
external class KmlTour(var name: String, var id: String, var playlist: ReadonlyArray<Any>)(source)

Describes a KmlTour, which uses KmlTourFlyTo, and KmlTourWait to guide the camera to a specified destinations on given time intervals.

See also


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constructor(name: String, id: String, playlist: ReadonlyArray<Any>)


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Event will be called when entry from playlist ends to play.

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Event will be called when entry from playlist starts to play.

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var id: String

id parsed from KML

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name parsed from KML

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array with KmlTourFlyTos and KmlTourWaits

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Index of current entry from playlist

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Event will be called when all playlist entries are played, or tour playback being canceled.

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Event will be called when tour starts to play, before any playlist entry starts to play.


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Add entry to this tour playlist.

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fun play(widget: CesiumWidget, cameraOptions: Any? = definedExternally)

Play this tour.

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fun stop()

Stop curently playing tour.