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Gets the event that is raised whenever the definition of this property changes. The definition is considered to have changed if a call to getValue would return a different result for the same time.

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Gets a value indicating if this property is constant. A property is considered constant if getValue always returns the same result for the current definition.

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Gets or sets the Quaternion Property specifying the (x, y, z, w) rotation to apply to the node.

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Gets or sets the Cartesian3 Property specifying the (x, y, z) scaling to apply to the node.

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Gets or sets the Cartesian3 Property specifying the (x, y, z) translation to apply to the node.


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fun getValue(time: JulianDate? = definedExternally, result: TranslationRotationScale? = definedExternally): TranslationRotationScale

Gets the value of the property at the provided time.