
external class VoxelCell(source)

A cell from a VoxelPrimitive.

Provides access to properties associated with one cell of a voxel primitive.

Do not construct this directly. Access it through picking using Scene.pickVoxel.

// On left click, display all the properties for a voxel cell in the console log.
handler.setInputAction(function(movement) {
const voxelCell = scene.pickVoxel(movement.position);
if (voxelCell instanceof VoxelCell) {
const propertyIds = voxelCell.getPropertyIds();
const length = propertyIds.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
const propertyId = propertyIds[i];
console.log(`{propertyId}: ${voxelCell.getProperty(propertyId)}`);
}, ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK);



The voxel primitive containing the cell


The index of the tile


The index of the sample within the tile, containing metadata for this cell

See also


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Get a copy of the oriented bounding box containing the cell.

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All objects returned by Scene.pick have a primitive property. This returns the VoxelPrimitive containing the cell.

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Get the sample index of the cell.

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Get the index of the tile containing the cell.


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Returns an array of metadata property names for the feature.

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fun getProperty(name: String): Any

Returns a copy of the value of the metadata in the cell with the given name.

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Returns true if the feature contains this property.