineCallback<B>): Any

A module method to pipe between streams and generators forwarding errors and properly cleaning up and provide a callback when the pipeline is complete.

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external fun pipelineAsync(streams: ReadonlyArray<Any>, options: PipelineOptions = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<A, Any?>> pipelineAsync(source: A, destination: B, options: PipelineOptions = definedExternally): PipelinePromise<B>
external fun pipelineAsync(stream1: ReadableStream, stream2: ReadWriteStream, vararg streams: Any): Promise<Void>
external fun pipelineAsync(stream1: ReadableStream, stream2: WritableStream, vararg streams: Any): Promise<Void>
external fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, T1 : PipelineTransform<A, Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<T1, Any?>> pipelineAsync(source: A, transform1: T1, destination: B, options: PipelineOptions = definedExternally): PipelinePromise<B>
external fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, T1 : PipelineTransform<A, Any?>, T2 : PipelineTransform<T1, Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<T2, Any?>> pipelineAsync(source: A, transform1: T1, transform2: T2, destination: B, options: PipelineOptions = definedExternally): PipelinePromise<B>
external fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, T1 : PipelineTransform<A, Any?>, T2 : PipelineTransform<T1, Any?>, T3 : PipelineTransform<T2, Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<T3, Any?>> pipelineAsync(source: A, transform1: T1, transform2: T2, transform3: T3, destination: B, options: PipelineOptions = definedExternally): PipelinePromise<B>
external fun <A : PipelineSource<Any?>, T1 : PipelineTransform<A, Any?>, T2 : PipelineTransform<T1, Any?>, T3 : PipelineTransform<T2, Any?>, T4 : PipelineTransform<T3, Any?>, B : PipelineDestination<T4, Any?>> pipelineAsync(source: A, transform1: T1, transform2: T2, transform3: T3, transform4: T4, destination: B, options: PipelineOptions = definedExternally): PipelinePromise<B>
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external fun setDefaultHighWaterMark(objectMode: Boolean, value: Number)

Sets the default highWaterMark used by streams.