
external class EllipsoidGeodesic(val start: Cartographic = definedExternally, val end: Cartographic = definedExternally, val ellipsoid: Ellipsoid = definedExternally)(source)

Initializes a geodesic on the ellipsoid connecting the two provided planetodetic points.

See also


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constructor(start: Cartographic = definedExternally, end: Cartographic = definedExternally, ellipsoid: Ellipsoid = definedExternally)


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The ellipsoid on which the geodesic lies. Default value - Ellipsoid.default

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The final planetodetic point on the path.

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Gets the heading at the final point.

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The initial planetodetic point on the path.

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Gets the heading at the initial point.

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Gets the surface distance between the start and end point


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fun interpolateUsingFraction(fraction: Double, result: Cartographic? = definedExternally): Cartographic

Provides the location of a point at the indicated portion along the geodesic.

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fun interpolateUsingSurfaceDistance(distance: Double, result: Cartographic? = definedExternally): Cartographic

Provides the location of a point at the indicated distance along the geodesic.

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Sets the start and end points of the geodesic