
fun setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor: String)(source)

Examples of valid backgroundColor values:

  • Hex

  • #fff (shorthand RGB)

  • #ffff (shorthand ARGB)

  • #ffffff (RGB)

  • #ffffffff (ARGB)

  • RGB

  • rgb((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+))

    • e.g. rgb(255, 255, 255)

  • RGBA

  • rgba((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d.+))

    • e.g. rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)

  • HSL

  • hsl((-?\d.+),\s*(\d.+)%,\s*(\d.+)%)

    • e.g. hsl(200, 20%, 50%)

  • HSLA

  • hsla((-?\d.+),\s*(\d.+)%,\s*(\d.+)%,\s*(\d.+))

    • e.g. hsla(200, 20%, 50%, 0.5)

  • Color name

  • Options are listed in SkParseColor.cpp

  • Similar to CSS Color Module Level 3 keywords, but case-sensitive.

    • e.g. blueviolet or red

Sets the background color of the window. See Setting backgroundColor.