
An abstract class for updating geometry entities.

See also


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sealed interface ConstructorOptions


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Gets or sets the ClassificationType Property specifying if this geometry will classify terrain, 3D Tiles, or both when on the ground.

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Gets or sets the DistanceDisplayCondition Property specifying at what distance from the camera that this geometry will be displayed.

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Gets the entity associated with this geometry.

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Gets a value indicating if the geometry has a fill component.

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Gets the material property used to fill the geometry.

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Gets an event that is raised whenever the public properties of this updater change.

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Gets a value indicating if fill visibility varies with simulation time.

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Gets a value indicating if the geometry has an outline component.

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val id: String

Gets the unique ID associated with this updater

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Gets a value indicating if the geometry is closed. This property is only valid for static geometry.

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Gets a value indicating if the geometry is time-varying.

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Gets the Color property for the geometry outline.

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Gets a value indicating if the geometry has an outline component.

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Gets the constant with of the geometry outline, in pixels. This value is only valid if isDynamic is false.

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Gets the property specifying whether the geometry casts or receives shadows from light sources.


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Creates the geometry instance which represents the fill of the geometry.

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Creates the geometry instance which represents the outline of the geometry.

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fun destroy()

Destroys and resources used by the object. Once an object is destroyed, it should not be used.

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Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.

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Checks if the geometry is filled at the provided time.

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Checks if the geometry is outlined at the provided time.