
(the Worker global scope) is accessible through the self keyword. Some additional global functions, namespaces objects, and constructors, not typically associated with the worker global scope, but available on it, are listed in the JavaScript Reference. See also: Functions available to workers.

MDN Reference


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Returns workerGlobal's WorkerLocation object.

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Returns dedicatedWorkerGlobal's name, i.e. the value given to the Worker constructor. Primarily useful for debugging.

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Returns workerGlobal's WorkerNavigator object.


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fun close()

Aborts dedicatedWorkerGlobal.

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fun postMessage(message: Any?, transfer: ReadonlyArray<Transferable>)

Clones message and transmits it to the Worker object associated with dedicatedWorkerGlobal. transfer can be passed as a list of objects that are to be transferred rather than cloned.

fun postMessage(message: Any?, options: StructuredSerializeOptions = definedExternally)