
sealed interface ConstructorOptions(source)


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The function that is called when the request is cancelled.

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abstract var priority: Double?

The initial priority of the request. Default value - 0.0

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The function that is called to update the request's priority, which occurs once per frame.

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The function that makes the actual data request.

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abstract var serverKey: String?

A key used to identify the server that a request is going to.

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abstract var throttle: Boolean?

Whether to throttle and prioritize the request. If false, the request will be sent immediately. If true, the request will be throttled and sent based on priority. Default value - false

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abstract var throttleByServer: Boolean?

Whether to throttle the request by server. Default value - false

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abstract var type: RequestType?

The type of request. Default value - RequestType.OTHER

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abstract var url: String?

The url to request.