Package-level declarations


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sealed external class Gamepad

This Gamepad API interface defines an individual gamepad or other controller, allowing access to information such as button presses, axis positions, and id.

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sealed external class GamepadButton

An individual button of a gamepad or other controller, allowing access to the current state of different types of buttons available on the control device.

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external interface GamepadEffectParameters
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open external class GamepadEvent(val type: EventType<GamepadEvent>, init: GamepadEventInit) : Event

This Gamepad API interface contains references to gamepads connected to the system, which is what the gamepad events Window.gamepadconnected and Window.gamepaddisconnected are fired in response to.

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external interface GamepadEventInit : EventInit
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sealed external class GamepadEventTypes_deprecated
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sealed external class GamepadHapticActuator

This Gamepad API interface represents hardware in the controller designed to provide haptic feedback to the user (if available), most commonly vibration hardware.

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sealed external interface GamepadHapticEffectType
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sealed external interface GamepadHapticsResult
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sealed external interface GamepadMappingType