

Link copied to clipboard
constructor(options: BrowserWindowConstructorOptions = definedExternally)



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object Companion


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A string property that defines an alternative title provided only to accessibility tools such as screen readers. This string is not directly visible to users.

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A boolean property that determines whether the window menu bar should hide itself automatically. Once set, the menu bar will only show when users press the single Alt key.

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A boolean property that determines whether the window can be manually closed by user.

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A boolean property that specifies whether the window’s document has been edited.

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A boolean property that determines whether the window is excluded from the application’s Windows menu. false by default.

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A boolean property that determines whether the window is focusable.

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A boolean property that determines whether the window is in fullscreen mode.

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A boolean property that determines whether the maximize/zoom window button toggles fullscreen mode or maximizes the window.

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val id: Double

A Integer property representing the unique ID of the window. Each ID is unique among all BrowserWindow instances of the entire Electron application.

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A boolean property that determines whether the window is in kiosk mode.

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A boolean property that determines whether the window can be manually maximized by user.

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A boolean property that determines whether the menu bar should be visible.

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A boolean property that determines whether the window can be manually minimized by user.

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A boolean property that determines Whether the window can be moved by user.

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A string property that determines the pathname of the file the window represents, and the icon of the file will show in window's title bar.

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A boolean property that determines whether the window can be manually resized by user.

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A boolean property that determines whether the window has a shadow.

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A boolean property that determines whether the window is in simple (pre-Lion) fullscreen mode.

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A string (optional) property that is equal to the tabbingIdentifier passed to the BrowserWindow constructor or undefined if none was set.

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A string property that determines the title of the native window.

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A boolean property that determines whether the window is visible on all workspaces.

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A WebContents object this window owns. All web page related events and operations will be done via it.


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fun addBrowserView(browserView: BrowserView)

Replacement API for setBrowserView supporting work with multi browser views.

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fun addListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.ALWAYS_ON_TOP_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>, isAlwaysOnTop: Boolean) -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.APP_COMMAND, listener: (event: Event<*>, command: String) -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.CLOSE, listener: (event: Event<*>) -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.PAGE_TITLE_UPDATED, listener: (event: Event<*>, title: String, explicitSet: Boolean) -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.ROTATE_GESTURE, listener: (event: Event<*>, rotation: Double) -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SWIPE, listener: (event: Event<*>, direction: String) -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SYSTEM_CONTEXT_MENU, listener: (event: Event<*>, point: Point) -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.WILL_MOVE, listener: (event: Event<*>, newBounds: Rectangle) -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.WILL_RESIZE, listener: (event: Event<*>, newBounds: Rectangle, details: WillResizeDetails) -> Unit)
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fun addTabbedWindow(browserWindow: BrowserWindow)

Adds a window as a tab on this window, after the tab for the window instance.

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fun blur()

Removes focus from the window.

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fun capturePage(rect: Rectangle = definedExternally, opts: Opts = definedExternally): Promise<NativeImage>

Resolves with a NativeImage

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fun center()

Moves window to the center of the screen.

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fun close()

Try to close the window. This has the same effect as a user manually clicking the close button of the window. The web page may cancel the close though. See the close event.

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Closes the currently open Quick Look panel.

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fun destroy()

Force closing the window, the unload and beforeunload event won't be emitted for the web page, and close event will also not be emitted for this window, but it guarantees the closed event will be emitted.

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fun flashFrame(flag: Boolean)

Starts or stops flashing the window to attract user's attention.

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fun focus()

Focuses on the window.

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Gets the background color of the window in Hex (#RRGGBB) format.

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The bounds of the window as Object.

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The BrowserView attached to win. Returns null if one is not attached. Throws an error if multiple BrowserViews are attached.

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a sorted by z-index array of all BrowserViews that have been attached with addBrowserView or setBrowserView. The top-most BrowserView is the last element of the array.

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All child windows.

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The bounds of the window's client area as Object.

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Contains the window's client area's width and height.

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Contains the window's maximum width and height.

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Window id in the format of DesktopCapturerSource's id. For example "window:1324:0".

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Contains the window's minimum width and height.

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The platform-specific handle of the window.

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Contains the window bounds of the normal state

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between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). On Linux, always returns

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The parent window or null if there is no parent.

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Contains the window's current position.

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The pathname of the file the window represents.

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Contains the window's width and height.

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The title of the native window.

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The custom position for the traffic light buttons in frameless window, null will be returned when there is no custom position.

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Whether the window has a shadow.

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fun hide()

Hides the window.

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fun hookWindowMessage(message: Double, callback: (wParam: Buffer, lParam: Buffer) -> Unit)

Hooks a windows message. The callback is called when the message is received in the WndProc.

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Invalidates the window shadow so that it is recomputed based on the current window shape.

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Whether the window is always on top of other windows.

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Whether the window can be manually closed by user.

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Whether the window is destroyed.

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Whether the window's document has been edited.

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whether the window is enabled.

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Whether the window can be focused.

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Whether the window is focused.

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Whether the window is in fullscreen mode.

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Whether the maximize/zoom window button toggles fullscreen mode or maximizes the window.

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Whether the window will be hidden when the user toggles into mission control.

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Whether the window is in kiosk mode.

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Whether the window can be manually maximized by user.

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Whether the window is maximized.

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Whether menu bar automatically hides itself.

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Whether the menu bar is visible.

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Whether the window can be manually minimized by the user.

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Whether the window is minimized.

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Whether current window is a modal window.

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Whether the window can be moved by user.

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Whether the window is in normal state (not maximized, not minimized, not in fullscreen mode).

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Whether the window can be manually resized by the user.

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Whether the window is in simple (pre-Lion) fullscreen mode.

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Whether the window is in Windows 10 tablet mode.

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Whether the window is visible to the user in the foreground of the app.

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Whether the window is visible on all workspaces.

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true or false depending on whether the message is hooked.

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fun loadFile(filePath: String, options: LoadFileOptions = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

the promise will resolve when the page has finished loading (see did-finish-load), and rejects if the page fails to load (see did-fail-load).

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fun loadURL(url: String, options: LoadURLOptions = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

the promise will resolve when the page has finished loading (see did-finish-load), and rejects if the page fails to load (see did-fail-load).

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fun maximize()

Maximizes the window. This will also show (but not focus) the window if it isn't being displayed already.

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Merges all windows into one window with multiple tabs when native tabs are enabled and there is more than one open window.

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fun minimize()

Minimizes the window. On some platforms the minimized window will be shown in the Dock.

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fun moveAbove(mediaSourceId: String)

Moves window above the source window in the sense of z-order. If the mediaSourceId is not of type window or if the window does not exist then this method throws an error.

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Moves the current tab into a new window if native tabs are enabled and there is more than one tab in the current window.

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fun moveTop()

Moves window to top(z-order) regardless of focus

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fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.ALWAYS_ON_TOP_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>, isAlwaysOnTop: Boolean) -> Unit)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.APP_COMMAND, listener: (event: Event<*>, command: String) -> Unit)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.BLUR, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.CLOSE, listener: (event: Event<*>) -> Unit)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.CLOSED, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.FOCUS, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.HIDE, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.MOVE, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.MOVED, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.PAGE_TITLE_UPDATED, listener: (event: Event<*>, title: String, explicitSet: Boolean) -> Unit)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.RESIZE, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.ROTATE_GESTURE, listener: (event: Event<*>, rotation: Double) -> Unit)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SHOW, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SWIPE, listener: (event: Event<*>, direction: String) -> Unit)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SYSTEM_CONTEXT_MENU, listener: (event: Event<*>, point: Point) -> Unit)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.WILL_MOVE, listener: (event: Event<*>, newBounds: Rectangle) -> Unit)
fun off(event: BrowserWindowEvent.WILL_RESIZE, listener: (event: Event<*>, newBounds: Rectangle, details: WillResizeDetails) -> Unit)
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fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.ALWAYS_ON_TOP_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>, isAlwaysOnTop: Boolean) -> Unit)

Emitted when the window is set or unset to show always on top of other windows.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.APP_COMMAND, listener: (event: Event<*>, command: String) -> Unit)

Emitted when an App Command is invoked. These are typically related to keyboard media keys or browser commands, as well as the "Back" button built into some mice on Windows.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.BLUR, listener: Function<Unit>)

Emitted when the window loses focus.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.CLOSE, listener: (event: Event<*>) -> Unit)

Emitted when the window is going to be closed. It's emitted before the beforeunload and unload event of the DOM. Calling event.preventDefault() will cancel the close.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.CLOSED, listener: Function<Unit>)

Emitted when the window is closed. After you have received this event you should remove the reference to the window and avoid using it any more.

Emitted when the window enters a full-screen state.

Emitted when the window enters a full-screen state triggered by HTML API.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.FOCUS, listener: Function<Unit>)

Emitted when the window gains focus.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.HIDE, listener: Function<Unit>)

Emitted when the window is hidden.

Emitted when the window leaves a full-screen state.

Emitted when the window leaves a full-screen state triggered by HTML API.

Emitted when window is maximized.

Emitted when the window is minimized.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.MOVE, listener: Function<Unit>)

Emitted when the window is being moved to a new position.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.MOVED, listener: Function<Unit>)

Emitted once when the window is moved to a new position.

Emitted when the native new tab button is clicked.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.PAGE_TITLE_UPDATED, listener: (event: Event<*>, title: String, explicitSet: Boolean) -> Unit)

Emitted when the document changed its title, calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the native window's title from changing. explicitSet is false when title is synthesized from file URL.

Emitted when the web page has been rendered (while not being shown) and window can be displayed without a visual flash.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.RESIZE, listener: Function<Unit>)

Emitted after the window has been resized.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.RESIZED, listener: Function<Unit>)

Emitted once when the window has finished being resized.

Emitted when the unresponsive web page becomes responsive again.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.RESTORE, listener: Function<Unit>)

Emitted when the window is restored from a minimized state.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.ROTATE_GESTURE, listener: (event: Event<*>, rotation: Double) -> Unit)

Emitted on trackpad rotation gesture. Continually emitted until rotation gesture is ended. The rotation value on each emission is the angle in degrees rotated since the last emission. The last emitted event upon a rotation gesture will always be of value 0. Counter-clockwise rotation values are positive, while clockwise ones are negative.

Emitted when window session is going to end due to force shutdown or machine restart or session log off.

Emitted when the window opens a sheet.

Emitted when the window has closed a sheet.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SHOW, listener: Function<Unit>)

Emitted when the window is shown.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SWIPE, listener: (event: Event<*>, direction: String) -> Unit)

Emitted on 3-finger swipe. Possible directions are up, right, down, left.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SYSTEM_CONTEXT_MENU, listener: (event: Event<*>, point: Point) -> Unit)

Emitted when the system context menu is triggered on the window, this is normally only triggered when the user right clicks on the non-client area of your window. This is the window titlebar or any area you have declared as -webkit-app-region: drag in a frameless window.

Emitted when the window exits from a maximized state.

Emitted when the web page becomes unresponsive.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.WILL_MOVE, listener: (event: Event<*>, newBounds: Rectangle) -> Unit)

Emitted before the window is moved. On Windows, calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the window from being moved.

fun on(event: BrowserWindowEvent.WILL_RESIZE, listener: (event: Event<*>, newBounds: Rectangle, details: WillResizeDetails) -> Unit)

Emitted before the window is resized. Calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the window from being resized.

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fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.ALWAYS_ON_TOP_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>, isAlwaysOnTop: Boolean) -> Unit)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.APP_COMMAND, listener: (event: Event<*>, command: String) -> Unit)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.BLUR, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.CLOSE, listener: (event: Event<*>) -> Unit)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.FOCUS, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.HIDE, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.MOVE, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.MOVED, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.PAGE_TITLE_UPDATED, listener: (event: Event<*>, title: String, explicitSet: Boolean) -> Unit)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.ROTATE_GESTURE, listener: (event: Event<*>, rotation: Double) -> Unit)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SHOW, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SWIPE, listener: (event: Event<*>, direction: String) -> Unit)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SYSTEM_CONTEXT_MENU, listener: (event: Event<*>, point: Point) -> Unit)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.WILL_MOVE, listener: (event: Event<*>, newBounds: Rectangle) -> Unit)
fun once(event: BrowserWindowEvent.WILL_RESIZE, listener: (event: Event<*>, newBounds: Rectangle, details: WillResizeDetails) -> Unit)
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fun previewFile(path: String, displayName: String = definedExternally)

Uses Quick Look to preview a file at a given path.

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fun reload()

Same as webContents.reload.

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fun removeBrowserView(browserView: BrowserView)
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fun removeListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.ALWAYS_ON_TOP_CHANGED, listener: (event: Event<*>, isAlwaysOnTop: Boolean) -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.APP_COMMAND, listener: (event: Event<*>, command: String) -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.CLOSE, listener: (event: Event<*>) -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.PAGE_TITLE_UPDATED, listener: (event: Event<*>, title: String, explicitSet: Boolean) -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.ROTATE_GESTURE, listener: (event: Event<*>, rotation: Double) -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SWIPE, listener: (event: Event<*>, direction: String) -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.SYSTEM_CONTEXT_MENU, listener: (event: Event<*>, point: Point) -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.WILL_MOVE, listener: (event: Event<*>, newBounds: Rectangle) -> Unit)
fun removeListener(event: BrowserWindowEvent.WILL_RESIZE, listener: (event: Event<*>, newBounds: Rectangle, details: WillResizeDetails) -> Unit)
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Remove the window's menu bar.

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fun restore()

Restores the window from minimized state to its previous state.

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Selects the next tab when native tabs are enabled and there are other tabs in the window.

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Selects the previous tab when native tabs are enabled and there are other tabs in the window.

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fun setAlwaysOnTop(flag: Boolean, level: BrowserWindowSetAlwaysOnTopLevel = definedExternally, relativeLevel: Double = definedExternally)

Sets whether the window should show always on top of other windows. After setting this, the window is still a normal window, not a toolbox window which can not be focused on.

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Sets the properties for the window's taskbar button.

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fun setAspectRatio(aspectRatio: Double, extraSize: Size = definedExternally)

This will make a window maintain an aspect ratio. The extra size allows a developer to have space, specified in pixels, not included within the aspect ratio calculations. This API already takes into account the difference between a window's size and its content size.

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fun setAutoHideCursor(autoHide: Boolean)

Controls whether to hide cursor when typing.

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Sets whether the window menu bar should hide itself automatically. Once set the menu bar will only show when users press the single Alt key.

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fun setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor: String)

Examples of valid backgroundColor values:

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This method sets the browser window's system-drawn background material, including behind the non-client area.

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fun setBounds(bounds: Rectangle, animate: Boolean = definedExternally)

Resizes and moves the window to the supplied bounds. Any properties that are not supplied will default to their current values.

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fun setBrowserView(browserView: BrowserView?)
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fun setClosable(closable: Boolean)

Sets whether the window can be manually closed by user. On Linux does nothing.

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fun setContentBounds(bounds: Rectangle, animate: Boolean = definedExternally)

Resizes and moves the window's client area (e.g. the web page) to the supplied bounds.

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Prevents the window contents from being captured by other apps.

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fun setContentSize(width: Double, height: Double, animate: Boolean = definedExternally)

Resizes the window's client area (e.g. the web page) to width and height.

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Specifies whether the window’s document has been edited, and the icon in title bar will become gray when set to true.

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fun setEnabled(enable: Boolean)

Disable or enable the window.

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fun setFocusable(focusable: Boolean)

Changes whether the window can be focused.

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Sets whether the window should be in fullscreen mode.

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fun setFullScreenable(fullscreenable: Boolean)

Sets whether the maximize/zoom window button toggles fullscreen mode or maximizes the window.

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fun setHasShadow(hasShadow: Boolean)

Sets whether the window should have a shadow.

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Sets whether the window will be hidden when the user toggles into mission control.

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fun setIcon(icon: NativeImage)
fun setIcon(icon: String)

Changes window icon.

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fun setIgnoreMouseEvents(ignore: Boolean, options: IgnoreMouseEventsOptions = definedExternally)

Makes the window ignore all mouse events.

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fun setKiosk(flag: Boolean)

Enters or leaves kiosk mode.

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fun setMaximizable(maximizable: Boolean)

Sets whether the window can be manually maximized by user. On Linux does nothing.

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fun setMaximumSize(width: Double, height: Double)

Sets the maximum size of window to width and height.

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fun setMenu(menu: Menu?)

Sets the menu as the window's menu bar.

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Sets whether the menu bar should be visible. If the menu bar is auto-hide, users can still bring up the menu bar by pressing the single Alt key.

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fun setMinimizable(minimizable: Boolean)

Sets whether the window can be manually minimized by user. On Linux does nothing.

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fun setMinimumSize(width: Double, height: Double)

Sets the minimum size of window to width and height.

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fun setMovable(movable: Boolean)

Sets whether the window can be moved by user. On Linux does nothing.

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fun setOpacity(opacity: Double)

Sets the opacity of the window. On Linux, does nothing. Out of bound number values are clamped to the 0, 1 range.

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fun setOverlayIcon(overlay: NativeImage?, description: String)

Sets a 16 x 16 pixel overlay onto the current taskbar icon, usually used to convey some sort of application status or to passively notify the user.

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Sets parent as current window's parent window, passing null will turn current window into a top-level window.

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fun setPosition(x: Double, y: Double, animate: Boolean = definedExternally)

Moves window to x and y.

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fun setProgressBar(progress: Double, options: ProgressBarOptions = definedExternally)

Sets progress value in progress bar. Valid range is 0, 1.0.

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Sets the pathname of the file the window represents, and the icon of the file will show in window's title bar.

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fun setResizable(resizable: Boolean)

Sets whether the window can be manually resized by the user.

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Setting a window shape determines the area within the window where the system permits drawing and user interaction. Outside of the given region, no pixels will be drawn and no mouse events will be registered. Mouse events outside of the region will not be received by that window, but will fall through to whatever is behind the window.

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fun setSheetOffset(offsetY: Double, offsetX: Double = definedExternally)

Changes the attachment point for sheets on macOS. By default, sheets are attached just below the window frame, but you may want to display them beneath a HTML-rendered toolbar. For example:

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Enters or leaves simple fullscreen mode.

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fun setSize(width: Double, height: Double, animate: Boolean = definedExternally)

Resizes the window to width and height. If width or height are below any set minimum size constraints the window will snap to its minimum size.

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Makes the window not show in the taskbar.

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Whether the buttons were added successfully

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Sets the region of the window to show as the thumbnail image displayed when hovering over the window in the taskbar. You can reset the thumbnail to be the entire window by specifying an empty region: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }.

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Sets the toolTip that is displayed when hovering over the window thumbnail in the taskbar.

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fun setTitle(title: String)

Changes the title of native window to title.

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On a Window with Window Controls Overlay already enabled, this method updates the style of the title bar overlay.

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fun setTopBrowserView(browserView: BrowserView)

Raises browserView above other BrowserViews attached to win. Throws an error if browserView is not attached to win.

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fun setTouchBar(touchBar: TouchBar?)

Sets the touchBar layout for the current window. Specifying null or undefined clears the touch bar. This method only has an effect if the machine has a touch bar.

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Adds a vibrancy effect to the browser window. Passing null or an empty string will remove the vibrancy effect on the window.

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fun setVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(visible: Boolean, options: VisibleOnAllWorkspacesOptions = definedExternally)

Sets whether the window should be visible on all workspaces.

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Set a custom position for the traffic light buttons in frameless window. Passing null will reset the position to default.

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Sets whether the window traffic light buttons should be visible.

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fun show()

Shows and gives focus to the window.

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Shows or hides the tab overview when native tabs are enabled.

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Same as webContents.showDefinitionForSelection().

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Shows the window but doesn't focus on it.

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Toggles the visibility of the tab bar if native tabs are enabled and there is only one tab in the current window.

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Unhooks all of the window messages.

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Unhook the window message.

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Unmaximizes the window.