
external interface ContextMenuParams(source)


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abstract var altText: String

Alt text of the selection that the context menu was invoked on.

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An array of suggested words to show the user to replace the misspelledWord. Only available if there is a misspelled word and spellchecker is enabled.

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abstract var editFlags: EditFlags

These flags indicate whether the renderer believes it is able to perform the corresponding action.

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The source that the context menu was invoked on. Possible values include none, button-button, field-set, input-button, input-checkbox, input-color, input-date, input-datetime-local, input-email, input-file, input-hidden, input-image, input-month, input-number, input-password, input-radio, input-range, input-reset, input-search, input-submit, input-telephone, input-text, input-time, input-url, input-week, output, reset-button, select-list, select-list, select-multiple, select-one, submit-button, and text-area,

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abstract var frame: WebFrameMain

Frame from which the context menu was invoked.

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abstract var frameCharset: String

The character encoding of the frame on which the menu was invoked.

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abstract var frameURL: String

URL of the subframe that the context menu was invoked on.

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Whether the context menu was invoked on an image which has non-empty contents.

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If the context menu was invoked on an input field, the type of that field. Possible values include none, plainText, password, other.

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abstract var isEditable: Boolean

Whether the context is editable.

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abstract var linkText: String

Text associated with the link. May be an empty string if the contents of the link are an image.

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abstract var linkURL: String

URL of the link that encloses the node the context menu was invoked on.

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abstract var mediaFlags: MediaFlags

The flags for the media element the context menu was invoked on.

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Type of the node the context menu was invoked on. Can be none, image, audio, video, canvas, file or plugin.

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Input source that invoked the context menu. Can be none, mouse, keyboard, touch, touchMenu, longPress, longTap, touchHandle, stylus, adjustSelection, or adjustSelectionReset.

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abstract var misspelledWord: String

The misspelled word under the cursor, if any.

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abstract var pageURL: String

URL of the top level page that the context menu was invoked on.

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abstract var referrerPolicy: Referrer

The referrer policy of the frame on which the menu is invoked.

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abstract var selectionRect: Rectangle

Rect representing the coordinates in the document space of the selection.

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Start position of the selection text.

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abstract var selectionText: String

Text of the selection that the context menu was invoked on.

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If the context is editable, whether or not spellchecking is enabled.

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abstract var srcURL: String

Source URL for the element that the context menu was invoked on. Elements with source URLs are images, audio and video.

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Suggested filename to be used when saving file through 'Save Link As' option of context menu.

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abstract var titleText: String

Title text of the selection that the context menu was invoked on.

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abstract var x: Double

x coordinate.

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abstract var y: Double

y coordinate.